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Episodes – Story – Characters – Vehicles – Planets – Aliens – Droids – Creatures – EquipmentForce Powers


The Marshal of Mos Pelgos
The episode opens with a wide shot of several moisture vaporators. A group of Pyke Syndicate couriers meets beneath the vaporators. The Pyke courier says that it is all there. A Pyke guard replies that they will leave the spice and take the credits back to Mos Eisley and that the rest will follow. The Pykes are confronted by an elderly human man named Cobb Vanth, who asks if they know where they are.

One of the Pykes reaches for the blaster in his holster, but Vanth urges him to think it through. Vanth offers them the benefit of the doubt and says they are lost. He warns that everything beyond them is the Mos Pelgo territories. He shows them his stripes, indicating he is the marshal of those territories. Vanth tells the Pykes he is in charge of the folks in the Mos Pelgo area.

He tells them that he didn’t see what was in their chest and thinks that no laws were broken as far as he is concerned. Vanth allows them to load up their wares and return where they came from. However, the Pykes reject his offer for them to walk away peacefully. They reach for their blasters, but Vanth is prepared and shoots three of them down. He allows the fourth one to surrender.

Vanth tells the fourth Pyke enforcer to tell them that Vanth is aware of the Syndicate and tells him to take credits back with him. He warns that anyone getting lost running spice through Mos Pelgo again will be lost forever. He tells the Pyke to unload his chest and leave, considering it a fine for trespassing. The Pyke says the chest’s contents are worth more than his town. Vanth replies that he will consider retiring. He watches as the Pyke mounts the landspeeder and leaves, leaving behind the chest and his fallen associates. Vanth inspects the chest and finds that it is full of chests. He tips it over, letting the desert winds ferry it away.

World of the Jedi
Din Djarin’s modified N-1 starfighter exits hyperspace above a green forested world. He flies the ship into the planet’s atmosphere, flying above lush mountains. The ship’s console buzzes. On the ground, R2-D2 guides Djarin’s ship to a flat area beside a river with brown water. R2-D2 beeps in binary while Djarin climbs out of his ship. Djarin greets the R2-series astromech droid and tells him he is looking for Luke Skywalker. Djarin has come to see the child Grogu.

R2-D2 beeps before leading Djarin down a path into a forest of bamboo-like plants. An ant droid skitters past them. Exiting the forest, they find several anti-droids assembling a stony structure. R2-D2 converses with the droids. Djarin asks if this is where they are. R2-D2 enters into hibernation, much to Djarin’s frustration. Instead, he speaks to the ant droids, telling them he is looking for Skywalker. The droids instead assemble a makeshift bench while Djarin asks if anyone is here or alive. The ant droids continue their work.

Elsewhere in the green forested world, Grogu meditates with Luke Skywalker in a meadow. Grogu notices a passing frog and uses the Force to levitate it into his mouth. Skywalker appears deep in meditation but awakes to find Grogu about to swallow the frog. He convinces Grogu to let the frog go. The frog dives into a stream. Skywalker returned to his meditation and stretched out his right hand, causing the frogs to levitate out of the ponds. Grogu watches with awe before Skywalker lets the frogs go.

He invites Grogu for a walk through the bamboo forest. Skywalker tells Grogu that he reminds him of Yoda, adding that Yoda is tiny like him but has a huge heart, and the Force is strong in him. Skywalker recounts that Yoda once said that “size matters not.” He explains that Yoda spoke in riddles and asks if anyone spoke like that back at Grogu’s home. He asks Grogu if he remembers his home. Grogu remains still with a sad expression.

Skywalker asks if Grogu wants to remember and rests his palm on his head. Grogu experiences a vision of Jedi defending the Jedi Temple against the 501st Legion during the Jedi Purge. Grogu witnesses Clone troopers gunning down his defenders. They advance towards him before all fades out. When Grogu emerges from the flashback, Skywalker warns him that the galaxy can be dangerous. He promises to teach Grogu to defend himself. The two reflect on the nearby hills.

Reunion with Lady Tano
Meanwhile, Din Djarin is resting on his bench when he is startled by Ahsoka Tano. Tano explains that he is an old friend of the “family.” When Djarin recalls that Tano said she would not be training Grogu, Tano clarifies that Master Luke is training him. Djarin asks what she is doing here, prompting her to ask him the same question. Djarin tells her that he is here to see the kid. Tano explains that is why R2-D2 led him to her. The astromech droid beeps in binary.

When Djarin asks about the place, Tano replies that it is nothing new but will be a great school one day. She adds that Grogu will be its first student. When Djarin asks how Grogu is doing, Tano replies that he is doing fine. Djarin insists on seeing him, prompting R2-D2 to turn his head. Tano invites Djarin to accompany her on a walk through the bamboo forest.

Tano recalls warning Djarin that his attachment to Grogu would be challenging to let go of. Djarin explains that Grogu was a Mandalorian foundling in his care and wants to ensure he is safe. Tano responds that there is no place in the galaxy safer than being with Luke. Grogu questions Tano’s decision to let Skywalker train the Child when she wouldn’t. Tano exhales sharply and explains that it is Grogu’s choice, adding that she does not control the wants of others. Djarin responds that it is his choice to go and see him.

Tano agrees to respect Djarin’s wishes and motions to a hill where Skywalker is seated with Grogu. Djarin says alright. Tano asks him to consider whether he is doing it for Grogu or himself. Djarin replies that he wants to give him a beskar armor, which he explains belongs to Grogu by right. Tano suggests that Grogu may be a Padawan now. Djarin reasons that this armor will protect him regardless of whether he chooses the Jedi or Mandalorian path. Tano asks Djarin to consider letting her deliver it to him.

Djarin replies that he came all this way to see Grogu. Tano understands that Grogu misses him greatly but warns that seeing him will only make things more difficult for him. Djarin acquiesces to Tano’s offer and hands him the beskar armor. He asks Tano to make sure that Grogu is protected.

Jedi training
Meanwhile, Skywalker carries Grogu in a backpack and places him in a clearing. Skywalker asks Grogue to jump, but Grogu is shy. Skywalker encourages him to bend down and to feel the Force flow through him. Grogu tries again. Skywalker senses he is trying too hard and counsels him to do instead of try. Skywalker carries Grogu in a backpack through the forest, leaping over rocks, a bison, and several stumps.

Skywalker climbs a bamboo tree and shows him several mountains and a forest. He tells Grogu that a broader world exists and to feel the Force all around him. The two meditate as the wind blows. Skywalker tells Grogu that he will find balance through the Force.

Later, Skywalker takes Grogu to the riverside. While Grogu rests on a branch, he tells him to concentrate. Grogu struggles to levitate and slowly begins taking small steps. Later, Skywalker parries with his blade while Grogu meditates in the bamboo forest. He eyes a green lightsaber with curiosity. Skywalker introduces him to a training remote, which he explains will test his reflexes. He places the training remote on the group beside Grogu.

Grogu rolls it, thinking it is a ball. Skywalker demonstrates how the training remote works by activating it. The training remote fires a laser beam, causing Grogue to jump out of the way. Skywalker encourages us to get back up. Grogu spends the day leaping from rock to rock in the river, dodging the training remote’s lasers. Skywalker watches the training exercise while Tano joins him. She is impressed with Grogu’s progress.

Skywalker’s doubts
Grogu later uses the Force to hold the training remote in suspended animation before causing it to short-circuit and fall into the river. Grogu squeals while Skywalker praises him. Tano says that Skywalker taught him well. Skywalker replies that it is more like Grogu is remembering his previous lessons than he is teaching him. Tano observes that sometimes, the student guides the master.

Skywalker notes that the Mandalorian is here. Tano explains that Grogu and Djarin share a strong bond and that Djarin brought him a gift. She shows Skywalker the red cloth containing the beskar armor. Skywalker admits wondering whether Grogu is committed to being a Jedi. Tano says that Skywalker is just like his father. When Skywalker asks what he should do about Grogu. Tano counsels him to trust his instincts. Grogu rests on a rock.

When Skywalker asks if he will see her again, Tano replies perhaps and bids that the Force be with him. Skywalker reflects on the beskar armor and Grogu resting on the rock.

Back to business
Din Djarin flies the N-1 starfighter back to Tatooine. He flies into the hangar of Boba’s Palace, stirring up dust in his wake. A Gamorrean guard greets him with his axe as he climbs out of the starfighter. Djarin explains that he is here at the request of Fennec Shand. The Gamorrean grunts in Gamorrese.

Shand briefs the “mod gang,” Boba Fett, Black Krrsantan, and Mok Shaiz’s majordomo in a briefing room about the mobilization of Pyke Syndicate forces. Mok Shaiz has fled off-world, and Sahdn believes the storm is about to break. The majordomo claims it was a scheduled vacation, but a Gamorrean growls at him. Shand shows a holographic map of where the Pykes are gathering based on “whispers.”

The three crime families of Mos Espa are willing to lay low and let the Pykes stake a claim on their territory. She introduces Din Djarin, the Mandalorian. Shand says that Djarin and Krrsantan will provide enough experienced muscle to serve as enforces. She compliments the “Mods” for surveying the streets. Shand recognizes that they lack the numbers to help out in a full-out war and says they need reinforcements. Djarin offers to help recruit reinforcements.

Recruiting an ally
Later, Djarin circles a Sandcrawler carrying the skull of a krayt dragon in his N-1 starfighter. Several Jawas watch and chatter in Jawaese. He lands his starship in Mos Pelgo. Djarin is greeted by Deputy Sheriff Scott, who tells him to park his ship elsewhere. Djarin responds that he has business with Cobb Vanth, who agrees to meet with Djarin. Vanth explains that Scott is new and a bit jumpy. He takes an interest in Djarin’s N-1 starfighter.

Djarin remarks that he hasn’t seen Vanth since he has given up his armor. Vanth says he is more careful and asks about Grogu. Djarin replies that Grogu is back with his folk. Vanth observes that both of them have lost something they are fond of. Djarin offers to buy him a drink at the cantina. In the cantina, Djarin tells Vanth that he needs him to lead a garrison since his people are good fighters and there is enough money to hire them.

Vanth explains that his people do not want to fight ever since they took out the krayt dragon. Djarin replies that Mos Pelgo may be safe for now but are part of the same planet. Djarin says that they need good people to fight, or the spice is bound to come through these parts. Vanth says that as long as he is here, this is not a problem. He asks why his people should risk their lives for Boba Fett. Djarin reiterates that Mos Pelgo might be good for now. A Weequay reminds Djarin that the town is now called Freetown, adding that it suits them better.

Djarin reminds Vanth that he fought alongside the citizens of Freetown and that they are brave people. He explains that the Pyke Syndicate outnumbers Boba Fett’s forces and needs their help. The Weequay responds that the town wants no part of the city folk fight. Djarin asks Vanth if he agrees. Vanth replies that the two of them are even. Djarin asks if Vanth won’t back down in the face of bullies. Vanth remarks that he likes Djarin’s big smile, which lets him get away with anything.

Djarin says there is no easy way to ask for a favor. Vanth says things are tough in Freetown but will see what he can do. Djarin later leaves in his N-1 starfighter. Vanth tells the Weequay to assemble all the men and women of fighting age for a meeting in the town hall. The Weequay thinks this dispute between Fett and the Pykes is not their problem, but Vanth tells them that the people may change their minds after hearing what he says.

Pyke threats and violence
Vanth sees a lone figure with a hat approaching Freetown from the desert. Sensing trouble, Vanth tells Jo to get the people to evacuate inside. When Jo asks if something is wrong, Vanth says he hopes not but that it is better to err on safety. Vanth walks out to confront the stranger while the citizens evacuate. Deputy Scott asks what is happening, but Vanth says he will handle it. He tells the Deputy to head inside while he faces down the stranger, who turns out to be a blue Duros named Cad Bane.

The stranger addresses Cobb Vanth. Vanth asks who he is. Bane replies that whatever Fett is paying him, they will match. He tells Vanth that all they have to do is stay put and out. Deputy Scott says the Marshal is not for sale. Vanth sighs and asks the stranger for his name. The stranger faces Vanth with red eyes, warning him to be careful where he sticks his nose. Vanth asks if he is threatening him.

The stranger tells Vanth that Boba Fett is a cold-blooded killer who worked with the Galactic Empire. Vanth tells the stranger to tell the Pykes that this planet is closed for business since it has seen enough violence. The stranger replies that Vanth should have never given up his armor. The two men face each other while the Deputy eyes the situation nervously and reaches for his blaster. A shootout occurs with Bane shooting Vanth and gunning down Deputy Sheriff several times.

As Vanth lies on the ground, Bane says that Tatooine belongs to the Pyke Syndicate. As long as the spice runs, he says everyone will be left alone. The stranger walks into the wilderness while the townsfolk attend to the wounded Vanth. The Weequay watches with concern.

Meanwhile, two Pyke enforcers visit Garsa Fwip’s Sanctuary cantina. They sit at a table and are served by a protocol droid. The Max Rebo Band plays while two Twi’lek staff offer to take their helmets for a clean. The Pykes brush them aside before leaving the cantina. The protocol droid warns them that they have forgotten their cantona. The cantona turns out to be a bomb and damages the cantina.

Grogu’s choices
At Skywalker’s newly built Jedi Temple, Skywalker presents Djarin’s gift to Grogu. He unwraps the red cloth, revealing a beskar chain shirt. Skywalker explains that the Mandalorian wanted him to have the chain shirt, which he lays on the carpet. Before Grogu takes it, Skywalker tells him he will give him a choice.

He shows Grogu Yoda’s lightsaber and offers it to him. Skywalker tells Grogu that he must choose only one. If he chooses the armor, he will return to Djarin. However, Skywalker warns that he will be giving in attachment to those he loves and forsaking the way of the Jedi.

If he chooses the lightsaber, Skywalker promises that he will be the first student in his academy and that he will train him to be a great Jedi. Skywalker says that it will take him many years to master the ways of the Force and that he may never see the Mandalorian again. He explains that a short time for Grogu may be a lifetime for someone else. Grogu coos while he considers choosing between the two objects and the paths they entail. Skywalker asks Grogu which one he should choose.


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Vehicles / Vessels

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Planets / Locations




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Force Powers

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