Ominaz Keeps Top Ranking TASJON, CORULAG – Ignar Ominaz’s victory at Tasjon will keep him the top-ranked swoop racer through the racsan break, despite mounting pressure from Serji-X Arrogantus currently behind by less than two points. The two-time swoop racing champion raced to his 27th career victory, his ninth after switching to his modified Ikas-Adno […]
Tag: D6 Stats
Malastare to Increase Import Security PIXELITO, MALASTARE – Following a number of commed-in bomb threats, an increase in native hostility, and the death of Senator Aks Moe, the Malastarian government has increased security at its major starport in Pixelito. “In an effort to root out extremism among the natives, we are temporarily placing the Dug […]
Senator Taa Apologizes Over Dod “Joke” GALACTIC CITY, CORUSCANT – Senator Orn Free Taa (Ryloth) issued a public apology today following what he now describes as “tactless and inappropriate” remarks made on the Amberdawn morning show. In yesterday’s broadcast, Taa joked about Trade Federation Senator Lott Dod’s skyway accident. “He’s probably calling it an outrage, [and] thinks […]
Giant Space Slug Found BORKEEN BELT – Scientists have confirmed the existence of a 80-meter long space slug living within the Borkeen Belt in the Outer Rim Territories. This is the largest specimen that the University of Sanbra has ever found, though scientists have long postulated the existence of even larger space slugs. “It’s astounding […]
Rodian Senator Uncovers Loyalist-Separatist Ties SENATE ROTUNDA, CORUSCANT – Senator Onaconda Farr (Rodia) stunned many yesterday with his accusations of Separatist conspiracy within the highest echelons of the Senate, but today’s announcement from the SBI upheld Farr’s assertion that Loyalist Committee member Havriso Looruya was funding secessionist activity. “Upon examining the data provided by Senator […]
Cease & Desist turns into Seek & Destroy SHAMD CITY, KIRIMA – Repeated Cease & Desist orders issued by the Commerce Guild against the Kalinda system’s Vespula Manufacturing & Exports company turned to Seek & Destroy missions carried out by a skilled team of bounty hunters. Vespula, a 12-year old company, was in violation of […]
Corellian Jedi Return CORELLIAN SECTOR NODE – Reinforcing their pledge to protect the Republic, two-dozen Jedi from the Corellian sector returned to the Jedi Temple after a careful review of their homeworlds’ security. Following Corellia’s closing of borders on 3:14, many insiders and Jedi observers were uncertain as to the status of the Jedi Knights […]
Yag’Dhul Secedes DODECAPOLIS, YAG’DHUL – As is becoming increasingly common during these turbulent times, the Republic was dealt a major blow with the formal secession of Yag’Dhul and its domains today. Yag’Dhul, a very prosperous world, takes with it valuable technological, scientific and mineral resources from the Republic to the Separatists. Senator Daggibus Scoritoles transmitted […]
Jedi Settle Ansion Dispute CUIPERNAM, ANSION – Despite a swath of scattered violence leading all the way into the very halls of the Unity of Community, the Mid Rim world of Ansion voted that it would remain in the Republic. The vote was contingent on the unlikely completion of a mission by a Jedi delegation […]
Vigilante Task Force Departs to Engage Separatists EXPANSION REGION NODE – A Republic cruiser assigned to the Judicial Department has defected from the Republic to begin its own private battle against Separatist forces, Republic Judicial Terrinald Screed confirmed today. The Scarlet Thranta, a mid-sized corvette with a crew of 150, ceased communications on a routine patrol […]