Wednesday, September 11, 2024
HoloNet News

Ominaz Keeps Top Ranking

TASJON, CORULAG – Ignar Ominaz’s victory at Tasjon will keep him the top-ranked swoop racer through the racsan break, despite mounting pressure from Serji-X Arrogantus currently behind by less than two points.

The two-time swoop racing champion raced to his 27th career victory, his ninth after switching to his modified Ikas-Adno JP-420, completing the 24 laps in 51 minutes and 14 seconds, and reaching a top speed of 387 kph. Arrogantus finished nine seconds later, after narrowly missing a geyser blast that took out three other jockeys.

Ominaz and Arrogantus rarely compete head-to-head as Tasjon is one of only two races shared by both the TransGal and Swo-O’Rim circuits. While Ominaz won’t see action until the Stassia Classic, Arrogantus will look to claim the top seed next month on Corsin at the Plooriod 940.

“Ignar drives like a mott,” seethed Arrogantus. “I’ve transmitted him a diagram of the back of my new Flare-P so that he can start getting used to the view.” Mobquet claims the new model will reach speeds of 450 kph.

The Ominaz win, combined with the fourth place showing of Dretti Grond, also restores Team Millennium Holos to top spot in the team rankings. Team SoroSuub and Team Tagge follow in second and third. This season’s surprise upstart, Team NaKuda, rose to fourth with the strong finishes of Dug rookie swoop-jockey Hodrix (3rd) and Cerean rookie Jo-Mau-Rinti (8th).

Boon Soniita III, grandson of swoop legend Boon Soniita, sustained serious injuries on his first race back following multiple fractures received four months ago. Soniita was thrown from his swoop in the tenth lap, impaling his gluteal muscles on the crystalline shards that line the course.

PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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