Episodes – Story – Characters – Starships – Vehicles – Planets – Aliens – Droids – Creatures – Equipment – Force Powers

“A Pirate’s Pet”
Taborr’s ambition
At Yarrum Tower’s marketplace, Cyrus Vuundir (“Taborr Val Dorn”) and his associates EB-3 and Pord search unsuccessfully for spareparts. They find the Ganguls led by Sellaccc Orryak auctioning diamonds. A Chagrian pirate attempts to steal the diamonds but is spotted by Orryak’s pet Gotis. Toda-Joh confronts the Chagrian, warning him that he has to pay for the diamond. The Chagrian offers to buy their pet Gotis who was stolen from a Senator but Orryak rebuffs his offer.
When the Chagrian flatters the Ganguls as the best pirates in Tenoo’s sector, Val Dorn responds scornfully, prompting Orryak to mock Taborr’s gang. Taking offense, Val Dorn vows to steal a creature more “impressive” than their Gotis. Pord pokes her tongue at them before leaving with the rest of Taborr’s gang.
The wild gangul
Taborr’s gang travel to the planet Tenoo where Val Dorn intends to capture a gangul. They sneak up on the gangul but Pord steps on a branch, startling the animal. The creature flees towards Kublop Springs. At the Tenoo Jedi Temple’s training grounds, Padawan Wes Vinik trains several Jedi Initiates including Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay and Nubs. Though Vinik is pleased with their lightsaber strokes, Brightstar intends to impress everyone with a Force jump. However, he miscalculates and falls. Vinik tells Brightstar that he does not need to impress people to prove himself.
Shortly later, Brightstar and his friends are contacted by Hap via holoprojector, who tells them that a wild Gangul is rampaging through the streets of Kublop Springs. Solay thinks the animal is frightened. In the Kublop Springs marketplace, Taborr’s gang attempt to trap the gangul with a tarp but it tears through the fabric. Val Dorn is frustrated and tells his minions to get the creature aboard his ship.
When Hap asks Val Dorn about what he was thinking setting a wild beast loose, the pirate says he wanted to impress the other pirates. Hap warns against taking an animal from its natural habitat but Val Dorn shushes him. The gangul traps EB-3 and Pord against a gate, prompting Val Dorn to use a piece of meat to lure the creature aboard his starship Iron Talon. He locked the creature inside an electronic pen. The Jedi younglings attempt to stop the pirates from leaving with the captive gangul but Taborr’s gang depart in their starship.
Solay is determined to return the gangul to its natural habitat. Hap tells the Jedi younglings that Val Dorn intends to take the gangul to Yarrum Tower in order to impress the other pirates. Brightstar is determined to rescue the Gangul. They visit Nash Durango and seek her help in rescuing the creature. Durango is initially reluctant about transporting a Gangul aboard the Crimson Firehawk but changes her mind since she and RJ-83 have been working on upgrades.
Taborr’s folly
Back at Yarrum Tower’s marketplace, Orryak is regaling the other pirates with a story about how she stole her pet Gotis. Shortly later, Val Dorn and his gang arrive with their wild gangul. He mocks the Ganguls’ pet Gotis Brimey, who runs off after the wild Gangul roars at him. Orryak sends Jooro Jarrot after Brimey. She warns Val Dorn that a wild gangul can be dangerous. Val Dorn dismisses her warning, claiming that he and his gang can handle the creature.
Brightstar and his friends confront Val Dorn and his gang, demanding the return of the gangul. Val Dorn and his gang fight the Jedi with their melee weapons. While Solay and Nubs tackle EB-3 and Pord, Brightstar charges at Val Dorn with his lightsaber. Val Dorn uses the gangul to knock Brightstar to the ground. Brightstar launches a second attack, ignoring Solay’s pleas to get him off the gangul. Brightstar fails to unseat Val Dorn and falls off the gangul.
Orryak and Joh manage to distract the gangul by throwing cuts off meat, causing the creature to throw off Val Dorn. The Ganguls mock Val Dorn’s predicament. While Taborr’s gang pursue the loose gangul, Solay and Nubs tend to Brightstar, who is unhurt. Brightstar realizes that he and Val Dorn were making the mistake of trying to impress others. The Chagrian pirate and a white droid inform the Jedi younglings that the gangul has fled into the desert with Taborr’s gang in pursuit. Solay is worried since ganguls are not suited for desert environments.
Saving the gangul
Val Dorn and his gang struggle to keep up with the gangul. They eventually find the tired gangul lying in the sands. Shortly later, the Firehawk approaches Taborr’s gang and the exhausted gangul with a crate below the ship’s hull. The Jedi younglings find Val Dorn and his associates attempting to move the gangul. Val Dorn arms himself with his twin electrostaff while EB-3 tells the Jedi that they need the gangul in order to impress the pirates. Solay tells the pirates that they are not impressing anyone by taking a gangul away from its natural habitat. She points out the animal is tired.
Val Dorn dismisses Solay’s concerns, saying that the gangul would be alright after drinking water. Brightstar asks Val Dorn to give them the gangul in return for telling everyone that he chased the Jedi into the desert. Val Dorn considers their offer and speaks to the exhausted gangul. Val Dorn believes he has impressed enough people by riding the gangul through Yarrum Tower. He allows the Jedi to take the gangul away. Solay offers the gangul some water and coaxes it to stand on its feet. EB-3 and Nubs are impressed by Solay’s ability to connect with animals. Val Dorn is annoyed when the gangul licks him before leaving, prompting his minions to laugh at him.
Solay guides the gangul into its storage crate while Brightstar watches Val Dorn. The Firehawk carries the gangul back to its forest habitat on Tenoo. After letting the gangul lose, Brightstar tells Durango and Nubs that he shares Val Dorn’s desire for greatness. Much as Brightstar wants to be a great Jedi, Val Dorn wants to be a great pirate. Solay opines that both Val Dorn and Brightstar saved the gangul in the end. They watch the gangul playing in the meadow.
“The Secret Ship”
Inaya’s secret starship
Nash Durango and RJ-83 deliver supplies to Princess Inaya on her homeworld. Inaya thanks Durango, saying that these supplies will be essential to the library’s opening ceremony tonight. Inaya is impressed by the changes to Durango’s Crimson Firehawk. Durango invites her for a spin on the Firehawk but the butler droid PD-4 reminds Inaya of her duties as a princess. Inaya expresses agreement and asks PD-4 to take over with managing the supplies while she attends to her royal duties.
While PD-4 is preoccupied, she shows Durango and RJ-83 her personal starship, which she built it. Inaya tells Durango and RJ-83 that this starship is her secret and that she intends to fly to the library’s opening ceremony in it. She wants to show her subjects that she is more than a princess. Inaya invites Durango and RJ083 on a test flight. Unknown to Inaya and her friends, PD-4 follows them aboard the ship’s cockpit. When he asks her what she is doing on the starship, Inaya tells the butler droid that she intended to unveil her starship at the opening ceremony tonight. Durango adds that they were planning to take the ship on a test fight.
A complicated test fight
PD-4 reminds Inaya that she has to return to the Palace for her princess duties. Inaya disagrees and uses her authority as the princess to insist on doing the testflight. She promises that they will be back in time for the library opening. PD-4 relents on the condition that he accompany them on their test flight. Inaya takes her starship on a hyperspace jump to a nearby planet covered with canyons. As she flies through the canyons, Durango is impressed by the ship’s ion compressors and steering. While chatting with Durango, Inaya is distracted narrowly avoids missing a pillar of rock.
The sudden maneuver causes the ion compressor to malfunction. Inaya’s ship loses control and scrapes its port side against the canyon. The ship crashlands in the canyon. Though the crew and passengers are safe, the ship’s ion compressor has broken down. When Durango remarks that they are stranded, PD-4 says this is why princesses should stick to their station. Durango discovers that the comms are down. Inaya is despondent about missing the library’s opening ceremony but Durango reassures her friend that they will find a way to get home. Consulting the ship’s navigational computer, Durango discovers that there is a trading outpost nearby which might sell the starship parts they need. Durango encourages Inaya while PD-4 insists on coming.
At the trading outpost, Inaya speaks to a Toong vendor, who is unwilling to sell parts to princesses “playing pretend.” PD-4 advises them to find another merchant but Durango speaks up for Inaya, insisting that she is a mechanic and a ship builder. The Toong merchant asks her to prove herself by repairing a starship component. Inaya shows him the list of starship components and the Toong vendor willingly complies.
Double trouble
Returning to their crash site, they discover a Tow ship towing away Inaya’s starship. The Nautolan pilot of the tow ship is listening to music through his earpods and can’t hear them. With the towing ship preparing to lift off, the four climb aboard the ship’s deck. Inaya tasks PD-4 and RJ-83 with removing the magclamp while she and Durango repairs her ship’s ion compressor so they can escape. At the tow ship’s magclamp, PD-4 doubts his abilities due to his programming as a royal assistant droid. However, RJ-83 convinces him to try.
Meanwhile, Inaya and Durango reach her starship’s cockpit. Inaya tells Durango to hand her the hydrospanner and the new optical coolign cable. Back on the tow ship’s canopy, the two droids struggle to release the magclamp until RJ-83 discovers a button than unlocks the clamp. Back in her starship, Inaya finds that the ion compressor is more difficult to repair and thinks that she should stick to “princes stuff.” Durango encourages her by telling that she is more than a princess. PD-4 and RJ-83 arrive with the good news that they have unlocked the magclamp. PD-4 tries to take credit for it.
Durango asks how long it will take for them to finish the ion compressor since the princess’s starship is no longer attached to the tow ship. Just then, the unsecured ship slips off the deck of the tow ship and descends into the canyon planet’s atmosphere. Inaya is despondent but PD-4 encourages her to give it another try. PD-4 helps her to repair the ion compressor just in time for Durango to regain control of the ship and avoid crashing into the canyon. The friends celebrate as they fly their starship back into space.
The opening ceremony
At the library opening ceremony, Inaya’s mother asks where their daughter is. Inaya’s father adds that they cannot open the library without her. Just then, Inaya arrives in her starship, much to the surprise of her parents and the assembled crowd. Inaya greets her parents. Her mother asks where she went while her father asks about the ship. Inaya tells her parents that this is her starship which she built. She apologizes for being late due to a complicated test flight. PD-4 speaks up for Inaya, describing her as an impressive mechanic. Inaya apologizes to her parents.
Inaya’s mother says that she knows about her daughter’s secret mechanical hobby since she comes home everyday smelling like engine grease. Inaya’s father is also aware and says that he bought his daughter’s first tool set when she was three years old. Inaya’s mother accepts her daughter as both a princess and mechanic. After hugging her, Inaya joins her parents in opening the library. While walking to the front of the library, Inaya thanks her friend Durango. Durango offers to help. PD-4 offers his services as a mechanic’s assistant. She, her parents, Durango, RJ-83 and PD-4 then open the library.




Planets / Location



