Jedi Settle Ansion Dispute CUIPERNAM, ANSION – Despite a swath of scattered violence leading all the way into the very halls of the Unity of Community, the Mid Rim world of Ansion voted that it would remain in the Republic. The vote was contingent on the unlikely completion of a mission by a Jedi delegation […]
Month: August 2003
Vigilante Task Force Departs to Engage Separatists EXPANSION REGION NODE – A Republic cruiser assigned to the Judicial Department has defected from the Republic to begin its own private battle against Separatist forces, Republic Judicial Terrinald Screed confirmed today. The Scarlet Thranta, a mid-sized corvette with a crew of 150, ceased communications on a routine patrol […]
Dooku Spotted in Gree Enclave Reports Place Separatist Leader in Obscure Region SATIKAN, ASATION – The Senate Bureau of Intelligence has confirmed sporadic reports that Count Dooku, popular leader of the Separatist movement, was spotted earlier in the week in a remote area of the Outer Rim known as the Gree Enclave. “Analysis of intelligence […]
SPECIAL FEATURE: Sightings by Twang By Dyslogia Twang As I stood there, decked out in my finest Sav’ruuchi pantsuit at the Xenvaer Civic Auditorium, staring at the flotsam swirl and collide in the juice punch, it occurred to me how very much like that watered-down beverage bowl this party was. But wait. I’m getting ahead […]
Proposed Galaxy Gladiator Federation Falling Apart STRAKO, LOOVRIA – While officially banned by the Republic, spectator combat sports are so widespread and openly popular that gladiator promoter Mettez Roi has undertaken a high-profile effort to organize and coordinate these underground matches in the Galaxy Gladiator Federation. Unexpectedly, Roi’s opposition has not come from the Senate, […]
New Cloaking Legislation in Effect JUDICIARY ARCOLOGY, CORUSCANT – The Senate and the Judicial Department approved increased restrictions on the distribution and use of cloaking devices and related technologies yesterday. To keep such sensor countermeasures from “falling into the wrong hands” and to help preserve the dwindling stockpiles of non-renewable cloaking resources found on Aeten […]
Techno Union Tightens Security at Foerost Shipyards HAJIBAR, FOEREST – Citing increased corporate competition, the Techno Union has bolstered security on one of its most significant construction assets, the Foerost Shipyards. Purchased centuries ago from the Republic, Foerost once served as a Republic military staging area in ancient times. Now, the Techno Union’s corporate signatories […]
Leria Kerlsil Opens to Refugees STOKORYCE, LERIA KERLSIL – In a show of Republic loyality, the small Mid Rim world of Leria Kerlsil announced the loosening of immigration laws to allow the influx of refugees. The planet, however, had an odd set of cultural restrictions on newcomers. According to the decree issued from the ruling […]
Tynna to Secede Following Building Disappearance LUTRIS, TYNNA – An empty hole and a cloud of soot is all that remains where the Tynna Central Government Building stood only two hours earlier. Early investigation suggests the destruction is consistent with recent phenomenon being blamed on so-called stone mite creatures. General Council Assistant Zobyteeg was the […]
Naboo Miners Clog Ports in Protest KWILAAN, NABOO – In protest to losing access to Naboo’s most well-stocked starports, a group of spice miners are refusing to vacate their landing slip, forcing a refugee-filled starliner to redirect to Theed. The mining transport, the Pickaxe, and its captain Calquad Dominé have ignored official commands to move the […]