Friday, July 26, 2024
Source GuideTales of the JediTV Shows

Star Wars: Tales Source Guide

Episodes – Characters â€“ Vehicles â€“ Planets â€“ Aliens â€“ Droids â€“ Creatures â€“ EquipmentForce Powers

 ERA: The High Republic

 ERA: Fall of the Jedi

 ERA: Reign of the Empire


Season One: Tales of the Jedi

Chronological OrderEpisodeTitleOriginal Airdate
1S01E01 Life and DeathOct 26, 2022
2S01E02 JusticeOct 26, 2022
3S01E03 ChoicesOct 26, 2022
4S01E04 The Sith LordOct 26, 2022
5S01E05 Practice Makes PerfectOct 26, 2022
6S01E06 ResolveOct 26, 2022

Season Two: Tales of the Empire

Chronological OrderEpisodeTitleOriginal Airdate
7S02E01 The Path of FearMay 4, 2024
8S02E02 The Path of AngerMay 4, 2024
9S02E03 The Path of HateMay 4, 2024
10S02E04 DevotedMay 4, 2024
11S02E05 RealizationMay 4, 2024
12S02E06 The Way OutMay 4, 2024


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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Depa-Billaba_TBB_FA.png


Planets / Locations



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Force Powers

PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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