Lava meerkats inhabited Nevarro by circa 9 ABY. During their escape from the forces of Imperial warlord Moff Gideon, the bounty hunter Din Djarin and his companions encountered the meerkats on the banks of an underground lava river.
Category: Creatures
Rugged reptillian lizards native to the deserts of Tatooine, dewbacks were able to withstand the heat of the world's binary suns, as well as the dust that caused mechanical breakdowns in high-tech conveyances.
Canyon Krayt Dragon
The Canyon Krayt Dragon was the smaller and more common species of Krayt Dragon, a predatory reptile from Tatooine. As its named suggested, it dwelled in rock caves and canyons.
Greater Krayt Dragon
The Greater Krayt Dragon was the larger of the two species of Krayt Dragons, giant carnivorous reptiles found on Tatooine. They were characterized by their long neck, whip-like tail, horns, sharp teeth, and five pairs of legs.
Mudhorns appeared to have a large keratinous horn, flat teeth, and long, woolly fur. It was oviparous, laying a single egg per clutch. The egg was huge and was cherished by Jawas.
Ravinaks were large creatures that inhabited the frigid planet Maldo Kreis, swimming underneath the ice. They had two large tusks, a blowhole on top of their head, and gray skin.
Loth-cats were small felines, members of the tooka family and native to Lothal, often found in the grassy plains of the Outer Rim planet.
Jakoosks were a species of large creatures capable of flying and burrowing under snow native to the ice moon Celsor 3.
The zymod was an arboreal creature native to the jungle moon Ajan Kloss. They had the ability to change the color of their hide.
The oki-poki were a species of cliff-dwelling rodents native to the desert planet of Pasaana. They fed on thistlebuzzers, gorpions, and other insects.