Womp rats were large, omnivorous rodents native to Tatooine, widely considered to be pests. They were slightly larger than two meters in size.
Tag: creatures
Rakghoul Fiend
The victim, known as a Rakghoul Fiend, would then suffer through an incubation period lasting approximately six to forty-eight hours before being transformed into a rakghoul, one fully capable of spreading the Sith-made disease on to further victims.
Neebray were flying, limbless creatures which varied greatly in size and habitat. They could be found on many worlds, such as Rugosa, Rishi moon, Tatooine (where they sometimes circled over Jabba's Palace), and even in space, notably in the Kaliida Nebula along the Balmorra Run.
Kamino Sea Creature
The Kamino sea creature was a large, aquatic, reptile-like species. Officially unknown, the species lived in the oceans of Kamino around Tipoca City during the early years of the Galactic Empire.
A horrific half-shelled monstrosity, the blixus is a rare beast that is regarded a prize to most collectors, as long as they are able to void the reach of its deadly tentacles.
Anoobas were aggressive pack predators native to Tatooine. Opportunistic hunters as well as scavengers, these wolflike canines would attack virtually anything smaller than themselves (such as scurriers) and would band together in packs to bring down rontos, eopies, and similar creatures.
Irlings were large non-sentient insects that lived on the planet Ord Mantell. Irlings formed hives of many individual and highly aggressive towards anything that entered their territory.
Corellian Hound
Corellian hounds, also known as Sibian hounds, were a type of hound from the planet Corellia. They were quick and nimble canines used by locals for a number of tasks.
Sando Aqua Monster
Sandos had heavily muscled bodies that looked almost feline, with strong limbs ending in finned claws that propelled them through the depths. Their front legs ended in hands that could be used to grasp prey