Episodes – Story – Characters – Vehicles – Planets – Aliens – Droids – Creatures – Equipment – Force Powers
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The Bar Fight
The episode opens with the eponymous Mandalorian bounty hunter (identified later in the series as “Din Djarin”) using a tracking fob on a settlement on Maldo Kreis. Inside an unidentified bar, a bearded human trawler and a Quarren trawler are manhandling a blue-skinned Mythrol man, who pleads for his life in Galactic Basic, saying that he has credits. The bearded trawler wants to kill him for his valuable musk before the two trawlers can do any more harm, the armored and masked Mandalorian steps into the bar.
Speaking in Huttese, the bearded trawler tells Djarin that he spilled his drink the last time he came. Djarin ignores him and goes up to the counter. The bearded trawler reiterates his threat to Djarin. Translating for Djarin, the human bartender tells Djarin that he says that he spilled his drink. The Mythrol tries to break free, but the Quarren holds him down.
The two trawlers accost the Djarin, taking an interest in his bear armor. The bartender tries to defuse the situation by serving a drink, but Djarin fights the two trawlers. He knocks the bearded man to the ground. The Quarren tries to flee through the cantina doors, but Djarin trips him with a grappling line. The Quarren shoots Djarin, but his blaster bolt bounces off the Mandalorian’s armor. Djarin fires his blaster at the door controls, causing the panels to shut and slice the Quarren in half, killing him.
The Mythrol thanks the Mandalorian and offers to buy him a drink. However, Djarin shows him a hologram confirming that the Mythrol is a wanted fugitive. The Mythrol claims this is a misunderstanding and tries to bribe his way out. Djarin is unmoved and says he can bring him in either “warm” or “cold.”
Icy Ground
Djarin leads the chained Mythrol back to his ship. On the way, they encounter a Kubaz ferryman dressed in a parka. Djarin says that he needs passage back to the ice. The Kubaz summons a landspeeder piloted by an astromech droid with a flute. Djarin does not want to deal with droids, but the Kubaz says the speeder is brand new. Djarin insists on an organic pilot, so the droid-piloted speeder leaves and the Kubaz summons a rundown landspeeder piloted by a bearded human pilot, who asks him “where to.”
Djarin and his Mythrol quarry travel with the human pilot on the landspeeder. The driver scans the horizon with his macro binoculars, with the Mythrol explaining that he is looking for ravines, large predators which live under the ice. The pilot explains that it is clear now but warns Djarin that the canyon tends to cluster around the spaceport because they think the entire planet is their sink pit.
The speeder pilot delivers them to the Mandalorian’s starship Razor Crest, which the Mythrol describes as junk, and offers to hire a better ship. Djarin forces him out of the landspeeder. The driver says it is time to go and warns Djarin to stay off the ice. The Mythrol asks if there is going to be something to worry about. While Djarin climbs aboard the Razor Crest, the Mythrol sees the speeder being devoured by a ravinak lurking beneath the ice.
The Mythrol begs Djarin to open the hatch as the creature approaches him. Djarin pulls him to safety just in the nick of time. The ravine throws itself against the starship’s hull. Djarin leads his captive into the cockpit. The Mythrol remarks that it was a lucky escape and that staying off the ice was the “understatement of the millennium.” The Razor Crest tries to take off, but the ravine latches onto its landing strut.
Djarin exits the cockpit with an Amban sniper rifle with an attached stun rod and climbs the docking ramp to confront the ravine. He stuns the creature in the head, causing it to let go of the landing strut. The Razor Crest flies into the skies as Djarin returns to the cockpit. The Mythrol mumbles, “Let’s go, let’s go,” as the ship ascends into space.
Nowhere to Escape
During the journey, the Mythrol expresses his admiration for the Razor Crest, stating that it’s a classic ship. He then proceeds to inquire if the ship is pre-Galactic Empire and boasts about his wealth, implying that he could afford to hail a cruiser. Despite his attempts to converse with Djarin, the latter remains silent and unresponsive. The Mythrol continues to badger Djarin with questions, asking how much he’s being paid and if it’s true that Mandalorians do not remove their helmets. Djarin remains silent, refusing to engage.
As if his behavior wasn’t already irritating enough, the Mythrol then claims that he has to use the vacc tube, warning Djarin that he wouldn’t want to witness a Mythrol “evacuate its thorax.” Djarin allows him to leave the cockpit to find the vacc tube. The Mythrol takes his time and finally finds the vacc tube, only to reveal that he’s moulting and it’ll take a while. He seizes the opportunity to explore the ship and stumbles upon the cargo hold, where he discovers several other bounties frozen in carbonite. Knowing that his escape plan has been foiled, the Mythrol laments that he won’t be able to celebrate Life Day. Djarin agrees with his statement and proceeds to forcefully freeze the Mythrol in a carbon chamber.
The Mythrol demanded the use of the vacc tube, warning of the consequences of not complying. Djarin reluctantly allowed him to leave the cockpit to search for the necessary equipment. Despite the Mythrol’s delay due to moulting, he eventually found the tube. However, during his bathroom break, he attempted to flee the ship and stumbled upon a number of frozen bounties. Recognizing that he would not be able to partake in Life Day festivities, Djarin made the decision to freeze him in carbonite. Consequently, the Mythrol was frozen in the chamber.
A New Job
The Razor Crest ship has arrived at the spaceport on Nevarro, and its pilot is making his way through the streets to a cantina. Upon entering the bustling establishment filled with a diverse range of humanoid and alien patrons, the pilot meets with Greef Karga, a man with a dark complexion who works as an agent for the Bounty Hunters’ Guild. Karga promptly notes that the job was completed quickly and offers to pay the pilot in Imperial credits. However, the pilot refuses the payment, as the Empire is no longer in existence. Karga then proposes to pay him in Calamari Flan, but only half the amount. Despite some hesitation, the pilot reluctantly accepts the payment and proceeds to unload the frozen bounties that were stored in carbonite.
At the cantina, Karga informs Djarin about several bail jumpers and a wanted smuggler. Djarin expresses his keen interest in pursuing all of them, but Greef cautions him that there are other bounty hunters competing for the same targets. Greef also mentions that some of them are willing to work for lower rates and may not be concerned about being sloppy. Djarin then demands to know about the highest bounty available. Karga reluctantly reveals it to be 5,000 Calamari Flan, but Djarin points out that it won’t be enough to cover the cost of fuel. Karga then reveals the existence of an “off the books” job with no chain code – a job that Djarin must take if he wants to make it worth his while.
The Client
Karga has offered Djarin a job that is off the books and requires no chain code. Djarin has agreed to take it to ensure it’s worth his while. He travels to a house with a green door, and a gatekeeper droid greets him. After presenting a transponder, he gains access to the building and is escorted by a GNK power droid to a room with four Remnant Stormtroopers. The elderly white-haired man he meets is his client, who was referred to him by Greef Karga. Suddenly, a door opens abruptly, and Djarin immediately reaches for his blaster. A panicked bespectacled man appears, causing the stormtroopers to demand that Djarin disarm. The man apologizes for startling Djarin, but Djarin remains alert and vigilant.
In the meeting, Djarin requests the stormtroopers to lower their blasters, but one of them refuses, stating that they outnumber him. Djarin responds confidently, saying that he likes those odds. The Client, who has been warned about Djarin’s costly fees by Greef, asks him to sit and introduces him to Dr Pershing. The Client then reveals a down payment of beskar, wrapped in a red cloth, promising more if Djarin successfully delivers the asset alive. Dr Pershing stresses the importance of the asset being delivered alive, while the Client warns Djarin about the difficulties of bounty hunting and offers a lower fee with a proof of termination. However, the Client overrules Dr Pershing on this matter.
As the job is sensitive, the Client provides Djarin with a tracking fob and the last recorded position of the data. When Djarin inquires about the chain code, the Client states that he can only provide the last four digits. The Client flatters Djarin’s skills and claims that the beskar rightfully belongs to him, as it restores the “natural order” after a chaotic period. The Client then ominously questions Djarin if he agrees..
Lair of the Tribe
Djarin walks through the streets, passing a Kowakian monkey-lizard being roasted over a spit while a despondent monkey-lizard watches from inside a cage. He passes through the marketplace down a flight of stairs into an underground hall full of Mandalorians including helmeted children. Djarin approaches the armorer and presents her with the Calamari Flan and beskar bar.
The female armorer says that the beskar bar was melted down during the Great Purge and that it is good that it is back with The Tribe. She says that a pauldron is in order and asks if his signet has been revealed. He says not yet and she responds that it will be ready soon. The female armorer gets to work melting the beskar while Djarin watches. She says that this beskar alloy is generous and will sponsor many Foundlings. Djarin says that he was once a Foundling and experiences a flashback of his parents being gunned down in the streets. The female smith presents him with a metal pauldron.
Djarin piloted the Razor Crest to Arvala-7, a desert planet. After soaring over a range of mountains, he alighted in a valley and followed his tracking fob, scouring the horizon for his target. He aimed his trident at a blurrg, but suddenly found himself ambushed by one of the creatures. It seized his right arm and flung him to the ground. Fortunately, a tranquilizer dart dispatched the blurrg, and another one that charged at him.
Kuiil, an Ugnaught on a blurrg mount, came to Djarin’s aid and offered his help. Though wary of his past as a bounty hunter, Djarin accepted Kuiil’s assistance and followed him to his moisture farm. Kuiil warned him that many had tried to seize the same asset, but all had failed. Despite Djarin’s reluctance, Kuiil insisted on leading him to the encampment.
When Djarin asked what Kuiil’s “cut” would be, the Ugnaught replied that he wanted half of the captured blurrgs. Although Djarin offered him both, Kuiil insisted on keeping one, as he believed it was the only way to navigate the terrain safely. Djarin was hesitant to ride a blurrg, but Kuiil reminded him that he had spoken.
Djarin faced difficulties while attempting to ride a blurrg. The Ugnaught suggested he remove his helmet, but Djarin declined. Kuiil clarified that the male creature is in heat during mating season. Djarin made several unsuccessful attempts to ride the blurrg, causing Kuiil to become impatient. He then asked if the Ugnaught had a speeder bike or landspeeder, but Kuiil reminded him of his Mandalorian ancestry, where his predecessors rode the great mythosaurs. Kuiil convinced Djarin to try again.
Djarin approached the creature gently and stroked its head, successfully taming it. Together, they rode their blurrgs over the rocky terrain, filled with crevices and gorges, towards the encampment. Kuiil informed Djarin that the locals wanted to be rid of mercenaries and crooks, and by doing so, Djarin would be doing him a service. When Djarin offered to pay, Kuiil refused, stating that meeting a Mandalorian and hearing the stories was his only reward. This action would bring peace to the area if Djarin’s claims were true.
Skirmish at the Encampment
As Djarin continues his journey, he comes across an encampment situated in a valley. He uses a telescope to scan the area and notices multiple armed individuals, including an IG-series droid named IG-11. The droid approaches the Nikto sentries and asks them to surrender the “asset” based on Paragraph 16 of the Bondsman Guild Protocol. The Nikto reach for their blasters, but IG-11 swiftly eliminates them. More gunmen join the skirmish but are swiftly defeated by the skilled droid.
The skilled droid successfully defeats the attackers, causing the remaining gunmen to retreat behind a blast door. IG-11 repeats his demands for the bounty. Djarin approaches IG-11 and advises him to take cover. Initially, IG-11 shoots at Djarin, mistaking him for an enemy. However, Djarin manages to convince him that he is a fellow Guild member. IG-11 insists that the bounty belongs to him, but Djarin persuades him to split it, and they team up to take out the hostile forces.
They encounter more armed gunmen on the roofs, but the duo manages to shoot them down. Djarin is attacked from behind, but he quickly retaliates and takes down the assailant. Djarin locates the asset, and they continue to eliminate more mercenaries and hostiles. As more reinforcements approach, IG-11 suggests activating his self-destruct mechanism, but Djarin convinces him to cover him while he finds a way to unlock the blast door. Together, they work to overcome obstacles and defeat their enemies.
IG-11 was considering activating his self-destruct mechanism, but Djarin convinced him to instead provide cover fire while they both worked together to overcome obstacles and defeat their enemies who were closing in on them. The situation became even more dangerous when some of the Nikto mercenaries arrived with a powerful laser cannon. Despite this, Djarin remained calm and convinced IG-11 to draw their fire while he found a way to outmaneuver them and take them down.
The Asset
Even though Djarin doesn’t like droids, he still acknowledges IG-11’s impressive fighting abilities. When IG-11’s blaster gets damaged, Djarin shows concern for the droid’s well-being. However, IG-11 reassures him that he’s alright and runs a diagnostic, discovering that the blaster bolt missed his central chassis. Together, Djarin and IG-11 utilize the laser cannon to break down the door and defeat the last sentry, with Djarin taking the final shot.IG-11 says that his tracking fob is still active and that his sensors indicate a lifeform is present. Djarin approaches a silver pram and finds that the asset is an infant belonging to the same species as Jedi Masters Yoda and Yaddle. IG-11 points out that different species age differently. The droid informs Djarin that he received specific instructions to terminate the asset. Djarin disagrees and insists on bringing “the Child” back alive. When IG-11 attempts to terminate the infant, Djarin shoots and destroys the droid before taking the infant.