Yavin 4, also known as Yavin, was the jungle-covered fourth moon in orbit around the red gas giant Yavin Prime. Prior to and during the Galactic Civil War, it hosted the headquarters of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, a group of resistance fighters that opposed the dominant Galactic Empire.
Tag: ANH
Dianoga were large omnivorous cephalopods that hailed from the planet Vodran in the Si'Klaata Cluster. Although primitive, they were actually sentient, and some dianoga were sensitive to the Force.
The Anzati were a dangerous and mysterious Force-sensitive near-Human species with two tentacle-like proboscises that curled out and extended from their cheeks, with which the Anzati were able to feed upon the brains of their prey.
Gotals were a species of tall, humanoid sentients native to the moon Antar 4. Their most distinctive features were the twin conical horns growing on the top of their heads, which acted as highly responsive electro-magnetic sensors and caused discomfort when exposed to complex electrical systems, like droids.
Nicknamed Snaggletooths, were a sentient mammalian, humanoid species native to the planet Cadomai Prime.
Dantooine was a pleasant world of grasslands, rivers, forest and lakes. The planet was located in the Raioballo sector of the Outer Rim at an endpoint of Myto's Arrow, the other endpoint of which was in the Obtrexta sector, though Dantooine itself was still far removed from most galactic traffic.
Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Third Lightsaber
Obi-Wan Kenobi's third lightsaber was the weapon created and wielded by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi during the Clone Wars and the Great Jedi Purge as well as the first and final duels against Darth Vader.
Gran were a sentient humanoid species native to the planet Kinyen, but had colonies on many worlds such as Malastare, Hok, and Varkana.
Red Five
Luke Skywalker and R2-D2 flew a T-65B X-wing starfighter dubbed Red Five in the Battle of Yavin.
C1 Comlink
The C1 personal comlink was a standard model of comlink produced by SoroSuub Corporation and used by the Galactic Empire. When Luke Skywalker rescued Princess Leia Organa from the cells of the first Death Star, he kept in contact with the protocol droid C-3PO via a C1 personal comlink.