Three-Way Hunt Ends with Two Dead JUDICIAL ARCOLOGY, CORUSCANT – Sent to capture a fugitive alive, Jedi Knight Reeft returned with two dead bodies: his prey and another hunter of his prey. Rotar Lopani, a thief with ties to Bando Gora, fled Coruscant a month ago allegedly with sensitive diplomatic datapads. Circarpous representatives turned to […]
Month: August 2003
Gotal Standoff Ends Violently Official Freed, Guerillas Killed SKREEKA, ATZERRI – Despite the best efforts of a Jedi taskforce, the week-long Roshu Sune hostage standoff ended in violence, resulting in the death of 12 hostages, five guerillas, and two Jedi. The guerilla’s intended prisoner, Gotal Emissary Nathanjo Nirrelz has been freed. The taskforce, led by […]
RRM Fundraiser a Huge Success XENVAER, ALSAKAN – Many of the biggest names in politics and business flocked to a thousand-credit-a-plate dinner reception to raise funds for the Refugee Relief Movement. Security was tight at the gala, held at the posh Xenvaer Civic Auditorium on Alsakan, as the guest list not only included Supreme Chancellor […]
Death Sticks found in Subadult School JRADE DISTRICT, CORUSCANT – The Jrade School Board expressed shock and dismay at the finding of death sticks in a public subadult school. PSAS-5128, in northern Jrade, has instituted mandatory locker and body searches after two Level Six students were found in possession of death stick and death stick […]
Senator Aak Officially Appointed SENATE ROTUNDA, CORUSCANT – Ask Aak was officially recognized as Senator of Malastare, a position he has been filling since the 4:4th assassination of Senator Aks Moe on Aargau. The recognition started today’s session of the Galactic Senate. “My esteemed predecessor had a great love for the Republic,” said Aak. “Were […]
Menarai Watch Follows Threat MONUMENT PLAZA, CORUSCANT – An anonymous tip warning of a Separatist attack against Monument Plaza has forced the closing of the recreational area and increased security around the Menarai historic site. An untraceable com-call warned that a droid-delivered bomb would target the ancient mountain outcropping. In response, local security evacuated the […]
Would-Be Saboteur Captured Jedi Apprehend Attempted Terrorist YAG’DHUL EMBASSY, CORUSCANT – The vigilance of a civilian Givin worker and the swift response of two of the most renowned Jedi Masters averted disaster today, as a would-be saboteur was apprehended at the Yag’dhul Ambassadorial Landing Platform. Gavrilonnis Tejere, a 22-year old Givin maintenance worker, was spotted […]
Chatrunis Crowned Miss Coruscant GALACTIC CITY, CORUSCANT – Though the Republic-wide follow-up pageant may be canceled, that didn’t stop a jubilant Larisselle Chatrunis from crying with joy upon receiving the crown as Miss Coruscant. Chatrunis, 23, beat out 35 other participants, representing various districts around the planet. The representative of the Jrade district juggled while […]
New Galaxy’s Fastest Hexaped PYRE FOLAS, TEYR – An event always filled with excitement, flash, and controversy, the annual “Mobquet Presents: Fastest Land Beings” meet delivered yet another land-speed record this year. Yopaxtul, a Vratix from Thyferra, broke the six-legged 100-meter record with a time of 6.132 seconds. Pumav (Selonia) repeated as quadruped champion, also […]
Baby Ludi Moved to Kamparas JEDI TEMPLE, CORUSCANT – Amidst a flurry of controversy and widespread activism, the Jedi Council has transported young Baby Ludi from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to the training academy in distant Kamparas. The fourteen-month-old child is the subject of a heated custody dispute between her mother, Jonava Billane, and […]