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Senator Taa Apologizes Over Dod “Joke” GALACTIC CITY, CORUSCANT – Senator Orn Free Taa (Ryloth) issued a public apology today following what he now describes as “tactless and inappropriate” remarks made on the Amberdawn morning show. In yesterday’s broadcast, Taa joked about Trade Federation Senator Lott Dod’s skyway accident. “He’s probably calling it an outrage, [and] thinks […]

Rodian Senator Uncovers Loyalist-Separatist Ties SENATE ROTUNDA, CORUSCANT – Senator Onaconda Farr (Rodia) stunned many yesterday with his accusations of Separatist conspiracy within the highest echelons of the Senate, but today’s announcement from the SBI upheld Farr’s assertion that Loyalist Committee member Havriso Looruya was funding secessionist activity. “Upon examining the data provided by Senator […]

Yag’Dhul Secedes DODECAPOLIS, YAG’DHUL – As is becoming increasingly common during these turbulent times, the Republic was dealt a major blow with the formal secession of Yag’Dhul and its domains today. Yag’Dhul, a very prosperous world, takes with it valuable technological, scientific and mineral resources from the Republic to the Separatists. Senator Daggibus Scoritoles transmitted […]