Tishra Kandia was a human female who served the First Order as one of its top intelligence officers.
Tag: star wars d6
Jannah, formerly known as TZ-1719, was a human female and former First Order stormtrooper who lived on Kef Bir after deserting.
FastFlesh Medpac
A advanced medpac manufactured by BioTech Industries. It utilized a number of advanced synthetic biomedical chemicals such as BioTech's Chromostring that allowed for deeper penetration of medicines into a patient's body without causing nerve damage.
<< Previous Page Model: SlickType: Healing agent/recreational narcoticScale: CharacterCost: 100 credits per doseAvailability: 3, F, R, or XGame Notes: A single dose of slick can be applied like a medpac in order to treat wounds. Slick causes a euphoric delirium in the patient, and anyone under the influence of the drug must roll a Heroic […]
Nilar Field Cauterizer
<< Previous Page Model: Nilar Med/Tech Corporation Field CauterizerType: Field cauterizerSkill: First aidCost: 200 (50 when sold to the Rebel Alliance)Availability: 3Game Notes: Heals minor wounds, removing stun damage due to bleeding only (gamemaster’s discretion). It was used to burn wounds shut, disinfecting and cauterizing, by emitting a low-frequency laser beam. << Previous Page
<< Previous Page Model: VitapillCost: 25 credits per pill.Type: Vitality pill/ StimulantAvailability: 1Game Stats: Vitapills are a stimulant that aids in stun recovery, with a single pill reducing the number of “stuns” a character has received by 1D+2. For each pill past the first that is taken within the same 21 hour period, this roll […]
<< Previous Page Model: BioTech Mark 16 EnzymerType: Bio-Identification unit and counter agent producerCost: 500Skill: First AidAvailability: 1Game Notes: An enzymer is a device that grows and identifies biological residues and produces a counter agent to known bacteria and viruses. The enzymer can only produce counter agents to diseases and certain parasites. << Previous Page
Paravacc 1.X
<< Previous Page Name: Paravacc 1.XCost: 1,000Skill: MedicineType: Parasite-repelling vaccineAvailability: 2Maximum Normal Dosage: Once (1) a day.Addiction Factor: 2 (P)Game Stats: Use of the paravacc requires an Easy medicine roll. If successful, the vaccinated character’s Strength is treated as 1D higher for rolls to resist diseases caused by parasites for the next 20 hours. Each […]
Plasma Protein Replicator
<< Previous Page Model: Hadrassi Emergency Medicals Systems Technologies PFG-700Type: Emergency blood synthesizerSkill: First aidCost: 5,500Availability: 3Game Notes: A Difficult first aid roll is required to prepare tissue and blood samples properly and match them with local organic samples for synthesis. A successful operation can replicate up to 2 liters of blood substitute in one […]
Lando Calrissian (ROTJ)
<< Previous Page Name: Landonis Balthazar “Lando” Calrissian (As of the Battle of Endor) Type: Gambler Homeworld: Socorro Species: Human Gender: Male Height: 1.77 meters Move: 10 DEXTERITY 3D+2 Blaster 6D+2 blaster: hold-out blaster 7D brawling parry 5D+1 dodge 6D, grenade 4D+2 melee combat 4D+2 melee parry 5D+1 KNOWLEDGE 3D Alien species 5D bureaucracy 7D […]