The SE-14r light repeating blaster, also known as the SE-14 blaster pistol, or simply the SE-14 pistol, was a light repeating blaster manufactured by BlasTech Industries designed to be disassembled and fitted with a scope. Greatly resembling the SE-14C blaster pistol, it was used by personnel of the Galactic Empire, including the Imperial Intelligence's death troopers, regular stormtroopers, and some officers.
Tag: The Mandalorian
Mon Calamari
The Mon Calamari were a bipedal, amphibious species with high-domed heads, webbed hands and large, goggle-like eyes. In addition to being webbed, the Mon Calamari hand presented three suction-cup like holes on its palm, and featured five claw-tipped fingers: one opposable thumb, two long middle fingers, and two very short outer fingers.
The Roost was a space station that served as the base of a crew of mercenaries led by Ranzar Malk. The Mandalorian bounty hunter known as Din Djarin visited the space station to join a team of mercenaries, who had been tasked by Malk into rescuing the prisoner Qin from the Bothan-Five, a New Republic Correctional Transport.
Ardennians were a sentient species that were native to Ardennia. Due to their physical nature of being extremely agile and quick in combat, they were well-suited to military professions.
E-22 Blaster Rifle
The E-22 blaster rifle was a reciprocating, double-barreled blaster that was bigger and more powerful than the standard E-11 blaster rifle used by the Galactic Empire's stormtroopers.
MK-Sniper Rifle
The MK sniper rifle was a model of sniper rifle. The assassin Fennec Shand used a modified MK sniper rifle while on the planet Tatooine.
Trask was an estuary moon orbiting the gas giant Kol Iben. Trask was a black market port, and its population consisted mostly of Mon Calamari and Quarren. It featured a series of landing platforms and an inn where chowder was served. There was a rule for departing ships against ascending into the upper atmosphere inside the harbor zone.
Sorgan frog
Sorgan frogs were a species of blue-skinned, one-eyed frogs native to the planet Sorgan. Around 9 ABY, while visiting a village on the planet with Din Djarin, Grogu attempted to eat one of these frogs before stopping when the girl Winta and several other children reacted in disgust, allowing for the frog to escape into a nearby trough.
Farming Droid
A model of droids was used by a human tribe in Sorgan. They assisted them in gathering the krill that were caught in the village's ponds.