Saturday, September 7, 2024
RebelsSource Guide

Star Wars Rebels – S00E03 – “Entanglement”

Episodes  – Story – Characters – StarshipsVehicles – Planets – Aliens – Droids – Creatures – EquipmentForce Powers

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On the planet Lothal, Garazeb Orrelios walks through an alley talking via comlink to Kanan Jarrus, wrongly assuming he has reached their agreed-upon rendezvous point. He comes across two stormtroopers interrogating a salesman. The stormtroopers kick over his indignant droid, and he tries to hand them a credit chip. They assume it is a bribe and prepare to arrest him, which prompts Orrelios to knock the troopers out. Two more troops spot him and give chase. Orrelios finds his way to a landed TIE/ln space superiority starfighter. He knocks out the pilot as stormtroopers begin to fire at him. They lose sight of Orrelios, who jumps on top of the TIE fighter, and then back down on to one of them. He then engages the troops in a physical confrontation. The pilot of the fighter gets up, pointing a gun at Orrelios and calling for reinforcements. Orrelios outwits the pilot and takes him out as more troops arrive. As a result of their random firing, a fuel leak forms in the TIE fighter’s tank and soon a laser blast causes the fighter to explode. Orrelios survives the explosion, walking away unharmed. The salesman offers the credit chip as a reward to Orrelios for his deed, but he turns it down and only takes a piece of jogan fruit from the man’s basket. Orrelios prepares for another skirmish as more stormtroopers arrive.




Space Transports

Capital Ships





Planets / Locations


Cities / Points of Interest







Personal Gear

Flora & Foodstuffs

Heavy Equipment

Force Powers

PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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