Friday, July 26, 2024

The Force Awakens



Melitto were a species of insectile humanoids native to the planet Li-Toran. They had no eyes or mouth, but were capable of sensing their environment using super-sensitive cilia. Melitto had chitin plates on their heads and forearms, and required the use of breathing tubes when operating in alien atmospheres.

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R2-KT was a compassionate, pink-plated R2 series astromech droid with feminine programming who witnessed the rise and fall of numerous galactic powers. Serving in the Galactic Republic through the Clone Wars, R2-KT eventually came into the service of Leia Organa’s Resistance several decades later during their war against the First Order.

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Ilum was a snow-covered planet located in the 7G sector of the Unknown Regions, within the Ilum system. Ilum had a kyber crystalline core, and had been utilized by the Jedi Order for the Gathering, a rite of passage in which Jedi younglings had to find and harvest kyber crystals for their lightsabers, which had existed for thousands of standard years. After the fall of the Empire, its successor state, the First Order, converted the massive trench into Starkiller Base.

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The Hassks were a sentient species that were native to Hasskyn. They were almost completely covered in fur, except for their gray-skinned faces. They had sensitive hearing and keen night vision, all the better for hunting. Hassk were near-feral, and were thought of by most as wild animals.

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