Sunday, September 8, 2024


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Species: Mirialans
Homeworld: Mirial

Attribute Dice: 12D


Move: 10
Size: 1.66 to 1.76 meters tall

Special Abilities:
Flexible and Agile: Mirialans are incredibly flexible and agile gaining a +1D modifier appropriate actions as mediated by the GM. Some possibilities could be acrobatics, athletics, escape bonds, etc

Long Lifespan: Mirialans can live up to 250 years of age.

Story Factors:
Facial Tattoos: Though most members of the species get the traditional facial tattoos, not all do. More traditional Mirialan families feel strongly about the custom. Typically, these tattoos are applied after a Mirialan completes a special task or achievement, and expresses the achievements or expertise unique to each Mirialan.

Spirituality: The Mirialans are known for their spirituality and strong connection with the world around them. They have a natural belief in and practiced a primitive understanding of the Force.

Background: A near-human species, Mirialans are distinguishable by their yellow-green or pink colored skin and geometric facial tattoos. Though typical Mirialans have green or pink-colored skin, some have purple skin. Mirialan hair colors include black and brown, and their eyes can be brown, blue or purple. Mirialans are also incredibly flexible and agile, traits which aid them in activities such as lightsaber combat. As a near-human species, they are capable of reproducing with humans and having human-Mirialan hybrid offspring. Their natural habitat is desert or wastelands.

Though most members of the species get the traditional facial tattoos, not all do. More traditional Mirialan families feel strongly about the custom. Typically, these tattoos are applied after a Mirialan completes a special task or achievement, and the tattoos express the achievements or expertise unique to each Mirialan.

Some Mirialans less appreciative of their species’ traditions consider the tattoos as mere status symbols. Because of their mixed heritage, some half-Mirialans consider the options of either not getting the tattoos or only getting them on one half of their faces.

The Mirialans are known for their spirituality and strong connection with the world around them. They have a natural belief in, and practiced a primitive understanding of, the Force. Because of this, members of the species on Mirial are taught to respect and listen to the Force.

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PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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