Episodes – Story – Characters – Vehicles – Planets – Aliens – Droids – Creatures – Equipment – Force Powers
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Meeting of the apprentices
In the Undercity of Sundari, Mandalorian super commandos surround Ahsoka Tano as Maul steps out of the shadows. Though he knows her name, it is not familiar to him. Ahsoka claims she knows him, but Maul chuckles, saying they have several “mutual friends.” To alert Rex and his squad of her location, Ahsoka activates a beacon on her gauntlet, and they enter the tunnels to trace her signal. Maul continues to speak, saying he was certain Obi-Wan Kenobi would have been the one to search for him, perhaps with his “loyal foal,” Anakin Skywalker. However, Ahsoka informs him that Kenobi had a more critical engagement, leading Maul to wonder if “the moment” is upon them. When Ahsoka suggests he surrender so they can ask him, Maul says his surrender would be pointless, as he believes the Jedi and the Republic will soon no longer be the controlling interests in the galaxy. When Ahsoka asks if he will be the one to replace them, Maul fearfully replies that he won’t, but his master, Darth Sidious, will, along with his new evil Empire.

Rex and his troops arrive, firing on the Mandalorians. Ahsoka and Maul activate their lightsabers and briefly duel, but Maul says, “Not yet…” and uses the Force to throw Ahsoka and Rex into the wall so he and his troops can escape. Ahsoka and the clones pursue them but lose them in the tunnels. In the Undercity of Sundari, Mandalorian super commandos surround Ahsoka Tano as Maul steps out of the shadows. Though he knows her name, it is not familiar to him. Ahsoka claims she knows him, but Maul chuckles, saying they have several “mutual friends.” To alert Rex and his squad of her location, Ahsoka activates a beacon on her gauntlet, and they enter the tunnels to trace her signal. Maul continues to speak, saying he was certain Obi-Wan Kenobi would have been the one to search for him, perhaps with his “loyal foal,” Anakin Skywalker. However, Ahsoka informs him that Kenobi had a more critical engagement, leading Maul to wonder if “the moment” is upon them. When Ahsoka suggests he surrender so they can ask him, Maul says his surrender would be pointless, as he believes the Jedi and the Republic will soon no longer be the controlling interests in the galaxy. When Ahsoka asks if he will be the one to replace them, Maul fearfully replies that he won’t, but his master, Darth Sidious, will, along with his new evil Empire.
Rex and his troops arrive, firing on the Mandalorians. Ahsoka and Maul activate their lightsabers and briefly duel, but Maul says, “Not yet…” and uses the Force to throw Ahsoka and Rex into the wall so he and his troops can escape. Ahsoka and the clones pursue them but lose them in the tunnels.

A phantom menace
Bo-Katan Kryze, Ahsoka, and Rex brief Obi-Wan via hologram in the Sundari Royal Palace throne room. Bo-Katan reports some minor skirmishes in Sector 11, but the clones do a good job containing them. However, the priority now is to capture Maul before he escapes and undoes all their progress. Ahsoka reveals that Maul mentioned a name: Darth Sidious. Bo-Katan asks who that is, and Obi-Wan agrees to share what he knows about the Sith Lord. He explains that Sidious orchestrated the Clone Wars and played both sides from the beginning, as he had learned from Count Dooku. However, any chance of learning more from Dooku is gone since Anakin killed him while rescuing the Chancellor. Obi-Wan suggests that if they capture Maul, he may be able to reveal the missing pieces to the puzzle, namely Sidious’ secret identity, to the Jedi Council.
Ahsoka requests more troops, but Obi-Wan cannot assist them as he is assigned to hunt down General Grievous on Utapau. Ahsoka asks if Anakin can help, but Obi-Wan reveals that Anakin is tasked with observing the Chancellor and reporting his findings to the Council, as the Senate has allowed him to remain in office beyond his term. Ahsoka senses that Anakin is unhappy with his assignment, and Obi-Wan agrees. He asks Ahsoka to talk to Anakin, as he believes it would be best if someone close to him does it. However, before discussing it further, Rex interrupts to report another attack. Ahsoka asks Obi-Wan to tell Anakin about Maul and their plan, and he promises to do so.

The captive clone
Ahsoka and Rex return to the Undercity, where several clone troopers have been killed. One of the clone troopers explains that they got ambushed on their way to reinforce the entry port on C-deck. Ahsoka assigns Rex the task of fortifying the C-deck. She then attends to a wounded trooper called Sterling. Sterling tells her that Maul took down the troopers one by one and took an interest in an ARC trooper named Jesse, who was older than the rest. Maul took Jesse alive following a mind probe.
In another part of the tunnels, Jesse tells Maul, Gar Saxon, Rook Kast, and other Mandalorian warriors that they are wasting their time because he won’t tell them anything. Jesse’s statement amuses Maul and tells him that clones are bred for combat. He reveals that they are part of a different plan, which he wasn’t made aware of. Maul explains that he played his part and was cast aside and forgotten, but he survived and can thrive in the chaos to come.
Maul tells Saxon that information is valuable and orders him to eliminate Prime Minister Almec. This is to prevent Almec from becoming an asset to their enemy. After Saxon leaves, Maul focuses on Jesse, who refuses to reveal any information. Maul tells Jesse that he will use the Force to extract the information he needs, regardless of Jesse’s resistance. With Rook’s help, Maul probes Jesse’s mind and questions him about Ahsoka.

Questioning Almec
Lady Bo-Katan, Ahsoka, and Commander Rex visit Almec in his cell in prison to gather information. Almec is flattered by the visit, and they start questioning him about Maul’s plan to escape. However, Almec reveals that Maul isn’t interested in escaping as he feels no point. When Bo-Katan presses for more information about Maul’s plan, Almec explains that a sense of dread has consumed Maul for the past few weeks and that he doesn’t believe he can defeat them.
When Tano asks if he mentioned Sidious, Almec says he cannot recall. Bo-Katan asks why he wanted Kenobi here. Almec reveals that Maul wanted someone else. When Ahsoka asks who, Almec refuses to cooperate. Ahsoka asks Bo-Katan to “help” him remember. Bo-Katan is about to rough up Almec, who decides to speak. Before Almec can tell them anything, he is shot by a helmeted Gar Saxon.

After Bo-Katan leaves to chase Saxon, Rex calls for a medic. Ahsoka tends to the wounded Almec, who tells her that Maul had a vision and Skywalker’s name came to him. Almec breathes his last breath after sharing this information. Meanwhile, Lady Bo-Katan and her warriors engage in a gun battle with Saxon. Saxon uses his rocket launcher to blast a hole out of the prison, allowing him to escape. Bo-Katan follows him down the elevator shaft and the two fight on a lift.
During the fight, Saxon tries to attack Bo-Katan with a flamethrower, but Bo-Katan deflects it with a power shield. However, she gets trapped underneath a turbolift holding a clone trooper and one of her warriors, which separates her from Saxon. Although Bo-Katan manages to escape being crushed to death, Saxon escapes from the prison. Bo-Katan’s jetpack gets damaged in the process, making it impossible for her to follow Saxon.

Preparing for war
After freeing Maul from Sidious and Count Dooku, Saxon returns to his den and finds Maul instructing various syndicate leaders, such as Marg Krim, Ziton Moj, and Dryden Vos, to go into hiding. Maul expresses his gratitude towards Saxon and Rook for their help liberating him. He admits to regretting his previous thoughts about Dooku, stating that both he and the fallen Jedi Master were a step behind Darth Sidious. Maul also mentions that the dark side has never been stronger.
Rook inquires about what Maul meant, to which Maul explains that the galaxy will be transformed soon, and amidst the chaos, they must seize whatever power they can. He reminds the Mandalorians that they do not die in the gutters. If they die, they will be on the battlefield as warriors. The Mandalorians cheer in agreement.
Clone troopers are seen evacuating the civilian population of Sundari into shelters while Rex, Tano, and Bo-Katan observe. Some citizens express their dissatisfaction with the occupation. Bo-Katan believes the occupation cannot last much longer because the people will not tolerate it any further, nor will she. Rex reminds Bo-Katan that she sought their assistance and that his men are not here to be a mere police force. Tano assures them that the Republic forces will withdraw as soon as they capture Maul. She also states that once that happens, she will have the opportunity to lead.

The gathering storm
As they walk into the throne room, Maul greets them and agrees with their plan. Jesse is kneeling beside him, bound. Bo-Katan fires her blasters at Jesse, but Maul uses the Force to redirect the blasts away before gripping Bo-Katan and levitating her. He asks if that is the right way to treat her rightful ruler before throwing her down.
As a gesture of “good faith,” Maul releases their fellow soldier, Jesse, from his binders using the Force and sends him back to Rex. Jesse apologizes to Rex, saying that he told him everything. Rex takes Jesse out while gunfire erupts outside the palace. Tano tells Bo-Katan to leave because her people need her, eventually convincing her to go. Gar Saxon and his warriors attack.
During the battle, Saxon and his warriors attack the 332nd Company outside the palace. Maul observes the battle and comments that the fighters outside are ignorant of the truth. Ahsoka demands an explanation, but Maul ignores her and asks if she was not expelled from the Jedi Order. Ahsoka clarified that she left voluntarily.
Maul reminds her that she left because of the Jedi Council’s hypocrisy and that they were both used as tools for more extraordinary powers. Ahsoka counters that she is here to bring Maul to justice, but he argues that justice is a mere construct of the current power base. According to his calculations, the power base is about to shift soon. When Ahsoka asks if Darth Sidious is behind it, Maul confirms that he is behind everything and is always in the shadows. He adds that Sidious will reveal himself soon.

During a conversation, Ahsoka suggests to Maul that he could help the Jedi stop Darth Sidious before it’s too late. Maul says it’s too late because the Republic has already fallen. He adds that there is no justice, law, or order except for the one that will replace the current one. Maul tells Ahsoka that the time of the Jedi has passed and that they cannot defeat Sidious. However, he suggests that they could work together to defeat him.
As the explosions continue, Maul tells Ahsoka that all her choices have led her to this moment. He then stretches out his hand towards her. Meanwhile, clone troopers and AT-TE walkers engage in a battle with Saxon’s warriors. Saxon and his troops cut through the ranks of the 332nd. An explosion shatters the windows of the throne room, scattering glass everywhere.
Ahsoka agrees to help Maul, but on the condition that he answers one question. Maul agrees to answer it, and Ahsoka asks what he wants with Anakin Skywalker. Maul replies that Skywalker is the key to everything and has long been groomed for his role as Sidious’ new apprentice. When Tano asks if it is to bring balance to the Force, Maul clarifies that Skywalker is the key to destruction.

Twin battles
Maul’s words are met with disbelief by Ahsoka, who accuses him of lying. Maul, however, insists that he is telling the truth. He goes on to explain that he was so sure of his fate that he orchestrated the conflict on Mandalore as a ploy to lure both him and Kenobi to kill them, thus depriving Sidious of his prized pupil. Ahsoka disagrees and draws her lightsabers, informing him she knows Anakin and his visions are flawed.
Maul remarks that “the Padawan needs one last lesson” and draws his lightsaber, initiating a lightsaber duel in the throne room. Meanwhile, outside, Saxon’s warriors advance on the 332nd, unleashing their rockets. As Maul and Tano continue fighting, Ahsoka drops a blade but manages to retrieve it with the Force. Tano taunts Maul about his fighting abilities, to which Maul responds that she has Kenobi’s arrogance. Tano counters, telling him she has many qualities for him to dislike.
Saxon’s forces are making their way through the 332nd. Maul initially has the upper hand over Tano, but she manages to kick and throw him through a stained glass panel. The 332nd regains the advantage when Bo-Katan’s warriors reinforce Rex’s forces, numerous clone jet troopers, and LAAT gunships that bombard Saxon and his men. They join the pursuit.

Tano catches Maul climbing a building and chases after him. Republic reinforcements capture Rook and several Mandalorians. Gar Saxon retreats and calls Lord Maul for reinforcements. However, Maul betrays Saxon and tells him his ship will arrive, leaving the Mandalorian to die. Tano catches up with him on the support beams of Sundari’s dome, and the two continue their lightsaber duel.
Maul tells Ahsoka that they could have destroyed Darth Sidious, but Ahsoka retorts that it would only have been so Maul could take Sidious’ place. As the two fight, Maul gains the upper hand and pushes Ahsoka off of a beam, but she manages to hang on.

Just then, a starship arrives, and the pilot tells Maul that they must depart immediately. Maul runs up the beams to reach the ship, but Tano attacks him, and the two resume their fight, parrying blades. Maul knocks Ahsoka’s blades out of her hands and cuts the beam she is standing on, causing it to sink beneath her weight.

Capturing Maul
Commander Rex and his team capture Saxon on the ground. Rex spots Ahsoka near Maul and quickly arranges for a gunship to rescue them. With the beam giving way, Maul makes a final offer to Ahsoka, asking her to join him or die. Ahsoka declines his offer, and he tries to strike her with his lightsaber. However, she catches his blade and trips him, causing him to fall. But just as he is about to die, Ahsoka uses the Force to suspend him in mid-air.

Maul tells Ahsoka to let him die, but she refuses. As three Republic gunships approach, Ahsoka uses the Force to move him close enough for two of Bo-Katan’s Mandalorians to secure him with grappling cables. Maul warns her that she doesn’t know what she has done and that they will all die. Rex stuns Maul and tells Ahsoka that they will take it from here. As the gunships fly away, she stands on the edge of the beam, watching the cracked canopy.