Monday, September 9, 2024


IndexA – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z – #


“Droid: A mechanical and/or electronic construct designed and put into service to assist organic life.” –From the Cybot Galactica Design Team Operations Manual

While the above definition is substantially correct, it does not fully describe what exactly a droid is. A droid is more than a computer that can move under its own power. Often a droid is designed with a personality as complex as that of an organic life form, or with the ability to perform tasks that are too physically demanding for living beings.

Most droids are programmed with an advanced synthetic intelligence, separating them from their pure-ly robotic cousins (non-intellect bearing mechanisms, such as factory assembly robots common on many low-tech worlds). Not all droids have the same complexity of programming, and there is a vast diversity in droid functions, designs and capabilities.

A majority of droids have the common traits of self aware intelligence, locomotion, sensory reception, logic, manipulation and communication, based on the requirements of the manufacturer.

Droids are classified into five degrees, as follows:

• First Degree Droids. Usually utilitarian in disposition, droids of this class are programmed with the physical sciences, medical sciences, or mathematics in mind. First degree droids are usually teamed up with organic counterparts to facilitate the completion of any specific task. The 2-1 B surgical droid is an example of a first degree droid.

• Second Degree Droids. This type of droid is frequently designed for functionality over aesthetics. A second degree unit’s ability is often overlooked by the uninformed, simply because of the droid’s physical appearance. The lack of advanced personality programming on many models adds to this common misconception. Second degree droids are programmed for environmental, engineering, and technical duties as well as applied sciences. Astromech droids–such as the famed R2-series–are second degree droids.

• Third Degree Droids. The most common models to be seen with organic beings are third degree droids. They are designed and programmed with the social sciences in mind, specializing in protocol, translation, organic relations, teaching, diplomatic, and other functions that put them in regular contact with organics. As such, these droids tend to be physically designed in the mold of their makers, or the manufacturer’s intended customer base. Protocol units like the 3PO and Siak-series are classified as third degree droids.

Fourth Degree Droids. Such units are illegal in Most systems. Fourth degree droids are designed for military and security operations. After several accidents involving the design and manufacture of these “mechanical soldiers,” the use of fourth degree droids was prohibited, except for certain models designed for legitimate military use. Although publicly denouncing the use of lethal droids for any operation, the Empire ( as well as several underworld organizations) use fourth degree droids in an assassin capacity. Defense droids, like the G-2RD, are fourth degree droids.

Fifth Degree Droids. Similar to primitive robotic units, fifth degree droids are typically programmed for menial duties such as simple lifting, mining, salvage, transportation, sanitation and waste control. Fifth degree droids generally perform tasks deemed unfit or impossible for organic life. This class of droid is seldom equipped with any advanced knowledge processors, save for those that are required to perform an intended task. Fifth degree droids are the most common (and most affordable) found throughout the galaxy. The BLX-series labor unit is but one of the many fifth degree droids found throughout the galaxy.


At the time of activation, some droids are programmed with basic personality matrices. A droid personality matrix begins with a primary personality
archetype which acts as the basis for a droid’s personality. Over time (and without memory wipes) a droid’s personality will mature and grow, customizing itself to its surroundings. Matrices come in a variety of types, much too many to list in this volume, so when a player is designing a droid, the gamemaster must judge the price and installation difficulty based on how complex of a personality is intended.

There are five basic categories of droid personalities: none, simple, elementary, advanced, and complex:

None. The droid has no need for a personality; it will seldom interact with organics. A droid without a personality matrix may still communicate with both mechanicals and organics; it will simply tend to be cold and mechanical. Many fifth degree droids do not come with standard personality matrices.

Simple. Droids that come off the assembly line with simple personalities are required to be around organic beings only on rare occasion. Personalities of this type can be described in a single word (friendly, ornery, cruel, timid, and so forth). Power droids or some more sophisticated MSE-6s–“mouse droids”–have Simple personality matrices. Programming a simple personality matrix from scratch requires an Moderate (A) droid engineering roll, or a Difficult droid programming roll.

Elementary. Droids with occasional contact with organics are usually programmed with Elementary matrices. (Astromech droids are usually required only to assist a pilot, hence, they typically possess an Elementary matrix.) Programming an Elementary personality matrix from scratch requires a Moderate (A) droid engineering roll or a Difficult droid programming roll.

Advanced. Advanced personalities are installed on droids that need to interact with organics fairly often. The matrix used usually provides for limited intelligent conversation with organics, sometimes limited to simple information transfers and other pleasantries. Only after the droid has aged for some time will the unit display any “depth” of personality. (Medical droids, for example, typically have an Advanced matrix). Programming an Advanced personality matrix from scratch requires a Very Difficult (A) droid engineering roll, or a Heroic droid programming roll.

Complex. The droid’s primary function is to interact with organics regularly. Units that come with this matrix generally seem to be completely sentient. (Protocol droids have Complex matrices, allowing them to engage in dialogue with organics in a manner not unlike another organic being.) Programming a Complex personality matrix from scratch requires a Very Difficult (A) droid engineering roll, or a Heroic droid programming roll.


The true origin of droid technology is unknown. What is known is that droid technology predates Space flight. Droids “evolved” from ancient robotics technology (coupled with the addition of primitive artificial intelligence). Rudimentary skills could be programmed into one of these machines, and the programming would “learn” and enhance itself to fit specific tasks.

As electronics and software compression technology improved, programming a droid with multiple skills became standard practice. Droid technology expanded and units were seen in systems across the Old Republic.

Resentment directed at these units appeared almost immediately. It was widely felt that the use of mechanical intelligence was the cause for massive job loss throughout much of the galaxy. This widespread feeling was not enough to hold technology back, how ever. Sales of droids among the affluent increased, and eventually, droid manufacturers began producing less expensive models for the commercial market.

Once personal-use models became common, engineers began working on developing personality software to make interaction between droids and organics easier. The initial personality designs were primitive; add-on voice modules that mimicked organic speech, and patently fake synthetic skin were perhaps the earliest examples of “droid personality” extras available to the commercial market. Later, intricate matrices were developed allowing a droid to simulate emotions. These matrices developed and learned on their own without assistance from a programmer.

The advantage of a droid possessing a distinct personality was obvious to those in the automata-manufacturing industry: it was easier to sell an item that could assist in selling itself. Many beings found owning something that possessed what could be loosely termed as “artificial sentience” a novelty. ( Early droid manufacturers borrowed heavily from the home pet in-dustry’s marketing campaigns, encouraging consumers to bring a droid “into the family.”)

One disadvantage concerning droid personalities became apparent very quickly: some units–particularly poorly treated or badly maintained droids–developed “anti-social” personalities. Such units were often recalcitrant, performing as ordered but without any distinction. Droids of this kind were either taken back to the manufacturer under warranty, or destroyed by angry owners.

Today, droids fill an unspoken niche in society, performing their daily tasks as ordered. Some notable droids have broken the barrier that forces them into a existence of servitude, proving their worth by acting out on their own (though usually within strict program parameters).

Organic resentment of droid-kind remains deepseated and has not altered a great deal since the days of the Old Republic. Many beings continue to see mechanical intelligence as a threat. Mechanicals are often deprived of entrance into business and leisure establishments (save for, units that are required for their owner’s health or assistance).



While most mechanicals are content to go about their daily tasks without complaint–at least without serious complaint–there have been a number of instances when a droid has gone beyond its programming and committed acts that are illegal. These events have occurred often enough throughout history to prompt many governments (including the Old Republic) to compose a set of governing laws regarding droid ownership and the responsibilities therein.

These laws were originally placed into effect primarily as a safeguard against rogue droids and the organic beings who owned them (notably crime lords and pirates). If a droid committed an illegal act by way of a command from its master, the owner would simply be brought to trial as if he performed the act himself. Early laws in many systems stated that the droid was simply a tool with which the criminal act was performed.

Correspondingly, if a droid committed a minor crime of its own volition (such as illegally parking or maneuvering a conveyance, petty theft or other such misdemeanor), the owner would be ticketed and fined. The courts would admonish the owner to repair whatever malfunction the droid had, and that would typically be the end of the matter. In extreme cases ( destruction of private property, assault, or capital crimes), the droid would be confiscated and destroyed.

Many governments employed highly trained engineers and slicers who could perform the necessary investigations as to the cause of a “rogue” droid’s actions. These beings could readily discover faulty programming, internal hardware glitches, or–by carefully examining the droid’s memory–a criminal command given by the owner. Trials would then be held as would any other “normal” criminal trial. Droids whose owners had been convicted of a crime would be memory-wiped and reprogrammed to factory settings and auctioned off to a new owner, the profits from such an auction used to defray the expense of the trial.


The rise of the Empire did little to alter the basis for what has become known as the “Droid Statutes.” Hidden within the Imperial Penal References compiled by COMPNOR, there is a sub-section detailing infractions as they are related to mechanical beings.


The illegalities listed as Class One are considered to be capital offenses. Considering the basic prejudice against droids in the first place (coupled with their typically subservient role in galactic society), Class One infractions are often kept quiet by Imperial forces to quell any widespread panic that could arise from a droid committing such a horrendous offense.

Punishment for a Class One infraction by COMPNOR standards requires the droid’s owner to be sentenced to imprisonment from five years to life, and also mandates the droid’s destruction.

Class One infractions include, but are not limited to, the following crimes:

• Conspiring to overthrow the Empire.

• Voluntary manslaughter.

• Programming or actions with intent on harming Imperial personnel.

• Programming a droid to engage in espionage activities against the Empire or its citizens.


While still severe crimes, Class Two infractions are less serious than Class One violations. Class Two crimes are common only to larger cities and spaceports and due to the nature of these acts, trials regarding Class Two infractions are often highly publicized.

Class Two infractions include, but are not limited to, the following crimes:

• Involuntary manslaughter.

• Ownership or installation of an illegal weapon within a droid’s chassis. • Illegal programming (SkillWare with an availability rating of “X”).

• Unauthorized espionage programming. Punishment for a Class Two infraction includes confiscation of the droid, as well as imprisonment for five to thirty standard years for the owner (typically in a high-security facility, such as Kessel). In some extreme cases, the droid is destroyed; however, standard practice is to memory wipe and reset the unit’s programming and place it in a public auction.


Class Three infractions are often overlooked by Imperial personnel, which delegates responsibility for policing such crimes to local authorities. Punishment for a Class Three infraction usually includes a heavy fine for the owner (from 1,000 to 5,000 credits), and a mandatory memory wipe and reset for the droid. In some cases the owner has been found criminal and the droid has been impounded for public auction.

Class Three infractions include, but are not limited to, the following crimes:

• Theft in amounts exceeding 10,000 credits standard.

• Ownership or installation of a weapon without a permit.

• Physical assault not concluding with death.


Class four infractions are normally the most common droid-related crimes. Such violations are sometimes overlooked in larger cities and spaceports, though in a more rural area they are typically enforced very strictly.

Punishment for a Class Four infraction includes a modest fine for the owner, from 500 to 3,000 credits standard, and a memory wipe for the droid in question.

Class Four infractions include, but are not limited to, the following crimes:

• Theft in amounts between 5,000 and 10, 000 credits.

• Possession or installation of restricted programming without a permit.

• Property damage (includes other droids).

• Trespassing on droid-restricted property.


The Class Five infractions are the lowest misdemeanor on COMPNOR’s list of ” Droid Statutes.” The simplest of crimes often go unnoticed by many law enforcement officials everywhere. Punishment for a Class Five infraction usually results in a small fine for the owner (100 to 1,000 credits) and a memory wipe for the offending droid.

Class Five infractions include, but are not limited to, the following crimes:

• Theft in amounts up to 5,000 credits standard.

• Verbal assault on an organic being.

• Lack of a restraining bolt or other “leashing” technology.


Though these infractions are the basis of the so-called “Droid Statutes,” enforcement varies widely throughout the galaxy. Some technologically-advanced worlds–like Coruscant or Derilyn–will lighten the punishments for some of the “lesser” crimes as the attention of law enforcement personnel is needed elsewhere. In more-remote areas- -such as Tatooine or Gamorr–any injustice performed by a droid typically wreaks havoc on the local judicial system for months on end. Many planetary militias have even gone so far as to create special branches of law enforcement officers that specialize in droid-related crimes. These groups are not unlike the technicians and slicers employed by the Old Republic; these officers investigate and prosecute crimes that violate the Droid Statutes.

Name: Typical droid enforcement agent

Dexterity 3D
blaster 3D+ 1
blaster: DEMP gun 5D
dodge 4D

Perception 2D+2
search 3D+2

Knowledge 3D+1

Strength 3D

Mechanical 2D
repulsorlift operation 3D

Technical 4D
droid programming 5D+ 1
droid repair 5D
demolitions 4D
security 4D+2

Move: 10.

Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), DEMP carbine (3D ionization damage, 3-25/60/250, ammo: 10)


Because of the mechanical semblance of sentience that many droids possess, a number of “Droid’s Rights” factions have popped up across the galaxy. Most of these organizations are harmless, sending petitions to government officials, marching in protest at droid auctions, and generally behaving in a well meaning (if annoying) manner. There are, however, some groups which have used violence in their struggle to ” emancipate” droids. The droid-terrorist groups have popped up in some of the more-remote systems of the Empire, engaging in a variety of crimes. Some groups are harmless, committing only petty crimes (such as reprogramming a citizen’s droid to recite terrorist slogans). Others are more aggressive, bombing droid manufacturing facilities and committing any number of Class One crimes to further their cause.


The Coalition of Automaton Rights Activists has been around and active for several decades. The Coalition is comprised of several factions (“Grease Lovers,” as their opponents prefer to call them). The Coalition’s leadership is made up of individuals who, for the most part, share a common ideal: that all droids should be accorded the same respect and consideration that is shown to any sentient species of organic origins.

That is not to say that all members of the Coalition share the same ideas about how to express this ideal. One of the more radical organizations–“Olgreen Intelligence Guild” led by Wilam Olgreen–have gone as far as erecting portable energy shields around droid reclamation plants (preventing cargo vessels from making deliveries of rogue or damaged droids). Other leaders–like Bethelia Halvala of “The Symatrum League”–have picketed outside major manufacturing facilities.


The most dangerous of the droid’s rights groups is the MLF. Led by Jarred Sneel, the MLF has plagued many companies over the past three decades. Using hit-and-run tactics, these skilled mercenaries and engineers have managed to inflict severe damage on the plants of Industrial Automaton, Sienar Intelligence Systems, and MerenData, to name just a few.

The MLF typically enters a manufacturing plant covertly, planting detonite bombs in strategic locations. The resulting explosions cause chaos and halt all production for an indeterminate amount of time. This tactic is effective, though not for releasing droids from their “oppressive” captors. Much to Sneel’s dismay, the NewsNets mark this group as being violently opposed to droids, rather than being a group dedicated to the freedom movement. Currently, there is a team of Espos moving secretly against the MLF, and it is believed that this Espo squad illegally operates within the Empire as well as the Corporate Sector. The CSA denies this allegation.

The MLF has many members and they are connected by a large network of agents. Thus far they have been able to avoid major losses at every military confrontation they have been faced with. The Corporate Sector Authority, as well as the Empire, have posted large rewards for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the MLF’s leaders.

Name: Jarred Sneel
Type: Terrorist leader

Blaster 4D
Dodge 3D+1

Tactics 4D+2
Willpower 5D

Repulsorlift Operation 3D+2
Starship Gunnery 3D

Command 7D
Con 5D+1
Hide 6D+2
Sneak 5D


Droid programming 5D
Droid Repair 5D+1
Demolitions 4D+2
Security 3D+2

Background: Jarred Sneel’s background is something of a mystery; there are literally dozens of stories about his past, all of them wildly contradictory. What is known is that Sneel is a male human in his mid 30s, a native of the Corellian system. He is obsessed with droids, mouthing slogans about how “organics must rise up and free droids from their cruel servitude.” Whether or not Sneel truly believes in his cause is unknown; the current CorSec file on the MLF indicates that it may be a front for a Black Sun operation.

Typical MLF Soldier. Dexterity 3D, blaster4D, dodge 3D+2, Knowledge 2D, Mechanical 2D, Perception 3D, search 4D, hide 3D+2, Strength 2D, Technical 3D, droid programming 4D, droid repair 5D+ 1, demolitions 3D+2. Move: 10. Blaster pistol ( 4D), detonite explosive (6D damage, blast radius of 10 meters).


The MLF’s leader, Jarred Sneel, launches a series of bombing attacks on droid plants in an Outer Rim system; unfortunately, one of the droid plants is the site of a Rebel espionage operation. (Several key Rebels are hardwiring espionage routines in droids on the assembly line.)

The player characters are sent by the Alliance to infiltrate the MLF and stop Sneel’s bombing campaign before it damages any other Rebel interests in the sector.

As an alternative, the characters could be local droid enforcement agents (or CorSec officers, or Sector Rangers), sent to prevent any further bombings and end the MLF’s activities. During the investigation, the characters stumble into the true motives of the MLF’s leader: a Black Sun controlled company is supplying the construction equipment to rebuild droid plants destroyed in the bombings. The characters must apprehend Sneel and prove Black Sun’s involvement.


Though not considered a true “Droid’s Rights” group by definition, the Rebel Alliance has put forth a policy of tolerance, for all forms of life (in response to Palpatine’s campaign of intolerance directed at nonhuman species); it would appear that the Alliance’s treatment of mechanicals is an extension of this tolerance.


The player’s characters are told by their Alliance commanders to pick up and protect a new “recruit, ” who is defecting from the Empire. This recruit is actually a servant droid that was owned by an Imperial officer. The droid, either as a result of espionage programming or a faulty memory wipe, has managed to escape Imperial service and wants to deliver information to the Rebellion.

Upon reaching the rendezvous point, the characters attempt to find their “pickup,” most likely looking for an organic, rather than a droid. The droid will try to approach them, but it is being hunted by Imperials and does not wish to get caught.

A variation on this theme involves the Imperial officer: perhaps he wishes to defect, and has sent the droid-laden with military secrets-to the Rebel Alliance to prove his desire to defect is genuine. However, Imperial Intelligence has suspicions about the officer and plans to use the droid to track the Rebels back to their base, as well as exposing the defection. The characters must find the droid, retrieve the data, verify its authenticity, and arrange for the Imperial’s defection … without tipping the Alliance’s hand to the Empire’s spies.


There are several droid manufacturers in the galaxy; some are major corporations with sector-spanning distribution and retail networks, while others are craftsmen and artisans that individually construct droids to order. The following are brief descriptions of some of the key droid producers, and where their products may be found:


A former subsidiary of Industrial Automaton, Accutronics pioneered the marketing of droids to families, typically in a servant or nanny role. While not a major success, Accutronics has raised a few eyebrows among rival corporations; the MK 8001 that Accutronics has introduced is becoming one of the fastest selling droids in the Outer Rim Territories. Accutronics can be found on many planets in the Outer Rim that possess an Imperial class spaceport.


One of the principal suppliers of military droids to the Empire, Arakyd has made a name for itself with the Viper probe droid. Arakyd has only recently begun to sell droids to the commercial market, preferring to handle the needs of larger groups such as the Imperial Navy or the Sector Rangers. Arakyd droids can be found throughout the Core Worlds, but typically require military certification or extremely detailed waivers for purchase.


Once a strong contender in the field of security droids, Aro was wiped out by bad publicity; one of Aro’s droids was used in an assassination attempt in the Corellian system. Still, many of Aro’s designs can be found in surplus auctions and on the Black Market. The company’s founder (and chief designer), Lirran Aro, lives on Selonia (in the Corellian system).


Caldrahlsen Mechanicals was one of the first manufacturers of automata specializing in legal matters. These droids, while initially greeted with skepticism, have become commonplace in the Imperial legal system. Caldrahlsen Mechanicals’ main offices and manufacturing plants are located on Esseles (Darpa sector, in the Core Worlds; for more information on Esseles, see pages 221-224 of The Official Star Wars Adventure Journal, issue seven).


Cybot Galactica is one of the foremost droid manufacturers in the galaxy, famous for its 3P0 line of protocol droids. Not surprisingly, CG is one of the major forces in the Corporate Sector as well as an impressively successful company in the Core Worlds. Cybot Galactica service centers and droid markets can be found in every standard (or better) class spaceport.


Geentech, a small medisensor company, was one of the first manufacturers to produce a surgical droid that was widely successful. Unfortunately, Geentech was run out of business in a cutthroat series of legal battles with the larger Genetech corporation (which claimed Geentech’s name infringed on several Genetech copyrights). It is widely rumored that Genetech won the legal battles after offering the Empire deep discounts and other trade inducements in exchange for a satisfactory verdict, though these allegations have never been substantiated.


One of the largest droid manufacturers, Genetech was originally a pharmaceutical firm. When droid use first became widespread, Genetech executives purchased a small manufacturing facility and automated a significant portion of their operations, hugely increasing corporate profits by trimming employee overhead; Genetech’s droid program was perhaps one of the most hotly controversial business practices of its day and is likely one of the causes of anti-droid sentiment in the Old Republic.

After a particularly virulent hive virus ran its course, Genetech stocks were at an all time low; the companies much vaunted anti-viral serum had failed miserably. However, some of the early Genetech profits had been funnelled into more small droid manufacturing plants. Within a few years-and several lucrative legal battles–Genetech re-tooled and began producing droids for the medical market, and has been showing a huge profit ever since. Genetech droids can be found on most planets with a stellar class (or better) spaceport.


Go-Corp–a manufacturer of automated conveyances– operates within the Corporate Sector and maintains service and manufacturing centers on all CSA planets with a stellar class (or better) spaceport. Go-Corp manufactures the actual conveyance (typically landspeeders and airspeeders) while the subsidiary company, Utilitech, manufactures the droids that control the conveyances. Go-Corp/Utilitech products are not distributed widely outside of the Corporate Sector, though they can occasionally be found on the more civilized planets of the Outer Rim Territories.


Known for high-precision droids, Industrial Automaton is one of the premier droid manufacturers in the galaxy (as evidenced by the highly successful R-series astromechs). IA droids can be purchased on any planet with a standard (or better) class spaceport. IA droids can often be purchased at a discount, since the company is constantly engaged in price wars with its chief competitor: Cybot Galactica.


Kalibac Industries-a small industrial automation firm-has never really found its niche in the galactic droid market. After a series of legal battles with Cybot Galactica, KI is substantially weakened. Kalibac droids are extremely good, however; in fact, many outlaw techs have stolen the designs of several Kalibac Industries’ droids and produced cheap, faulty imitations. Kalibac Industries retains only two manufacturing and retail centers, one on Coruscant and one on Procopia (the capital of Tapani sector).


Les Tech is another relatively small company (currently fighting a takeover attempt by Cybot Galactica) , specializing in exploration droids. Several Les Tech designs have been adopted by the Imperial scouting services (though it appears the bulk of Les Tech’s sales are actually to the Rebel Alliance). Les Tech maintains three manufacturing plants, one located on Coruscant, and the other two on Brentaal. Les Tech designs can be purchased or serviced at virtually all Imperial-class spaceports in the Core Worlds.


Lovolan specializes in high-end droid models, designed for service to the wealthy; Lovolan droids are made from high-quality materials and are often decorated with precious gems and valuable metals. Lovolan has a chain of retail and service centers throughout the Core Worlds, and such outlets can be found on any Core World with an Imperial-class Spaceport.


The manufacturer of the FX-series medical droid, Medtech established itself early on as a major contender in the field of surgical automata. The company has not lived up to its early promise, however; a series of cutbacks and management shakeups have virtually ended the production of new droid designs. Currently, MedTech is downsizing at a rapid rate and only maintains offices and service centers on worlds in the Deep Core.


MerenData–a contributing sponsor to the Corporate Sector Authority–specializes in the manufacture of security systems, interrogation droids and target drones for the military.


A recent addition to the galactic droid market, Publictechnic deals primarily in large, maintenance oriented units for sale to municipal and planetary governments. The main production plant for Publictechnic droids is on Sennatt (near the Bothan colony, Kothlis). The company’s main service center and “droid shop” is also located on Sennatt.


One of the more successful droid companies in the Outer Rim Territories, Rim Securities–based in Portmoak sector–manufactures security, defense and exploration units predominantly. The bulk of Rim Securities’ sales occur in its chain of “DroidMarts,” a string of small service and retail outlets that are scattered throughout Quence, Parmel and Portmoak sectors. Small DroidMarts can be found in this region on any planet with a stellar class (or better) spaceport.


“Roche” is the nickname for the droid-manufacturing program instituted by the insectoid Verpine species; the Verpine refer to their droid-building effort as the “Roche Hive Mechanical Apparatus Design And Construction Activity For Those Who Need The Hive’s Machines.” (Verpine prefer to speak very specifically; most non-Verpine prefer to simplify the concept to “Roche.”)

The Verpine have long been recognized as exceptional starshipwrights, and–due to their love of technology– eventually branched out into droid manufacturing. The early Roche designs were not well received, but later droids are beginning to gain popularity.

Roche designs may be purchased from the Verpine in the Roche system; many Verpine droids have also found a place in the marketplaces of Ithorian herdships.


Serv-O-Droid specializes in the construction of labor automata, work droids and heavy equipment ( such as construction gantries). While it is no longer a viable company–its assets were liquidated and split among the charter members of the Corporate Sector Authority–many Serv-O-Droid units are still functioning. A “remainder house,” dealing in reconditioned Serv-ODroid designs, has recently opened on Elshandruu Pica, and is experiencing a great deal of success.


One of the fastest growing arms of the massive Santhe/Sienar corporation, Sienar Intelligence Systems is competing directly with MerenData and Arakyd for lucrative government contracts. SISmanufactured droids can not be purchased except directly from the company, and only after a thorough background and credit check have been completed.

One of the principal distribution centers of Sienar Intelligence Systems’ products has recently been activated on Corulag, an extension of Santhe/Sienar’s research and development complex near Dammon University. (For more information on Corulag, see The Official Star Wars Adventure Journal, issue seven, pages 214-215.)

Military and law-enforcement personnel are typically the only groups authorized to purchase Sienar droids (though it is believed that some nobles in the Core Worlds and in Tapani Sector have access to SIS hardware).


A specialist firm, TelBrinTel manufactures droids for purely scientific purposes (though these designs often end up in military service). Noted for their high quality workmanship and extreme accuracy, TelBrinTel science droids see use in many universities and military research installations. TelBrinTel maintains service centers, manufacturing plants and dealerships throughout the Core Worlds, and recently began marketing less-expensive models in the Tion Hegemony, the Centrality and the fringes of the Corporate Sector Authority (typically on worlds with a stellar–or better–class spaceport.)


A recent extension of LeisureMech Enterprises–a CSA company that’s droid division specialized in highend luxury droids–Ulban Arms has had a great deal of success with the Class I Defense Droid. Despite the success of this model, Ulban Arms manufactures and sells exclusively within the CSA’s borders; apparently the Class I’s design was procured from within the Empire and any attempt to mass-produce and sell the droid outside of the Corporate Sector will likely provoke Imperial penalties. Currently, the Class I is the only droid-type manufactured by Ulban Arms, though a number of security and commercial droids are in development.


Veril Line Systems specializes in industrial droids– such as the EG-series power droid–and has had tremendous success. VLS’ main offices are on Coruscant (where, incidentally, the IN-series information droid is widely used). VLS droids are available on any world with a stellar class spaceport.


While there are literally millions of places to purchase “stock” droids–Galladinium’s, Ithorian herdships, manufacturer’s outlets, to name a few–some owner’s may wish to have a droid upgraded beyond the manufacturer’s specs … and in some cases such upgrades are illegal. While not sanctioned by the Empire, there are a number of outlaw techs that specialize in droids and droid-related technology. The following are a small sampling of such droid technicians and where they may be found:


Kligson’s Moon–also known as “Droid World”–is generally considered a myth, a tall tale shared by Outer Rim spacers. However, the story is more reality than myth: Kligson’s Moon exists. The “moon” is actually an artificial construct, a hybrid of numerous starship hulls, drive engines, and space station decks, populated exclusively by droids. Kligson–who’s body is almost completely made up of cybernetic replacement parts–refuses to allow any organic life aboard his station. Kligson’s moon is mobile; after an encounter with Rebel agents shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Kligson moved his home and to date, no one has found its new location.


Type: Mobile space platform
Scale: Capital
Length: 800 meters
Crew: 1,000 (droids), gunners: 20, skeleton 20/+15
Crew Skill: Astrogation 9D, capital ship gunnery 7D,
capital ship piloting 5D+2, capital ship shields (6D),
sensors 7D
Passengers: 2,000
Cargo Capacity: 5,000 metric tons
Consumables: 2 years
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x4
Hyperdrive Backup: x10
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1 D
Space: 4
Hull: 5D
Shields: 2D

  • Passive: 40/1D
  • Scan: 80/2D
  • Search: 125/3D
  • Focus: 5/3D+2


30 Turbolaser Batteries
Fire Arc: 7 front, 8 left, 8 right, 7 back
Crew: 2
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 3-15/35/75
Atmosphere Range: 6-30/70/150 km
Damage: 9D

5 Tractor Beam Projectors
Fire Arc: 1 front, 2 left, 2 right
Crew: 3
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-5/15/30
Atmosphere Range: 1-5/15/30 km
Damage: 4D

Background: Kligson’s Moon is the name of a unique mobile space platform, named for its creator. Kligson, a warrior who was wounded during a major battle (reputedly during the Clone Wars, though this has never been verified), built the station as a refuge from organic life; Kligson only allows droids aboard his station. Kligson’s Moon was assembled from a variety of starship hulls, space station components, and capital ship engines. While appearing ungainly, the vehicle is in fact surprisingly strong, possessing substantial shielding and weaponry.

Name: Kligson
Type: Cyborg recluse

Blaster 6D
blaster artillery 5D
brawling parry 5D
dodge 5D
firearms 5D
melee combat 8D
melee parry 8D

Alien species 6D+2
intimidation 5D
languages 5D
planetary systems 5D
planetary systems: Outer Rim Territories 7D
streetwise 6D
survival 5D
tactics 7D
willpower 1OD

Archaic starship piloting 5D
astrogation 10D
capital ship gunnery 7D
capital ship piloting 4D
capital ship piloting: Kligson’s Moon 10D
sensors 8D

Bargain 6D
command 6D
command: droids 11D
con 5D
persuasion 6D

Brawling 5D
climbing/jumping 4D
lifting 6D
stamina 7D

Armor repair 8D
blaster repair 8D
capital starship repair 10D
capital starship weapon repair 10D
computer programming/ repair 9D
droid engineering 9D,
droid programming 8D,
droid repair 8D

Special Abilities:

Cyborg body: Kligson’s body is almost entirely made up of cybernetic parts; as such Kligson requires no food or water. In addition, Kligson receives +2D to Strength to resist physical damage and +1D versus energy damage. Internal Blaster: Kligson has blasters built into his cybernetic hands (damage 5D, range 10 meters, 10 shots).

Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 0
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 27
Move: 10

Background: After receiving grievous injuries during a battle many years ago, Kligson’s damaged body was outfitted with a vast array of cybernetic parts. After witnessing the cruelty that living beings can inflict on each other firsthand, the disenchanted warrior vowed never to interact with organics again. After building a massive space platform out of spare parts, Kligson surrounded himself with droids (typically salvaged from spare-part bins) and hid himself away in an unexplored system. It is rumored that Kligson had a brief encounter with the Empire and the Rebellion, though the specifics of the encounter are not known; after the conflict, Kligson moved his “Droid World” from its home system and has not been seen since.


The search for Kligson’s new location can be the basis for a scout-style campaign; since Kligson knows his way around the Outer Rim Territories, he can be a tremendous source of Information.

In addition, Kligson is a highly gifted engineer and mechanic, capable of repairing or building a vast array of ship components and droids. Characters that need a piece of specialized equipment or a difficult droid modification may find Kligson’s assistance invaluable … if he agrees to help them and if they can find him.

Kligson will not deal with organics, nor will he choose a side in the war against the Empire. He may, however, agree to speak to a character that has cybernetic replacement limbs, though this will take a great deal of persuasion and charm on the part of the player characters. However, one of Droid World’s strictest laws remains in effect: anything Kligson repairs, he keeps.


Omze’s Incredible Travelling Starport is a rather unique space vehicle that jumps-some say randomlyfrom system to system in the Outer Rim Territories. Run by a sly Sludir, Omze’s is a veritable marketplace of hard-to-find services and goods. (For more information on Omze’s Incredible Travelling Starport, see Platt’s Starport Guide, pages 80-96.)

Individuals looking for illegal or restricted droid modifications may find Omze’s useful: Wilam Olgreen (a droids’ rights activist and formerly a design specialist for Industrial Automaton) tends to hawk his dubious wares there.

Name: Wilam Olgreen
Type: Outlaw droid tech

Blaster 4D
dodge 5D
melee parry 5D
pick pocket 6D
running 5D

Alien species 6D
business 5D
languages 5D
streetwise 6D
value 6D
willpower 6D

Astrogation 4D
space transports 5D

Bargain 5D
con 7D
forgery 6D
sneak 6D

Brawling 5D

Demolitions 4D+2
droid engineering 8D
droid programming 7D
droid repair 7D

Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 0
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 8
Move: 10


Background: Wilam Olgreen, a prominent droid’s rights activist, has long maintained an illicit droid modification business in the Outer Rim. Reasoning that the best way to help droids is to make them better (adding skills and hardware to a stock design) so that they can more readily prove their worth to organic masters.

The Empire, on the other hand, has taken a dim view to Olgreen’s activities, however; several of the “improvements” Olgreen has made on various droids include the addition of restricted SkillWare and weapons. Still, if someone has the cash–and is willing to pay his rather steep fees–Olgreen will come out of hiding to ply his trade.


StarForge Station–hidden deep in the heart of Ado sector’s StarForge nebula–is a large outpost built on one of the many planetoids in the region. A haven for pirates and smugglers, StarForge Station is a nexus for illicit repair and modification operations; while the techs at StarForge tend to specialize in the modification of space vessels, there are several droid engineers who ply their trade aboard the station.

Finding StarForge Station is no easy feat; since it is located in a turbulent nebula, sensor readings are–at best–sketchy. Since it is also a target of the Empire, the station’s owner (a Duros named Chidee Na Maak) moves StarForge with great frequency. The best way to find the station is to maintain contact with pirates and smugglers, who will reveal the information to those they trust. (For more information on StarForge station, see pages 109-113 of Pirates and Privateers.)


Type: Asteroid
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable)
Moderate Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Artificial
Length of Day: 20 Standard hours
Length of Year: 300 Standard days
Sentient Species: Varies widely
Starport: Standard
Population: 10,000 (approximately)
Planet Function: Shadowport
Government: Tenant council
Tech Level: Space
Major Exports: Free market, ships services, starships
Major Imports: Raw and processed materials


The characters arrive at Omze’s–possibly to trade, possibly to avoid some Imperial “entanglements”– and encounter an elite undercover squad of Espos, security troops from the Corporate Sector Authority.

These Espos are on a covert mission to find and eliminate Jarred Sneel, leader of the Mechanical Liberation Front. Unfortunately, they can’t find the elusive terrorist and have resorted to finding other droid rights activists and pressuring them in hopes of learning Sneel’s whereabouts. Their current target is Wilam Olgreen, who is hiding at Omze’s.

As the characters move about the spaceport, Olgreen approaches them, offering them a great deal of money if they will transport him to StarForge Station. If they agree, the characters must sneak 0lgreen past the Espo thugs and escape from the starport (fully realizing that shooting up Omze’s place of business will likely anger the Sludir merchant a great deal).

If they don’t agree to help Olgreen, he turns up dead, with evidence implicating the characters in the murder; the Espos framed them simply because they were the newest arrivals and were seen talking to the deceased outlaw droid tech. The characters must clear their names and expose the Espo operation or face justice at Omze’s hands.

Name: “Skoot” Jarik
Type: Droid slicer

Blaster 4D,
blaster: DEMP gun 5D
dodge 4D+ 1
running 3D+2

Investigation 5D

Repulsorlift operation 3D+1

Search 4D
sneak 3D+1


Computer programming/repair 5D+2
droid engineering 9D
droid programming 6D
droid repair 5D+1
security 5D

Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 0
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 6
Move: 10

Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), DEMP gun (3D ionization damage, 3-25/60/250, ammo: 10), comlink, datapad, droid toolkit

Background: After attending the CSA Institute of Technology, ” Skoot” returned to his homeworld of Biewa and attempted to make a living as a droid technician. His career as a droid tech was an abject failure, however; most Biewans had little in the way of ready cash and spent theirmoney on clothing, shelter and food, not droids.

Jarik tried his hand as an information merchant, but on a backwater world like Biewa he lacked customers, the same problem he had as a droid tech. Eventually, Jarik met a smuggler who needed some illegal modifications made to his droid, modifications that the cashstrapped technician was only too happy to make. Before long, word of Skoot’s ability spread throughout the Fringe and the young droid engineer soon had a thriving trade as an outlaw tech.

Relocating to StarForge Station, Skoot is one of the only people aboard that works on droids. Skoot’ s work is extremely reliable-which has made him a favorite among smugglers (at least those that own droids)-and typically justifies the high prices Jarik charges for his services.


The characters arrive at StarForge Station, just in time for an Imperial raid. The initial patrol that shows up is small, and the station’s denizens manage to fight them off, but more ships will likely follow. The only problem is that someone leaked the station’s location to the Empire and the evidence implicates “Skoot” Jerik, the local droid tech (who just repaired a probe droid of some kind).

Skoot offers to modify the character’s droid ( or to build them one from scratch if necessary) if they will help clear his name and find the real traitor: a pirate that frequents the station.