Ugnaughts evolved on Gentes, a planet located in the Anoat sector of the Outer Rim Territories. However, throughout history, many were sold into slavery and taken to new worlds to work as indentured servants.
Tag: Aliens
The Quarren, also known by the derogatory nickname "Squid Heads," were a humanoid, squid-like sentient species native to the planet Mon Cala, where they coexisted with the Mon Calamari in a peaceful, albeit tense, relationship.
The Mythrol have amphibious traits such as gills and fins on their heads. They had thoraxes which had to be "evacuated" and could molt.
he Kubaz were a sentient species that were native to the planet Kubindi. They lived on a diet of insects, using their long snout to snatch their prey from inside hives
Rodians were green-skinned humanoids native to the planet Rodia. During the Clone Wars, Rodia was represented by Senator Onaconda Farr in the Galactic Republic’s senate.
Jawas were a sentient species of meter-tall humanoids native to the Outer Rim desert world of Tatooine.
For most of Mimban's history, the planet was ignored by neighboring worlds, as it was deemed "too uncivilized and wild" to colonise. That changed by the time of the Clone Wars. And as of the Imperial era, outside influence has recently prompted the harvesting of hyperbaride minerals though dangerous energy mining techniques.
Aganof were non-humanoid sentients native to the underground caves of Kuras III in Elrood sector. They had long bodies that moved low to the ground on rows of small "legs".
The Adnerem were a tall, thin, humanoid species of mammal native to the pleasure planet of Adner in the Yataga sector of the Expansion Region. Descended from scavenger-hunters, they had large triangular heads with wide eyes and a large lump in the center of the forehead called an echo chamber. Their thin arms each ended in four talons with no opposable thumb.