A sentient species existed in the galaxy. They had green or tan skin and black eyes. One member of the species was Gatha Elbaphay, who was at Canto Bight in 34 ABY.
Category: Aliens
The Xi'Dec were an insectoid sentient species found in the galaxy. Ubbla Mollbro, a female opera singer with engorged egg sacs, was a member of this species.
The Troglof were a rare sentient species with tentacle-like arms native to Troglofa. A diminutive species, the Troglof had a pleasant natural odor.
Neel’s Species
A sentient species was native to At Attin. The species possessed blue skin and blue hair and was elephantine in appearance, including a long trunk-like nose and two eyes.
Kh’ymm’s Species
Small feathered mammals capable of flight. This species is highly intelligent and known for its perception skills.
Ubdurians were a species of sentient humanoids native to Nag Ubdur and Ubduria. Their bald heads featured dark eyes seated deep in their sockets but no visible nose.
Hoogenz’s Species
A sentient species lived in the galaxy, on worlds, such as Ferrix, Jakku, and Nevarro. One member was Hoogenz, a scavenger and bounty hunter on the Niima Outpost in 34 ABY.
Grindalids were a worm-like sentient species native to Persis IX, an Expansion Region planet with a dense atmosphere blocking sunlight.
Glowen Faquidde’s Species
Around 9 ABY, a member of this species could be found wandering Port Borgo. Later, in 34 ABY, another member of this species, Glowen Faquidde, was present at Canto Casino and Racetrack on the planet Cantonica.
The Vazooans were a four-armed furry humanoid species in the galaxy. Roona from the planet At Attin was a member of this species.