Episodes – Story – Characters – Vehicles – Planets – Aliens – Droids – Creatures – Equipment – Force Powers
“The Jellyfruit Pursuit”

The pirate raid
The episode opens with a young Rodian helping his grandparent Weebo harvest jellyfruit on a field in Tenoo. However, Taborr’s gang arrives in the Iron Talon. Taborr Val Dorn lowers himself down a magnetic clamp and steals their crate of jellyfruit while mocking the Rodian horticulturalists. When the Weebo’s grandson protests that they were planning to share the fruit at the Jellyfruit Festival tonight, Val Dorn tells them that he intends to sell them to other pirates. The Rodian grandparent is distraught that Kublop Springs won’t be able to have their Jellyfruit Festival.
Meanwhile, Nash Durango, RJ-83, and the Jedi younglings Kai Brightstar, Nubs, and Lys Solay help Hap to decorate before the upcoming Jellyfruit Festival. Hap is grateful to Brightstar and his Jedi colleagues for helping. Durango looks forward to sharing jellyfruit before singing a jellyfruit song with Hap. They are interrupted by a holoprojector message from Weebo and her grandson, who bring news that a group of pirates stole the jellyfruits. The younglings and Hap are distraught due to the importance of jellyfruit to the Jellyfruit Festival.
Staying calm, Solay asks Weebo to describe the pirates. Weebo recalls that they had a huge starship that looked like a bird. She also recalls that the pirate was a short fellow with a pirate. The younglings recognize the pirate as Taborr. Durango reassures Weebo and her grandson that her Jedi friends will hunt down the pirates. When Hap points out that they don’t know where the pirates went, Weebo’s grandson recalls that Val Dorn said he would sell the jellyfruit to other pirates. Durango recalls their earlier encounter with pirates on Yarrum and resolves to recover the stolen jellyfruit.

Undercover at Yarrum Tower
Durango and the Jedi younglings travel on the Crimson Firehawk to Yarrum, which Solay recognizes from their previous adventure. Brightstar also recalls the adventure at Yarrum Tower, a pirate hideout popular with pirates from all over the sector. Brightstar believes that Val Dorn has headed there to sell the stolen jellyfruit. While Brightstar is optimistic that they will succeed, Durango warns them that Jedi don’t usually visit Yarrum Tower and that showing up in their usual Jedi clothes would alert Val Dorn. Durango has RJ-83 take over the console while she discusses their plans. She advises the Jedi that they need to dress up as pirates.
After landing on Yarrum, Durango and the Jedi discuss their disguises, which she thinks is passable. She also tells them that they need to act as pirates. Brightstar, Nubs, and Solay attempt to pretend to be pirates, but Durango thinks they are amateurish. She tasks RJ-83 with guarding the Firehawk while they are away. The four younglings take a turbolift up to the Yarrum Tower marketplace. As they exit the lift, Durango reminds them to “act tough.”
The four are interrogated by a female Twi’lek guard, who asks what the younglings are up to. Durango growls and tries to scare the guard into letting them through. The Twi’lek lets the four younglings through, grumbling that she is not paid enough credits for her job. As they venture into the marketplace, Durango reminds them to use tough expressions. Brightstar accidentally destroys a ceramic piece, annoying a Chagran pirate. Durango bumps into an Abednedo pirate named Chigg, who helps her up.
Durango thanks Chigg and is surprised by the pirate’s polite manners. Brightstar notices that Chigg is chomping on jellyfruit and asks where he got them from. The Abednedo says he didn’t know they were called jellyfruits. Chegg tells the younglings that a “kid” near the balcony sells a whole crate of jelly fruits. Val Dorn is selling his fruit, describing them as natural and fresh produce from Tenoo. Durango and the Jedi younglings also recognize Val Dorn’s associates, Pord and EB-3. After venting, Durango proposes they sneak up and reclaim the hover-cart carrying the jellyfruit crate.

Confronting Taborr’s gang
Brightstar grumbles that Val Dorn is selling the jellyfruit so cheaply. Val Dorn notices Brightstar but initially doesn’t recognize him due to his helmet. He tosses Brightstar a sample jellyfruit. Brightstar trips while trying to catch the fruit, causing his helmet to fall off. Val Dorn recognizes Brightstar and his Jedi friends. With their covers exposed, Durango demands that Brightstar return the stolen fruit. Val Dorn is defiant and orders Pord and EB-3 to return the crate to their starship.
Taborr’s gang flees through the marketplace with the Jedi younglings and Durango in hot pursuit. Val Dorn throws several barrels in their path but the Jedi climb over several crates and continue their pursuit. Durango herself climbs over the barrels. Solay uses her Force powers to jump over several stalls and tents. She accidentally damages a ceramic kettle being sold by the Chagrian pirate they encountered earlier. Solay mouths an apology before continuing her pursuit. Brightstar, Nubs, and Durango soon catch up.

Val Dorn and Pord taunt the Jedi while EB-3 pushes their hover-cart. However, EB-3 accidentally bumps into two canisters, causing the cart to spin out of control and slide down a ramp toward a docking ring. Though Val Dorn and Pord manage to jump off the cart, the cart topples, sending the crate of jellyfruit down the docking ring. Durango is horrified and closes her eyes in horror. However, Brightstar, Solay, and Nubs use their Force powers to levitate the crate and bring it back to the docking ring. Durango is jubilant and has contacted RJ-83 to arrange a pickup.
Sharing and reconciliation
Val Dorn is upset that the Jedi thwarted another of his schemes. Solay says that is a lesson from stealing from an old farmer and her grandkid. Upon learning who Val Dorn stole the jellyfruit from, the older pirates, including Chigg, regard Val Dorn with disdain and mockery. Val Dorn protests that he is an impressive pirate before storming off with his friends. Shortly later, RJ-83 arrives with the Firehawk.

Durango takes pity on Val Dorn and his gang and invites them to share the jellyfruit with her friends. Durango adds that the festival is not solely about sharing with friends but also about sharing with everyone, including pirates. Val Dorn, thanks, Durango. Pord asks if he could share it, but Val Dorn refuses, insisting that it is his alone. He departs with his associates. Durango and her associates return to Tenoo, where the locals celebrate the Jellyfruit Festival with several pirates, including Chigg and Twi’lek guard they met.
Hap, Weebo, and her grandson thank the Jedi for saving the Jellyruit Festival and cheer them on as heroes. Brightstar, Solay, and Durango chomp on jellyfruits before singing the “Jellyfruit Jingle” with Nubs. Brightstar invites the others for seconds.
“Creature Safari”

The Yamradi safari
The story opens with SF-R3 (“Aree”) of the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts broadcasting while CAM records. Aree introduces his Jedi friends Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs, who issue greetings to the audience. Aree says they are on the planet Yamradi, which is home to critters known as Chylaroo. Following the broadcast, Solay thanked Aree for letting them come along. Brightstar remarks that Solay is excited.
Solay tells Aree that he loves the Galactic Creature Guide, particularly its sections on the Gedonian Ground Weevil, Exogorth, and Charhounds. Aree thanks Solay, telling her that he and CAM are proud of it. Aree hopes to add new insights on the Chylaroo into the Creature Guide. At Aree’s prompting, the younglings join him and CAM in exploring the forest. They see several animals, including River Qwewts, rodents, and birds.
Shortly later, the group spots a Chylaroo hiding among the bushes. Aree is about to warn CAM and the younglings to be careful. However, several Chylaroo gather around Solay, who strokes and cuddles them. Aree asks Solay and Nubs how Solay got them to come over so easily. Brightstar alludes to Solay’s special affinity with animals before he and Nubs join Solay in socializing with the critters. Aree inspects the Chylaroo and notices their frills. Solay remarks that their frills seem to expand when people stroke them.

The birdnapping of CAM
Cam spots some movement in the nearby bushes and heads out to explore them. He encounters a large, horned bird with teeth, which grabs him, causing the camera to fade out. Aree and the younglings soon spot the large, horned bird flying away with CAM in its mouth. The Jedi younglings and Aree run after the giant bird on foot, but the bird soars away. When Aree asks where CAM and the bird went, Brightstar briefly recounts what happened and says that they lost sight of where the bird was heading to. When Solay asks Aree what the bird is, Aree admits that he has never seen the creature. Solay deduces that it is a new species.
Aree is worried about the safety of his friend CAM. Solay thinks no creature would eat a droid, while Brightstar promises to return CAM. Soly spots a blue feather, which she recognizes as belonging to the creature. They decide to follow the creature’s trail and explore the nearby trees for the creature’s nest. While the Jedi have no problem climbing, Aree struggles to keep up. Nubs is startled by a reflective yellow and purple fruit and falls off a branch. Before he can hit the ground, Solay and Brightstar use their Force powers to levitate him to safety.
While Solay and Brightstar tend to Nubs, Aree climbs down a tree. Solay is perplexed that they can’t find the bird’s nest. They find a second bird feather outside a burrow. The younglings decide to explore the burrow. Aree fears that the bird is a droid eater. Solay comforts and reminds him about the mission of being a Galactic Creature Enthusiast: discovering more about animals and their behaviors. Aree agrees with Solay.

Rescuing the droids
The four explore the burrow with the Jedi drawing their lightsabers. They soon spot an unharmed CAM inside a large nest. A relieved Aree climbs onto the edge of the nest and hugs CAM. However, their presence awakens the big bird, which pursues the younglings and droids. The creature grabs CAM with its beak and engages in a tug-of-war with Aree, who fears being eaten. The bird beats its wings, driving the younglings out of its burrow.
With the bird guarding the nest, the Jedi ponder what to do next. Solay expresses frustration that she does not know what to do since the creature has taken both CAM and Aree. Solay realizes the bird is not a droid eater and asks what it is up to. Nubs mouths in Poobian as Solay walks around in circles. Brightstar reassures Nubs that Solay is thinking. Despite their limited knowledge of the creature, Solay decides to investigate whether the bird eats the super shiny berries of the planet. Brightstar deduces that the bird mistook CAM for a shiny berry, its main staple.
At Solay’s prompting, the younglings collect several berries. Brightstar and Nubs tie rings of shiny berries around their bodies and clothes. Solay plans to use her friends to distract the bird with berries while she rescues the droids. As Nubs and Brightstar approach the bird’s nest inside the burrow, Aree attempts to reason with the bird about returning with his friends. Brightstar and Nubs alert the bird and flee the burrow with the berries. Solay uses the bird’s absence to sneak into the burrow and find the droids.
She finds Aree and CAM recording a broadcast for their show. Solay is relieved that the droids are safe. Aree introduces Solay to their new friends, which consist of three chicks. Solay is delighted to see the chicks. Aree tells Solay that the bird was not a droid eater but was looking for fruit to return to its chicks. Solay remarks that CAM looks a lot like a berry. The mother bird soon returns with Brightstar and Nubs in tow. The bird drops them and their berry rings. The boys allow the chicks to tickle them.

Solay’s discovery
Outside the burrow, the mother bird lets Solay feed her a berry and hug her. Nubs lets the chicks chase him and the berries. Aree thanks the Jedi younglings for their help. He gives credit to Solay for staying calm when CAM went missing. He also thanks Solay for reminding him about his mission as a member of the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts to learn more about galactic wildlife. Aree thanks Solay for helping discover a new creature and gives her the honor of officially naming the newly discovered creature.
Solay is delighted. When Brightstar asks what she will name the creature, Solay recalls that it likes berries and lives in a burrow. She decides to call it a burrowberry bird. Aree announces with CAM recording the video. He also introduces the burrowberry bird’s chicks. The bird licks CAM. CAM records with the younglings and birds and tells his viewers they will meet again next time.