Saturday, September 7, 2024
RebelsSource Guide

Star Wars Rebels – S00E02 – “Art Attack”

Episodes  – Story – Characters – StarshipsVehicles – Planets – Aliens – Droids – Creatures – EquipmentForce Powers

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On Lothal, a citizen is in a restricted Imperial area and is threatened by a stormtrooper, who commands the citizen to leave the area. As the stormtrooper moves along his patrol, Sabine Wren appears on a rooftop and makes her way toward a TIE/ln space superiority starfighter landing platform. Once on the outer wall of the platform, Wren contacts Hera Syndulla on the Ghost, alerting the Twi’lek pilot that Wren is in place in order to create a diversion that will allow the Ghost to fly away.

Wren sneaks through the landing platform and begins painting her call sign in graffiti on the side of a TIE fighter, when she is spotted by two stormtroopers who overheard the sound of her painting. They question the Mandalorian as to what she is doing and command her to stand down, or else they will shoot. Wren goads them to shoot. The stormtroopers, staring at each other in bemusement prepare their blasters only to find that she had disappeared. The troopers chase her through the platform, with Wren taunting them as she moved. One of the troopers, TK-626, calls for reinforcements.

When the reinforcements arrive, the two troopers describe Wren as being still at large and wearing “Mando gear.” Wren returns to her graffiti and adds an explosive device to it before running off. The troopers notice the explosive, but not before it is too late. The TIE fighter explodes, and the Ghost uses the distraction as a diversion to fly off. The groaning stormtroopers survived, covered in paint, while Wren marvels at her explosive artwork.




Space Transports

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Ghost_FA.png

Capital Ships





Planets / Locations


Cities / Points of Interest







Personal Gear

Flora & Foodstuffs

Heavy Equipment

Force Powers

PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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