Saturday, September 7, 2024

D6 Stats

HoloNet News

Supreme Chancellor Palpatine once again took to the HoloNet, not to announce an impending vote or Senate session, but instead to offer an open invitation to Count Dooku, popular leader of the Separatist movement, to parley.

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HoloNet News

Jedi Master Oppo Rancisis arrived today for the first day of the Kashyyyk/Trandosha peace negotiations, though critics of the Jedi were quick to point out that had the delegation arrived four weeks ago, considerable bloodshed would have been averted.

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HoloNet News

Jonava Billane, mother of Baby Ludi, the infant subject of a heated custody dispute with the Jedi Council, will appear on an upcoming episode of Essence, the popular talk show based out of Eriadu.

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HoloNet News

Two hours after the odds-defying victory of Blob 14 in the third race at Fondine Raceways, the Umgullian Racing Commission announced findings of banned viscosity-enhancing substances in the winning blob’s system.

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