Episodes – Story – Characters – Vehicles – Planets – Aliens – Droids – Creatures – Equipment – Force Powers
“The Young Jedi”

Late for the flight
At the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant, Jedi Master Yoda informs a group of youngling Jedi Initiates that they will travel to various temple outposts across the galaxy to continue training under their respective teachers. Master Zia Zaldor Zanna inquires about the readiness of the younglings for their upcoming trip to Tenoo and asks the droid, Dee. Dee responds that all but three younglings are prepared for the journey. Master Zanna speculates that the errant younglings are Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs.
In the meantime, the three younglings are in a training chamber, attempting to break their record by sparring with remotes. While Solay distracts the remote droids with her lightsaber, Nubs assists Brightstar with a Force jump, enabling him to move to the next level of the exercise. Although surrounded by the training remotes, he believes he can handle them independently. Nubs and Solay come to his assistance, reminding him about the significance of friendship.
By working together, the three younglings make their way up a platform while fending off the remotes’ blasts to reach the beacon. After attaining their goal, the remotes are deactivated, and the younglings celebrate by hugging each other. Master Zanna contacts them via hologram to inform them that their shuttle to Tenoo is departing. Brightstar apologizes to Zia for being late. Zanna informs them that they will be departing on the last shuttle.

Meeting Nash Durango
In another part of the hangar, Nash Durango and her droid RJ-83 are working together on repairing the Crimson Firehawk. A little later, Brightstar, Solay, and Nubs arrive in search of the last shuttle. Durango informs them that her ship will serve as their shuttle and that she will be their pilot. Brightstar is surprised to learn that Durango is a “kid.” However, Durango counters that they are also kids and introduces herself and RJ-83. Brightstar also introduces himself and his fellow younglings.
Durango shows the younglings her ship but apologizes that she has not completed her repairs yet. While inside the cockpit, Nubs is startled by a leaking pipe. Durango then explains that the Firehawk is an old ship that her parents allowed her and RJ-83 to repair. She also mentions that her parents run a shuttle company on Tenoo that transports people and goods across the galaxy. Durango and RJ-83 fly the Firehawk above Coruscant, and once in orbit, RJ-83 activates the hyperdrive, and the ship goes into hyperspace.
While they travel through hyperspace, Durango invites the younglings to the ship’s living area while RJ watches the cockpit. She encourages them to make themselves feel at home. Durango helps herself to a bowl of fruit from the fridge while introducing Brightstar to Giggs, a Gedonian Ground Weevil she takes to an animal preserve on Tenoo. Solay pats Giggs, and the animal seems to like her. Brightstar tells Durango that Solays gets along well with animals.
Brightstar is interested in Durango’s hologame table, which the Jedi need access to since they spend most of their time training as Jedi Knights. Durango is curious about the Jedi and asks if they are heroes who go around saving the day. Brightstar agrees and explains that Jedi Knights help others and train in the ways of the Force. Durango asks if Jedi can levitate objects, and Solay confirms this. However, Solay also explains that using the Force takes practice, training, and concentration.

Pirate trouble
RJ-83 exits the cockpit to inform the passengers that they have arrived at Tenoo. Durango and the younglings return to the cockpit to exit hyperspace. As they gaze at Tenoo’s green landmass, Durango receives a communication from the Latero chef Hap. He warns her that the pirates are raiding his store and requests the Jedi passengers’ help. Hap is surprised to learn that the passengers are children, but Solay and Brightstar are confident they can deal with the pirates due to their Jedi training. Hap accepts their offer but urges them to hurry.
At the Kublop Springs marketplace, Taborr Val Dorn and his associates, EB-3 and Pord, threaten Hap, who suggests that they play with other children instead. Val Dorn insists that being a pirate is fun and “they take whatever they want.” Hap is worried and tells the Jedi to hurry up. Above Kublip Springs, Durango shows her passengers around her hometown. The younglings are fascinated by the giant trees around the settlement, but Durango reminds them that she cannot give a tour right now due to the pirate menace.
At the docking bay, Durango tells the Jedi that she has to stay with her ship but can be contacted via comlink if they need help. Brightstar thanks Durango before leading his friends to deal with the pirates. Meanwhile, Val Dorn and his associates prepare to escape with their loot in a cart. Before Val Dorn can take Hap’s cap, Brightstar tells them to stop and return their loot. Val Dorn refuses to surrender his spoils and orders Pord and EB-3 to take the loot back to his starship while he fights the Jedi.

Val Dorn pulls out a double-bladed electrostaff. Brightstar draws his lightsaber in response and engages in combat with Val Dorn. Solay and Nubs try to stop Pord and EB-3, but Pord throws vine-like objects at Nubs, which he finds delicious. Solay throws a round table and the cart into the path of EB-3, causing him to fall over. Brightstar and Val Dorn continue their fight in Hap’s cafe, with both noticing each other’s skills.
Observing that Solay and Nubs have cornered EB-3 and Pord, Val Dorn abandons the fight and uses his weapon to break several branches, which fall towards Hap’s cafe. Brightstar and his friends are forced to use their Force powers to prevent the branches from hitting the ground, causing them to land safely. Hap thanks the children but warns them that the pirates have escaped with his belongings. Brightstar contacts Durango for help.
While Val Dorn and his associates are loading their loot onto his starship, Durango arrives with the Firehawk. RJ-83 descends with a crane hook and secures it around the cart. Durango uses the crane to lift the cart. Under Val Dorn’s orders, Pord and EB-3 manage to retrieve the cart by pulling it down. Brightstar, Solay, and Nubs arrive at the docking bay. Brightstar Force jumps in front of the cart and pushes it back. Val Dorn protests, but Brightstar responds that it belongs to the local people and orders the pirate to leave. Several Kublop Springs residents support the younglings. Val Dorn concedes defeat but warns that he will make the Jedi regret coming here. Pord and EB-3 board the starship, and the pirates depart to the cheers of the younglings and locals.

New home
Durango later flies the three younglings to the Jedi Temple on Tenoo. The view from above strikes Brightstar as particularly beautiful. He apologizes to Master Zia for being late, and Zanna expresses her pride in what Brightstar and his friends have accomplished. Brightstar compliments both his old and new friends, and Zanna agrees to give them a tour of the Jedi Temple, which will be their new home. As they enter the temple, Brightstar assures Nubs that there will be food and that he can help himself to second helpings.
“Yoda’s Mission”

The training exercise
During a training exercise, Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs engage with a training droid on a platform surrounded by logs. Jedi Master Zia Zaldor Zanna instructs the younglings that they must work together to get past the droid and reach the platform to pass the test. The platform is adorned with the Jedi symbol. Nash Durango and RJ-83 also attended the test and cheered from the sidelines.
Solay jumps over the training droid and climbs on the logs to reach the platform. She motivates her classmates to follow her lead. Nubs avoids the training droid and jumps over several logs to reach the platform. Unfortunately, he misses the platform and holds onto a rope. Solay is unable to reach him. While Nubs clings to the rope, Brightstar rushes over to help him but accidentally drops his lightsaber.
Despite Solay’s plea for Brightstar to forget the lightsaber and help Nubs, he decides to use the Force to levitate both the lightsaber and Nubs. Although he successfully retrieves the lightsaber, Brightstar loses his focus, and Nubs falls as a result. Master Zanna puts an end to the exercise.
Solay is dejected, while Durango finds the training exercise intriguing. Brightstar apologizes to Nubs, who forgives him and hugs him. Master Zanna gathers the younglings for a surprise guest, who turns out to be Master Yoda. Brightstar is thrilled to see his mentor. Yoda, who observed the training exercise, advises Brightstar to concentrate on saving his friends rather than objects since lightsabers can always be replaced.

A special mission
Master Zanna informs the younglings that Yoda has a special message for them. Yoda tells them they have been invited to perform a unique demonstration of their skills at the Kublop Springs festival. Master Yoda will be training them for this. Yoda also privately assigns Brightstar, Solay, and Nubs on a mission to get something meaningful for the festival. He gives the instructions to Brightstar.
As the Jedi younglings, Durango and RJ-83, embark on their mission aboard the Crimson Firehawk, their nemesis, Taborr Val Dorn, is spying on them. Val Dorn plans to sabotage their mission to get them sent back to Coruscant. EB-3 proposes following them and stealing what they are after. Val Dorn steals EB-3’s idea and takes credit for it. He orders his associates to board his ship.
Brightstar and his friends arrive at a tent stall in the desert. While Solay speculates that it may be an Argonian Ruffle bird, Brightstar wonders if it is a crystal. The Aqualish merchant gives them several seeds. Though Nubs wants to eat them, Brightstar reminds him about Yoda’s mission. Solay is curious about why Yoda sent them to get seeds. Brightstar reasons that if it is vital to Yoda, it will also be essential for them to. They decide to head back home. Durango thinks it is an easy task and expects to be back before the festival.

Val Dorn strikes again
After reaching the Firehawk, the group receives a distress signal. Durango, whom they meet there, is initially hesitant to help, but Brightstar convinces everyone to follow Yoda’s teaching to help others. They set out to investigate the signal, only to learn from a hologram message by Val Dorn that the signal was a trick to lure them away from their ship. Val Dorn confesses to stealing the bag of precious seeds.
Upon their return to the Firehawk, they discover that the pirates have vandalized Durango’s ship. Durango is upset about the damage caused to her ship. Brightstar suggests they split up, with Durango and RJ staying behind to repair the ship while he and the other Jedi go after Val Dorn and the stolen seeds. Durango reveals a pirate den nearby called Yarrum Tower, which is too far to walk to. Durango lends her speeder bike to the younglings to help them reach the tower faster.

The Jedi fight back
At Yarrum Tower, Val Dorn, EB-3, and Pord try to sell the special seeds to a Chagrian vendor, who deems them worthless. The pirate mocks Val Dorn as a “cute” wannabe pirate and touches his helmet. Val Dorn and his crew feel disheartened and decide to return to their ship. Meanwhile, the Jedi younglings climb up the docking ring as Val Dorn and his crew walk up the gangplank to their vessel. Before heading upstairs, Val Dorn places the seeds on a shelf.
The Jedi sneak into the ship by holding onto the retractable landing ramp. While Brightstar retrieves the bag of seeds, Nubs accidentally knocks over several crates, including a GNK-series power droid. The noise alerts Val Dorn and his gang, who confront the Jedi. Val Dorn demands that the Jedi return the seeds, claiming that he stole them fair and square. However, Brightstar replies that the seeds belong to Master Yoda and passes them to Solay. She jumps on top of a stack of crates.
When Brightstar uses his energy emitter to weaken the crates, Solay passes the seeds to Nubs, who runs from EB-3. Brightstar throws a crate on top of EB-3, temporarily blinding him. He then releases the docking ramp and sends Solay and Nubs away with the bag of seeds. He stays behind and fights with Val Dorn, who draws his electrostaff. Brightstar uses the Force to push Val Dorn aside after a brief confrontation.
Durango arrives in the repaired Firehawk and picks up the three Jedi. She lowers the docking ramp a few meters above the docking ring. Although Solay manages to jump aboard, Nubs misses the ramp and clings onto a rope. While Brightstar is distracted, Val Dorn uses his grappling cable to grab his lightsaber. Remembering Yoda’s advice, Brightstar uses the Force to lift Nubs and the rope aboard Durango’s ship safely. Solay convinces Brightstar to leave his lightsaber behind and escape since he is outnumbered. He jumps aboard the Firehawk. Nubs gives him a comforting hug, and the Jedi depart. Val Dorn growls in frustration.

Yoda’s gift
At the Kublop Springs festival, the locals gather to watch the younglings’ lightsaber skills demonstrations and cheer them on. Brightstar and his friends bring rare sparkle-fire seeds that symbolize the friendship between the Jedi and the galaxy’s people. They celebrate the promise of young ones who grow up to be bright and strong. During an eclipse of Tenoo’s blue moon and red sun, Yoda plants the seeds in a pot that sprouts into a plant that lets off colorful fireworks.
Afterward, Brightstar tells Yoda that he lost his lightsaber during their mission. Even though he doubts his abilities, Yoda reassures him that he made a selfless choice and gifts Brightstar his training lightsaber, which he wielded when he was Brightstar’s age. Yoda tells Brightstar that he believes he will become a great Jedi someday. Brightstar raises the green lightsaber.