Walkers were armored cavalry vehicles that moved on mechanical legs. They could comprise anywhere between two and twelve legs. They were utilized by the Galactic Republic, the Galactic Empire, the Rebel Alliance, the New Republic, Imperial Remnants, including Imperial territory G5-623, Visler Korda’s faction, and the First Order.
Galactic Republic Walkers

The All Terrain Attack Pod (AT-AP) was a three-legged walker initially used by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. The Alliance later used them to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War against the Galactic Empire.

All Terrain Personal Transport
The All Terrain Personal Transport (AT-PT) was an all-terrain light infantry walker manufactured by Rothana Heavy Engineering. The AT-PT was distinguished by its pair of triple-jointed legs and single-pilot cabin, and it was armed with twin blaster cannons located below the viewport.

The All Terrain Tactical Enforcer (AT-TE) was a hexapodal walker used by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. The walker had six laser cannon turrets, a heavy projectile mass-driver cannon, and legs that could be magnetized to climb up and down walls.

All Terrain Reconnaissance Transport
The All Terrain Reconnaissance Transport (AT-RT) was a small bipedal walker used by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. The walker had an open cockpit and a single chin-mounted laser cannon. Two of these could be stored in the back of an AT-TE. The Empire, the Rebel Alliance, and the First Order also used them.

All Terrain Open Transport
The All Terrain Open Transport (AT-OT) was an octapodal walker used by the Galactic Republic toward the end of the Clone Wars. Its open top allowed it to transport more troopers across the battlefield.

Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery Turbolaser
The Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery Turbolaser (SPHA-T) was a twelve-legged artillery walker used during the start of the Clone Wars.

All Terrain Heavy Enforcer
The All Terrain Heavy Enforcer existed in the time following the AT-TE.
Separatist Walkers

The Harvester was four-legged battle droid used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. It was notably used to mine the flora of Hissrich.

The LM-432 crab droid, commonly referred to as simply the crab droid, was a four-legged droid walker of varying sizes manufactured by the Techno Union.

The OG-9 homing spider droid, a four-legged battle droid manufactured by Baktoid Armor Workshop, was notably used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars.

The Octuptarra tri-droid was a model of a three-legged heavy assault droid walker designed by the Techno Union for the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars and participated in major battles such as the Battle of Christophsis and the Battle of Utapau.
Imperial walkers

All Terrain Anti-Aircraft (AT-AA)
The All Terrain Anti-Aircraft (AT-AA) was a quick-moving, quadrupedal, mobile anti-aircraft walker used by the Galactic Empire.

The All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT) was a quadrupedal walker used by the Galactic Empire after the fall of the Galactic Republic. With a height of over 20 meters, the walker relied heavily on intimidation.

All Terrain Armored Cargo Transport
The All Terrain Armored Cargo Transport (AT-ACT) was a quadrupedal walker used by the Galactic Empire that featured a dedicated cargo bed for transporting heavy building materials or combat munitions. These vehicles shared a similar design with the AT-AT, although they were larger to accommodate storage space and featured less weaponry.

The All Terrain Armored Cannon, or AT-AC, was a bipedal walker that served in the Galactic Empire. The walker was the forerunner to the AT-ST and AT-DP.

The All Terrain Defense Pod (AT-DP) was a bipedal walker used by the Galactic Empire primarily for patrols and scouting missions. The walker could seat two crew members: a driver and a gunner. A variant of the AT-DP was the AT-DP Arc Cannon Prototype, which carried the Arc Pulse Generator, a superweapon.

All Terrain Defense Turret
The All Terrain Defense Turret (AT-DT) was a bipedal walker used by the Galactic Empire in instances such as the Mimban Campaign.

All Terrain Missile Platform
The All Terrain Missile Platform (AT-MP) was a bipedal walker used by the Galactic Empire 3 years after the Battle of Yavin. The AT-MP was heavily armed with missiles and had an even heavier variant, the AT-MP Mark III.

All Terrain Scout Transport
The All Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST) was a bipedal walker used by the Empire to eliminate smaller forces. They were often deployed along with the larger AT-ATs to back them up and eliminate smaller forces. The AT-ST had a more heavily armored variant known as the AT-ST Mark III.

The Scuttler was a prototype walker used by the Visler Korda’s faction late in the Galactic Civil War.
First Order Walkers

All Terrain Heavy Hauler
The All Terrain Heavy Hauler (AT-HH), also known as the Tug Walker, was a walker used by the First Order with the main purpose to tug large and heavy objects, like ground weapons and a superlaser siege cannon. These walkers were present during the Battle of Crait.

All Terrain Heavy Scout
The All-Terrain Heavy Scout (AT-HS) was a walker used by the First Order.

All Terrain MegaCaliber Six
The All Terrain MegaCaliber Six (AT-M6) was a massive walker utilized by the First Order during their conflict with the Resistance. They were notably used during the Battle of Crait.

All Terrain Mobile Artillery
The All Terrain Mobile Artillery (AT-MA) was an artillery walker used by the First Order. They were used to defend Starkiller Base.

All Terrain Patrol Droid
The All Terrain Patrol Droid (AT-PD) was a droid walker used by the First Order to patrol Starkiller Base.

First Order All Terrain Armored Transport
The First Order All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT) was an updated version of the older Imperial AT-AT. These walkers were utilized in the Battle of Crait.

First Order All Terrain Scout Transport
The First Order All Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST) was an updated version of the Imperial AT-ST.

Mobile assault walker
The mobile assault walker was a bipedal walker large enough to carry a single First Order stormtrooper.

Urban Assault Triped Transport
The Urban Assault Triped Transport (UA-TT) was a First Order walker used for pacification operations in urban areas.
Other walkers

Mobile loading gantry
The All Terrain Mobile Loading Gantry (AT-MLG) was a model of walker used by the New Republic at the Karthon Chop Fields, which was under the jurisdiction of the New Republic Correctional Corps.

All Terrain Heavy Lift Transport (AT-HLT)
The All Terrain Heavy Lift Transport (AT-HLT) Were modified Kuat Drive Yard Walkers designed to off-load heavy cargo from the seaport of Trask. At approximately 10 ABY a AT-HLT was required to lift the Razorcrest out of the water of the seaport on Trask after a failed landing sent the ship over the edge of the landing pad.

The OI-CT was a model of crane walker used by the Empire, notably on Corellia and in the construction of Fortress Vader on Mustafar.

AT-ST Raider
The AT-ST Raider was a warpainted and heavily modified variant of the All Terrain Scout Transport used by a Klatooinian raider after the fall of the Galactic Empire.

Manka-Class Armored Transport
The Manka-class armored transport, also known as an APC, was a model of armored walkers in use by both the forces of the Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire during the Great Galactic War, the Cold War, and the Galactic War.

Mountain Terrain Armored Transport
The Mountain Terrain Armored Transport (MT-AT) was an arachnid-like eight-legged walker, apparently designed on the Galactic Empire’s fortress world of Carida. This design earned it the nickname “Spider Walker”.

Storm walker
The storm walker was a model of walker used by the Nihil marauders during the High Republic Era.

Terrapin-class Bulk Tanker
The Terrapin-class Bulk Tanker, a utilitarian craft used to assist in landing on planets with minimal or no docking facilities, was a hybrid starship and walker vehicle.

Umbaran Mobile Heavy Cannon
The Umbaran mobile heavy cannon (UMHC) was a model of walker used by Umbarans during the Clone Wars.