Tophid Bruster (DT-4431)

Tophid Bruster, designated DT-4431, was a lieutenant TIE fighter pilot in the Starfighter Corps of the First Order. In 35 ABY, Bruster piloted a TIE/fo space superiority fighter as part of a group sent to destroy the YT-1300 light freighter known as the Millennium Falcon while it was on a mission to the Sinta Glacier Colony. Bruster engaged the freighter, but it ultimately escaped.


<< Previous Page Name: BFB-7Plating color: Dark gray Dexterity: 1DKnowledge: 1DMechanical: 1DPerception: 1DStrength: 1D        Lifting 4DTechnical: 1D Equipped with:         Wheels         Lifting Platform (Lifting +2D) Move: 6 Background: BFB-7 was a droid nicknamed “Boost-Bot,” who was active during the war between the First Order and the Resistance. << Previous Page