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Never give up hope, no matter how dark things seem.

Ahsoka Tano captured! While on the run
to prove her innocence, Padawan Tano
teamed up with the deadly Asajj
Ventress to find the rogue Jedi who
framed Ahsoka for murder. The Jedi
Council sent Anakin Skywalker and
Master Plo Koon to track Ahsoka down
and bring her back to the Temple.

Now captured and imprisoned, Ahsoka
faces punishment for crimes she did
not commit….

The Jedi Council negotiates with Admiral Tarkin on what type of trial Padawan Ahsoka Tano should have. The Council wishes to try Ahsoka by Jedi tradition, but Tarkin and the Galactic Senate request that Ahsoka be expelled from the Jedi Order so that she can be put to a Republic Military tribunal. Obi-Wan Kenobi urges the Council to refuse Tarkin’s demands, insisting they must stand with Ahsoka. Ki-Adi-Mundi and Saesee Tiin refuse, pointing out the solid circumstantial evidence against Ahsoka. Mace Windu adds that protecting Ahsoka could be seen as an act of opposition to the Senate. Accordingly, the Council decided to cast Ahsoka from the Order, removing her status as a Padawan and leaving her a civilian under the jurisdiction of the Senate. They strip her of her Padawan braid in a symbolic gesture.

Ahsoka and her master, Anakin Skywalker, eventually discover that she will be imprisoned. Anakin informs Ahsoka that Senator Padmé Amidala will represent her in the trial while Anakin searches for Asajj Ventress, hoping to find the truth. Anakin finds Ventress, but the Sith-turned-bounty hunter attempts to flee. Anakin quickly subdues her as she is defenseless without her lightsabers.

Anakin begins interrogating Ventress, but quickly admits that she wanted to turn Ahsoka in for the bounty on her head but instead helped Ahsoka after realizing how similar they were. Anakin snarls at this comment, enraged that Ventress accuses him of being a negligent Master. Ventress snaps that she is telling the truth, as her master abandoned her. Ventress eventually informs Anakin that while on the run, Ahsoka had contacted her friend, Barriss Offee, who had told them to meet her at the warehouse where the nanodroids were stored. She then tells him that someone attacked and stole her lightsabers after departing. Anakin warns Ventress that he will kill her if she is lying before he departs to confront Barriss.

Meanwhile, Ahsoka’s trial begins, and Tarkin demands that Ahsoka face the death penalty for her supposed crimes. Padmé points out that the circumstances surrounding Letta Turmond’s death strongly imply that Ahsoka could not be the culprit. Tarkin retaliates by mentioning Ahsoka’s meeting with Ventress. Ahsoka remains confident that Anakin will find the real culprit.

Anakin confronts Barriss at the temple and asks her to confirm her contact with Ahsoka. Barriss does so, surprised that Anakin believed Ventress’s story. When she asks who it could be, if not Ventress or Ahsoka, Anakin swings Barriss’s lightsaber at her. In response, she summons Ventress’s lightsabers to her hands, revealing herself as the culprit. They then engage in a fierce duel that leads outside. Anakin, wielding his lightsaber and Barriss’s, eventually overpowering Offee and arresting her.

As Chancellor Palpatine is about to report the conviction of Ahsoka, Anakin interrupts the proceedings, bringing in Barriss, who confesses her crimes. The charges against Ahsoka are thus dropped, and the Council apologizes for their actions. The council asked Ahsoka to rejoin the Order, claiming that this was her “great trial”, making her a true Jedi. Anakin offers her the Padawan braid that he has kept for her. To everyone’s shock, she refuses and leaves the temple. Anakin follows her outside and asks her why. Ahsoka says she can’t go back due to painfully knowing the people she trusted didn’t trust her, so how can she trust them for this betrayal and abandonment? Anakin says he trusted her, stood by her, and asked Ahsoka to reconsider, mentioning that the idea of leaving the Jedi Order is something he has struggled with. She replies that she knows but states that she must work independently. Anakin watches as his former Padawan continues down the Temple steps and disappears.


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Barris Offee - Jedi Padawan
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