A human male pilot served in Moff Gideon's remnant of the Galactic Empire. Around 9 ABY, he and his co-pilot were pursued aboard the Lambda-class T-4a shuttle designated Shuttle 2743 by the Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft Slave I while transporting Doctor Pershing.
Month: March 2021
Red Five
Luke Skywalker and R2-D2 flew a T-65B X-wing starfighter dubbed Red Five in the Battle of Yavin.
Kom’rk-Class Fighter/Transport
: The Kom'rk-class fighter/transport, also known as the Gauntlet starfighter, was a type of starfighter and troop transport used by the Mandalorian splinter faction known as Death Watch during the Clone Wars.
The Bad Batch Official Trailer
The Official Trailer for The Bad Batch has been released and here are a few stray observations I had. The First Episode is 70 minutes in length, hopefully that isn’t 20 minutes of credits. Looking at you D+! The description calls the young clone “Omega”. This implies we might be looking at the last of […]
Imperial Shuttle Co-Pilot
A human male co-pilot served in the Galactic Empire, being aboard the DS-1 Death Star Mobile Battle Station when it destroyed the planet Alderaan in 0 BBY. After the Empire was fractured into remnants, he operated with a remnant led by Moff Gideon.
Space Master Medium Transport
Manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards, the "Space Master" designation referred to the craft's impressive cargo capacity and use of space, and was KDY's version of the Gallofree Yards GR-75 medium transport.
TIE/sa Bomber
The TIE/sa bomber, simply known as the TIE bomber or T/B, was a larger, less maneuverable TIE starfighter used for destroying large starships and pinpoint-precision bombing. The "sa" in the TIE bomber's designation stood for "surface assault."
All Terrain Mobile Loading Gantry (AT-MLG)
The All Terrain Mobile Loading Gantry (AT-MLG) was a model of walker that was used by the New Republic at the Karthon Chop Fields, which was under the jurisdiction of the New Republic Correctional Corps. Mobile loading gantries could be fitted with a claw and be used for scrapping, and were an older model walker similar to the newer All Terrain Heavy Lift Transport (AT-HLT) used on Trask.
The Hassks were a sentient species that were native to Hasskyn. They were almost completely covered in fur, except for their gray-skinned faces. They had sensitive hearing and keen night vision, all the better for hunting. Hassk were near-feral, and were thought of by most as wild animals.
Imperial Juggernaut pilot
Imperial combat drivers were the elite ground-vehicle pilots of the Galactic Empire's Army. Standard combat drivers were trained to handle everything in the Imperial ground arsenal, including 614-AvA speeder bikes, Imperial Troop Transports, and various type of walkers like the All Terrain Defense Pod.