The Liberator, serving temporarily as Phoenix Home, was a CR90 corvette in the service of the Phoenix Cell in the years prior to the Battle of Yavin.
JTN-303 was aboard Tarkin's ship, the Sovereign, as they were transporting Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus to Mustafar for his final interrogation.
JJR-579 was a stormtrooper stationed aboard the Sovereign, the flagship of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, in 4 BBY.
BN-749 was the designation of a human male stormtrooper who served in the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps on the planet Lothal.
Star Wars Rebels – S01E13 – “Call to Action”
The Ghost crew, having proved effective in their strikes against the Empire, win the attention of a powerful new enemy.
Lagos was a Sentinel-class landing craft used by the Galactic Empire. After the destruction of the Imperial Communications Center on Lothal, Lagos was used to ferry R4 courier droids to and from the Telstar to maintain Imperial communications.
The Tellstar was an Arquitens-class command cruiser in service to the Galactic Empire's navy.
Broken Horn
The Broken Horn was a modified C-ROC Gozanti-class light cruiser and the personal transport of Devaronian criminal Cikatro Vizago, leader of the Broken Horn Syndicate.
Doctor Ball
"Doctor Ball" was an IT-O Interrogation Unit in service to the Galactic Empire before the start of the Galactic Civil War.