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8D8’s briefing
The episode opens with a B’omarr Order Brain walker skittering across the rocky desert outside Jabba’s Palace on Tatooine. 8D8 briefs Boba Fett and Fennec Shand about the businesses under the protection of the “name that should not be spoken off. Fett tells him that he can name Jabba the Hutt, which the droid obliges. Fett reassures the droid that the Hutt is dead and that he cannot hurt him. 8D8 explains that he was concerned that his new master would feel insulted.
Fett is surprised and asks why. When 8D8 replies that Fett felt threatened, Fett expresses annoyance. 8D8 apologizes, but Shand tells him to get back to business. 8D8 explains that following the “sail barge disaster”, there was a power vacuum. Bib Fortuna assumed Jabba’s mantle. Under Master Bib’s watchful eye, Mos Espa was divided among three families. The Trandoshans took the city center, the Aqualish took the Worker’s District, and the Klatoonians took over the starport and upper sprawl. Since Master Bib did not have Jabba’s power, he relied on uneasy alliances to preserve his tribute and title.
8D8 also reveals that Bib has been lining the pockets of Mayor Mok Shaiz. When Fett asks where they leave them, 8D8 explains that everyone is waiting to see what kind of leader he is. When Fett asks about the assassins, Shand explains that the Mayor has no power and believes someone else is behind that play. Fett asks if it is the Hutts. Shand asks Fett if he wants her to ask around. Fett thinks that they should wait.
The water monger
Shortly later, one of the Gamorrean guards informs Fett and Shand that one of his vassals seeks an audience with him. Despite the lack of appointment, Fett allows the visitor to enter the throne room to discover what is happening. The visitor turns out to be Lortha Peel, a water-monger in the Worker’s District. When 8D8 asks what his petition to Lord Fett is, Peel explains that nobody respects him. 8D8 takes offense, but Fett allows Peel to speak.
Peel explains that ever since Lord Fortuna’s death, the streets of Mos Espa have turned into chaos. Fett replies that this is new to him. Peel vouches that this is true and says that he is insulted on Fett’s behalf at the disrespect these “urchins” are showing him following the assassination attempt. Shand says they will look into it and waves for the Gamorreans to escort Peel out.
Peel then talks about his petition. He explains that a gang of youths has been stealing his inventory, which has not happened under the previous Daimyos. Peel says that he is insulted on Fett’s behalf. Fett asks if his inventory is water. Peel agrees and explains that he brokers sales on behalf of the vapor farmers. Fett says that he grew up surrounded by water, prompting Peel to say that Tatooine was once covered entirely in water.
When Fett asks about the gang, Peel explains that they are half man and half machine, stating that they modify their bodies with droid parts to make themselves even more deadly. Peel petitions Fett to purge the streets of Mos Espa of this “scourge” in return for doubling his tribute.

Recruiting the youths
Later that night, Fett, Shand, and their Gamorrean bodyguards walk through the streets of Mos Espa. They walk past two Jawa merchants. They approach a group of youths chatting by a fire. Fett demands to know where they got their water. A female named Drash replies that they stole it. Fett replies this is a crime. A male named Skad replies that Peel charges exorbitant prices. Fett tells them to farm the water themselves.
Drash tells Fett to return to his palace. Fett warns her to watch her tongue, reminding her that he is the Daimyo of this district and vows to bring order. The girl dismisses him as a crime boss. Skad asks Fett why he allowed the water-monger to charge them a month’s wage for one week’s water. The girl adds that they don’t have any wages. Fett replies that they live in the worker’s district and should be working. The girl replies that there is no work and tells Fett to look around. Fett approaches the gang and removes his helmet. He tells the youths that they will work for him instead. He warns that they better fight as well as they talk.
Lortha Peel is upset that Fett has not punished the youths, claiming that they stole from him and that he is letting them off. When Fett asks how much they owe him, Peel replies that they owe 1,300 credits for water. Fett tells Shand to give him back 500 credits. Peel protests, but Fett tells him to take the money and consider the matter resolved if he wants to continue to do business in his territory. Fett suggests he can move to Mos Eisley if he doesn’t like it. Fett also warns him to cut his prices.
Fett tells the youths to gather up their gear and follow him. Shand backs him up, and the youths depart on their speeder bikes. Peel walks away.

Outside of Jabba’s Palace, a Nuna is captured by a winged creature, which a Worrt swallows. Inside Fett’s bacta tank, he experiences a flashback watching his father Jango Fett depart on the Slave I in Tipoca City. The younger Fett gazes into the skies.
The scene then moves on to Fett riding a bantha among his Tusken Raider clan. The Tuskens watch him with a sense of respect. Fett rides into the desert into Mos Eisley. He asks two Jawas where the Pykes do their business in Mos Eisley. As the Jawas jabber in their language, Fett rides on his bantha through the town, past spikes of stormtrooper helmets. A boy also leads three DUM-series pit droids.
Fett tethers his bantha outside a building guarded by two Pykes. Fett states that he has business with the Pyke Syndicate. The Pykes admit him into the building. Fett walks down the stairs and meets with the Pyke leader, who has received his message. The Pyke leader explains that protection arrangements are all part of doing business in the Outer Rim Territories. Fett says that he will take payment and be on his way.
The Pyke replies that he has spoken with his superiors on Oba Diah, who are unwilling to pay protection to more than one party. Fett replies that he is collecting on behalf of the Tuskens of the Dune Sea. The Pyke leader responds that the Kintan Striders have already collected protection money for the same territory, he claims. Fett replies that they don’t need to pay protection to that speeder bike gang since the Sandpeople far outnumber them. Fett says that the sands have belonged to the Tuskens since the oceans of Tatooine have dried.
The Pyke leader says they are willing to do business with either party but do not want to be taken advantage of by paying both. The Pyke tells Fett that he hopes he understands. Fett vows to resolve this and says he will not hear from the Nikto sand flyers again. The Pyke says that he looks forward to their partnership.
Fett rides across the Dune Sea on his bantha to return to his Tusken camp. As he approaches the encampment, he notices flames in the distance. Fett walks on foot to the Tusken village only to find that the clan has been slaughtered. He discovers burnt tanks and several fallen banthas. While surveying the destruction, he finds the remains of Tuskens lying on the ground. Fett also recognizes the marking of a gang that he had encountered earlier on Tatooine. Fett cremates the remains of his Tusken friend before recovering his Gaderffii stick. After paying his respects to the dead, Fett rides away on his bantha.

The Wookiee assassin
Fett is woken up from his sleep by the Wookiee Black Krrsantan, who drags him out of the bacta tank. Fett fights back, but the Wookiee gains the upper hand and throws him around. Black Krrsantan also strikes him with his paws. Fett grabs a melee stick and fights back, but the Wookiee throws him around. Black Krrsantan lifts him. Fett attempts to poke his eye, but Krrsantan bites him. Before the Wookiee can finish Fett, the female youth he recruited stabs Black Krrsantan from behind.
The youths surround the Wookiee. One hurls electric nunchuks around one of his arms, but Black Krrsantan brushes it off. The youths shoot at him, but their blasters bounce off his half-hide. Fett hits the Wookiee, but Black Krrsantan brushes off his attack. The two Gamorreans attempt to intervene, but the Wookiee charges at them and jumps on them, pushing them down the stairs. They fight in the throne room. Krrsantan throws one of the Gamorreans to the ground and bites the other.
Before he can finish them off, the youths converge on the Wookiee. Shand then appears and tells the youths to stay back as she activates the trapdoor, causing Black Krrsantan to slide in. The Wookiee tries to hold on with one of his paws, but Shand dislodges his paw with a knife, causing the Wookiee to fall into the former rancor’s pit. Shand tends to the wounded Gamorrean while Fett arrives. Fett tells Shand to get the wounded Gamorrean into his bacta tank. Fett and his forces watch Black Krrsantan growling from his cage.

The Hutt twins
Later, an R5-series astromech droid serves Fett and Shand food for a lavish banquet. Fett dismisses the droid to aid with the patrol. Shand tells him that he is the head of the family and should enjoy the trappings. Fett replies that he needs to respond because everyone is watching and waiting for him to make the next move. Shand advises him to have some food, but Fett says he has to send a message.
Shand replies that he already did. She explains that his enemies sent Black Krrsantan to kill him and that the Wookiee is now locked up in his dungeon. Shand advises Fett to show his hand. Fett replies that these are Hutts and that waiting will only allow them to strike again. 8D8 interrupts the banquet with news that “the Twins” have arrived with a gift. Shand smirks.
Fett orders that the gates of Jabba’s former palace be open. He and Shand walk out to meet the Twins, who are being carried on a litter by several servants dressed in white and red. The Hutt brother says they have come to apologize. The Hutt sister admits that they sent Black Krrsantan to kill Fett. The brother claims they are sorry and offers a gift as restitution. This gift turns out to be bound rancor, carried on a repulsorlift sled. A human rancor keeper accompanies the creature.
Fett tells them to clear off Tatooine in return for considering a truce. The Hutt sister agrees, but for a different reason. She tells him that there is something he should know. The Hutt brother explains that they had been lied to since Jabba’s territory was promised to another criminal syndicate. When Fett asks who it was promised by, the Hutt sister explains that Mayor Mok Shaiz promised it. The Hutt brother says the pair will return to Nal Hutta since the Hutts do not want war. The sister says that war is bad for business.
A Gamorrean guard leads the bound Black Krrsantan. Fett offers to release the Wookiee if they renounce all claims to Jabba’s legacy on Tatooine. The Hutt brother says that they are leaving Tatooine and advises Fett to do the same. The sister describes Tatooine as a worthless rock and proposes selling the Wookiee back to the gladiators. The Hutt brother describes the Wookiee as their tribute to Fett. The Hutts depart with their entourage.
Fett orders the Gamorrean guard to release the Wookiee while Shand points a gun at him. Fett speaks to the Wookiee, telling him he has no hard feelings and stating that it is just business. Fett advises Black Krrsantan not to work for criminals in the future. Black Krrsantan growls in Shyriiwook before running away. Shand asks Fett to consider if releasing Krrsantan was a good idea. Fett replies that they had to choose between releasing or killing him. When Shand asks if he believes what the Hutts are saying, Fett responds with no reason to believe them. He reasons that they will benefit from their enemies fighting one another.

The new rancor
Shand offers to arrange a meeting with the mayor. She describes the rancor as “quite” a gift. The creature is housed in the lair of Jabba’s former rancor Pateesa. Fett asks why the creature lies there. The rancor keeper explains that the rancor is depressed and explains that they are emotionally complex creatures. When he asks why it wears binders, the keeper explains that the creature is a calf bred for fighting. The keeper explains that he saved this creature for himself to train. He adds that it imprints itself on the first human that it sees. Now that Fett has arrived, he will begin its training.
Fett asks for permission to approach the rancor. The keeper says that rancors are peaceful unless they are threatened. Fett strokes the creature, prompting the keeper to notice that he likes it. Fett decides to spend more time with the rancor. The rancor keeper encourages him, saying that rancors can become very loving. Fett had assumed that they were bred to fight. The keeper explains that they are powerful fighters, which is what most people know.
He explains that the creatures form strong bonds with their owners. The Witches of Dathomir were said to have ridden them through the forests and fens. Fett says he wants to learn how to ride this rancor, saying he has ridden beasts ten times its size. The rancor keeper warns that it will take a tremendous amount of discipline. He agrees to begin the lesson today.
The rancor keeper tells Fett to stand before the creature while he removes the harness from its mouth. Fett makes eye contact with the creature, which also makes eye contact with him. Fett approaches the creature and strokes its chin while making eye contact. 8D8 interrupts with news that Mayor Mok Shaiz’s office says he will be unavailable for the next 20 days. Fett tasks the rancor keeper with feeding the rancor a whole ronto carcass in the ladder. He senses that the creature is hungry. Fett tells 8D8 to tell Shand to suit up since they will not wait for an appointment. The rancor keeper reassures the rancor that Fett will be back.

The runaway majordomo
Fett, Shand, and the gang of youths ride to the Mayor of Mos Espa’s office to confront Mok Shaiz. Fett and Shand walk inside the office and meet with the majordomo. The majordomo explains that the Mayor’s schedule is quite complicated. Shand warns him to be careful with his next words if he wants to breathe. She fingers her blaster. The majordomo offers to rearrange his appointments and retreats into the mayor’s office. The majordomo locks the door to the throne room.
Fett and Shand follow only to find it empty and deserted. The two rejoin their gang of youths. The majordomo flees in a landspeeder, and Shand sends the youths after him on their speeder bikes. They chase the majordomo through the streets of Mos Espa. They avoid a protocol droid but knock over a repulsorlift cart drawn by an astromech droid. As the pursuit continues, the majordomo’s speeder whacks a pit droid and topples a stand full of fruits. He also topples more objects, including a tank of water.
Led by the female youth Drash, the youths outflank the majordomo. Two of them scrape his landspeeder. As the pursuit continues, a male youth rides his speeder bike through two pedestrians carrying a painting of Jabba before crashing into a picnic table. The majordomo slams into a droid rickshaw carrying two Bith passengers, terrifying them. Drash manages to ride her bike over a building before landing on the majordomo’s landspeeder. He crashes into a stand full of jogan fruits. Fett and the youths converge on the Majordomo.
The Majordomo reveals that the Mayor is working with the Pykes and that he has gone. Fett asks if he is. Later, a starliner carrying several passengers, including a large entourage of Pykes, lands at Mos Espa’s spaceport. One of Fett’s youths, Skad, watches the Pykes and rides his bike to a hologram station. He tells Fett and Shand that he saw a dozen at least. Fett thanks him for his excellent work and tells the youth to keep an eye on them.
Shand confirms that the Pykes arrived on the starliner. Fett thanks the youth for his excellent work. He tells them to keep an eye on them. Fett quips that it is just an expression, noticing the youth’s cybernetic right eye. The youth tells him he doesn’t have to be sorry since he paid a lot for his cybernetic eye. Shand tells him to let him know what he sees. Shand warns Fett that these are just the first wave and that they are going to war. Fett vows that they will be ready.
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