D-O was a droid that was once owned by the Sith assassin Ochi of Bestoon. The droid was created by a droidsmith, who was killed by Ochi.
Tag: star wars d6
CS-9147 Jet Trooper
CS-9147 was a human from the Otomok system who served the First Order as a jet trooper. In 35 ABY, CS-9147 and another jet trooper pursued the scavenger Rey and her Resistance allies through the deserts of the planet Pasaana.
Tophid Bruster (DT-4431)
Tophid Bruster, designated DT-4431, was a lieutenant TIE fighter pilot in the Starfighter Corps of the First Order. In 35 ABY, Bruster piloted a TIE/fo space superiority fighter as part of a group sent to destroy the YT-1300 light freighter known as the Millennium Falcon while it was on a mission to the Sinta Glacier Colony. Bruster engaged the freighter, but it ultimately escaped.
Dreanna Conunda
Dreanna Conunda was a human female pilot. She served as a flight instructor at the New Republic academy on Chandrila, and also worked as a test pilot for the Corellian Engineering Corporation.
Boolio was an Ovissian male who worked as a mine overseer at the Sinta Glacier Colony during the war between the First Order and the Resistance.
Euphaus Biro
Euphaus Biro was an insectoid individual active during the war between the First Order and the Resistance.
<< Previous Page Name: BFB-7Plating color: Dark gray Dexterity: 1DKnowledge: 1DMechanical: 1DPerception: 1DStrength: 1D Lifting 4DTechnical: 1D Equipped with: Wheels Lifting Platform (Lifting +2D) Move: 6 Background: BFB-7 was a droid nicknamed “Boost-Bot,” who was active during the war between the First Order and the Resistance. << Previous Page
Aftab Ackbar
Aftab Ackbar was a Mon Calamari male who was the son of Admiral Gial Ackbar. Ackbar only saw his father once after his spawning where he begged him to retire from Resistance service.
Albrekh was a Symeong male metalsmith and Sith alchemist who served Supreme Leader Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren during the war between the First Order and the Resistance. He worked on board the Knights' transport, the Night Buzzard, and was responsible for repairing their armor.
AL1-L3 Protocol droid
AL1-L3, nicknamed "Allie," was a protocol droid that served in the administrative center of the Pyke Syndicate's spice mines on the planet Kessel. After witnessing a droid revolution sparked by the droid L3-37 in 10 BBY, AL1 saw a glimpse of independence that survived in the back of her processors when she was later scrapped and recycled.