Friday, July 26, 2024
HoloNet News

Baby Ludi Holos Flood UoC Datanet

UNI-COR CAMPUS 12, CORUSCANT – Student activists have overloaded two University of Coruscant datanet hubs with trillions upon trillions of holographic pictures of Baby Ludi, the infant that is the subject of a custody dispute involving the Jedi Temple. Around 0215 this morning, an automated slicer program began duplicating and propagating the holo images at an exponential rate. The images began to fill the public data-space of the University network, overwriting any files students had stored there. By 1330 this afternoon, both public hubs were completely filled. The images, captured from a HoloNet News report, were doctored to include the caption, “I’d rather be with Mom than Mace,” in reference to senior Jedi Council member, Mace Windu. The Campus Information Office has no leads but is investigating the matter.

PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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