The Dugs were a sentient species from the planet Malastare. They were easily identified by their long snouts and the fact that they walked using their arms.
Tag: The Clone Wars
The Gen'Dai were a seemingly immortal, formless species which originated on an unidentified planet in the galaxy. Devoid of any bones, the Gen'Dai typically wore heavy armor to give themselves a humanoid structure.
Dagger Starfighter
The Dagger-class starfighter was a fighter craft designed by Republic Sienar Systems in the last century of the Republic and produced in large numbers around the time of the Battle of Naboo.
Armored Assault Tank Mk I (AAT)
The Armored Assault Tank Mk I, also known as the AAT battle tank or the AAT-1 Hover Tank, was a tank vehicle used by the Trade Federation, Confederacy of Independent Systems, and Rebel Alliance.
Commander Deviss
CT-65/91-6210, also known as "Deviss," was a clone trooper captain who led K Company, a unit within Clone Commander Bly's 327th Star Corps.
The Darksaber
The Darksaber was an ancient and unique black-bladed lightsaber created by Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian ever inducted into the Jedi Order, prior to 1032 BBY.
Droid Gunship
The HMP (Heavy Missile Platform) droid gunship, also known as the HMP Predator, Droid Heavy Missile Platform or droid gunship, was a model of repulsorlift airspeeder created by Geonosians and manufactured by Baktoid Fleet Ordnance and Haor Chall Engineering. Operated by an advanced droid brain, they were used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars.
BTL-B Y-wing starfighter
Unlike the BTL-S3 Y-wing and its successor designs, the BTL-B model had a full covering of both the primary fuselage and engines. A bubble-turret provided clear view for the gunner, with a 360-degree field of fire.
Ahsoka Tano (TCW)
Name: Ahsoka TanoHomeworld: ShiliSpecies: TogrutaGender: FemaleAge: 18Height: 1.61 meters DEXTERITY: 3D+2Blaster: 3D+2Dodge: 5D+2Lightsaber: 6D+1 PERCEPTION: 3DBargain: 3D+2Command: 5DCon: 3D+2Hide: 5D+2Persuasion:3D+2Sneak: 5D+2 KNOWLEDGE: 3D+1Scholar (Jedi Lore): 4D+2Survival: 4DTactics: 4D+1 STRENGTH: 3D+1Climbing/Jumping: 6D MECHANICAL: 3D+1Repulsorlift Operation: 5DStarfighter Piloting: 5D+1Space Transports: 5DStarship Gunnery: 4D+2Sensors: 4DVehicle Weapons: 4D+2 TECHNICAL: 2D+2Demolitions: 4DFirst Aid: 4D+1Lightsaber Repair: 4D+2Medicine: 4D+1Space Transports Repair: 4D […]
Senate Guard
The Senate Guard, also referred to as the Blue Guard, the Republic guard, the Defenders of Democracy, or the "Boys in Blue," was an elite security force of the Galactic Republic.