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“All warfare is based on deception.” 

A terrorist threat! Moralo Eval, mastermind
of a Separatist plot to kidnap Chancellor
Palpatine, has been captured by Republic
forces. But even with the criminal behind
bars, rumors swirl in the underworld of
Coruscant that Moralo’s plot has already
been set in motion.

With precious time running out, the Jedi
Council hatches their own plot to keep
the Chancellor safe….

Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano are taking a walk through the streets of Coruscant when a sniper opens fire on them. The Jedi dodge the shots, and Obi-Wan and Anakin take to the roofs to chase after the sniper. When Obi-Wan moves out into the open, the sniper hits him and he falls into an alley below, seemingly killing him. A Jedi funeral is held for Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka begins to worry for Anakin, who has become withdrawn and grim. Meanwhile, the assassin, a bounty hunter named Rako Hardeen, celebrates his victory.

It is revealed that it was all a plan made by Obi-Wan, Yoda and Mace Windu, who decided to fake Obi-Wan’s death so he could pretend to become a member of a looming Separatist plot to kidnap Palpatine. Kenobi then undergoes a facial transformation via nanotechnology to disguise himself as Hardeen, captures his would-be assassin as he prepares to collect his reward from his employer (again Kenobi), and completes his disguise with a voice emulator droid and a voice sample from Hardeen. Anakin and Ahsoka, who have not been made aware of the plan in order to assure its success, track down Hardeen’s location and arrest the disguised Obi-Wan, ferrying him to the Republic jail.

Once inside the prison, Obi-Wan proceeds to make contact with another inmate, Moralo Eval, who is suspected to be a key figure in the plot against the Chancellor. Eval expresses his respect to “Hardeen” for having killed a Jedi; but things are complicated by the presence of Eval’s cellmate, Cad Bane, who does not even bother to hide his distrust of the newcomer. In addition, Obi-Wan learns that both of them plan to break out of prison very soon. He manages to relay as much to Yoda and Windu through a concealed comm device, but nevertheless is forced to carry on with his plan.

In due time, Bane stages a breakout by having Boba Fett start a fight with Obi-Wan, triggering a general riot which Eval and Bane use as a cover for their escape. Obi-Wan joins them uninvited and surreptitiously aids them in escaping the prison through the morgue and incineration facility, though several of the prison’s personnel are killed by Eval and Bane in cold blood on the way. Commandeering a freighter, the three make their way off-planet. Despite Bane’s continuing hostility, Obi-Wan has managed to win Eval’s trust, who declares that they will let him join in on their next hit.


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Barris Offee - Jedi Padawan


Planets / Locations





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Force Powers