<< Previous Page Species: ReekPlanet of Origin: Ylesia DEXTERITY 1D+1 PERCEPTION 1DHide: 2D Search: 2D+1 STRENGTH 6D Special Abilities:Enraged: When enraged, a reek gains +1D to all Perception rolls made to determine initiative.Gore Attack: Can gore with its horn for STR+1D damage.Thick Skin: Due to a reek’s thick hide, it gains a +2D bonus to […]
Tag: creatures
Jungle Rancor
An enormous subspecies of the reptilian, semi-sentient rancor species, jungle rancors, also known as hunter rancors, had clearly defined shells and proportions resembling that of a turtle, with larger heads relative to the rest of their bodies.
Can-cell were a species of flying insect found of a number of planets across the galaxy, including Batuu, Kashyyyk, Aleen, Ryloth, Rodia, Taul, and Teth. They had quad wings and large eyes, and were capable of growing to over three meters (nine foot ten inches) in length.
Opee Sea Killer
The opee sea killer, sometimes referred to as simply an opee, was a large meat-eating crustaceous sea creature of approximately twenty meters in length; a hybrid of crustacean and fish, that inhabited the watery planet core of Naboo.
Mastif Phalone
A vicious, predatory creature native to Maridun, the mastif phalone is a flightless avian that is nearly as large as a landspeeder and impossible to domesticate.
A vicious beast used by the Separatists in the Clone Wars, the gutkurr is a huge creature with powerful jaws and a thick carapace lined with bony protrusions. Gutkurrs are native to Ryloth, but for centuries they have been exported by crime lords as pets, much like Jabba the Hutt used a captured rancor to torment his enemies.
Colo Claw Fish
A large and nightmarish creature found in the depths of Naboo's seas, as well as the Cordaxian Sea. The colo had a flat eel-like body, a bio-luminescent tail, a crocodile-like head, a row of sharp teeth, and a set of mandibles.
Carrier Butterfly
Found on Maridun as well as on many other worlds, the carrier butterfly is a colorful insect roughly the size of a Human hand. These simple creatures have two qualities that make them uncannily good at being communications devices: their strong verbal-association memory, and their ability to replicate long sequences of sounds.
The falumpaset was a herbivorous species of mammal found on the planets Naboo and Onderon. In the wild, the species lived in swamps, forests, and plains in family groups.
Dianoga were large omnivorous cephalopods that hailed from the planet Vodran in the Si'Klaata Cluster. Although primitive, they were actually sentient, and some dianoga were sensitive to the Force.