Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Antiox Breath Mask

Model: Antiox Breath Mask
Type: Dorin isotopes breath mask
Cost: 2,000 (500 on Dorin)
Availability: 3
Game Notes: Any non-Kel Dor who attempts to breathe trough the mask takes 4D damage. A One year supply of filters for an antiox breath mask costs 50 credits on Dorin and 200 credits elsewhere.

Background: Antiox masks were specialized breath masks worn by members of the Kel Dor species to survive in oxygen-rich atmospheres. They were a special variant of the A99 aquata breather. The patterns on these masks were unique to Kel Dor clans.

Plo Koon and Bo Keevil wore metal masks and goggles as a life-support device to protect their sensitive eyes, lungs, and nostrils from the oxygen-rich atmosphere of Coruscant and other planets when away from their homeworld of Dorin.

PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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