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“Rebel Resolve”

Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, Chopper, and Garazeb Orrelios embark on a mission to rescue Kanan Jarrus. At the exposition, they hijack an AT-DP walker on patrol to hack into the Imperial data network to find where the Empire was holding Kanan. The entire network was down since the Empire destroyed Lothal’s Imperial Communications Center. After being pursued by two more AT-DP walkers, the rebels headed to the town’s western border to rendezvous with Hera, who would pick them up with the Phantom, the Ghost’s auxiliary ship.

While retreating, Zeb exchanged fire with the pursuing walkers but almost fell out of their AT-DP walker. After Sabine got word that Hera Syndulla was on the way, she instructed everyone to get on top of their hijacked AT-DP. However, Chopper ignored that order and remained plugged into the walker’s terminal, hoping to find any information about Kanan. Shortly after, Hera showed up in the Phantom and picked up Ezra, Sabine, and Zeb just as one of the pursuing walkers caught up with them. When they realized that Chopper was still in the AT-DP walker, Zeb returned to retrieve him moments before the attacking walker blew it up.

Revealing A Secret
After returning to the Ghost, Hera received word from Fulcrum that civilians and the Imperial authorities had widely viewed the transmission they sent out. Concerned for the safety of the rebellion, Fulcrum told Hera to abandon their search for Kanan to avoid drawing attention to their rebel cell. When Hera shared what Fulcrum had told her, Ezra refused to abandon Kanan. Defying Hera’s orders, Ezra decided to take matters into his own hands. While Chopper distracted Hera aboard the Ghost, Ezra, Sabine, and Zeb stole the Phantom and headed out into Lothal’s wilderness to find the Devaronian crime lord Vizago.

Vizago was initially unwilling to help the crew of the Ghost because their insurgency had led to an increased Imperial presence on Lothal, which disrupted his business activities. Despite Sabine’s protests, Ezra managed to get Vizago to change his mind by revealing that he and Kanan were both Jedi. When Vizago laughed because he didn’t believe him, Ezra used the Force to levitate a crate over his head. Impressed by Ezra’s Force powers, Vizago revealed that the Empire was using courier droids to transfer sensitive information to their communication ship above Lothal since the communication tower’s destruction had disrupted all long-range communications on Lothal. Vizago suggested that Kanan’s whereabouts were stored within this data.

Droid Hyjack
Ezra left the ship and found Sabine and Zeb with Hera, who was furious with the three rebels for disobeying her orders. However, Ezra and his fellow rebels refused to abandon Kanan. Outnumbered, Hera reluctantly agreed to help them rescue Kanan and asked Ezra what he had discovered from Vizago. Meanwhile, aboard Grand Moff Tarkin’s Star Destroyer Sovereign, Kanan resisted a mental probe by one of Agent Kallus’ interrogator droids. In an attempt to break the Jedi, the Grand Inquisitor then had Kanan electrocuted. When Kanan refused to divulge any information about Fulcrum and the rebel network, Grand Moff Tarkin ordered that the Jedi be transferred to the Mustafar system. This place would produce the “desired results.”

Using Vizago’s information, the crew of the Ghost devised a plan to intercept one of the Empire’s courier droids and replace him with Chopper. Once aboard the Imperial communications ship, Chopper would hack into their data network and find out where the Imperials kept Kanan. After capturing the courier droid and taking out its stormtrooper escort, Chopper boarded the waiting shuttle disguised as an Imperial droid. The shuttle soon took off and headed for the orbiting communications ship. Soon after boarding, Chopper arrived on the bridge and began hacking into the Imperial Network, but started catching unwanted attention from the Imperials.

Where Jedi Go To Die
As soon as Chopper downloaded what he was looking for, he signaled for the crew of the Ghost to attack the communications ship, giving him time to escape. He opened one of the airlocks and allowed himself to get sucked into the vacuum of space along with four stormtroopers who were behind him. Now in space, Chopper fled to the Ghost and flew through the bomb bay doors as the Spectres headed back down to Lothal. Hera was proud of Ezra for stepping up and taking the lead and commented that Kanan had taught him well, and the Padawan said so had she. Chopper overhears Zeb complimenting their captured R4 Droid and suggests keeping it, but Chopper bumps the droid out of the cargo bay, where it falls to the ground. From the information Chopper retrieved, Sabine discovered Kanan was on one of Governor Tarkin’s Destroyers, which was still above Lothal but scheduled to leave soon to the Mustafar system she had never heard of it, so upon asking Hera, the female Twi’lek Captain told her and their close companions that she only heard the once from Kanan. He said the Mustafar system was where Jedi go to die because the Empire claimed it was where Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker was when he died.




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