The Pykes were a species of sentient humanoids native to the planet Oba Diah. The species was distinguished by their unsettlingly large heads and undersized faces. A notable group of Pykes was the Pyke Syndicate, the galaxy's preeminent suppliers of spice, a narcotic substance mined by slaves on the planet Kessel.
Month: July 2021
Durand Guard
The Durand Guard are hired mercenaries who work as the muscle for the Durand Crime Family. They were distinctive gray and black armor with the Durand Crime Family crest on the right shoulder, large helmets, and are armed with a blaster pistol.
Givins were a sentient species from Yag'Dhul. They had the appearance of an animated skeleton, and were renowned for their mathematical genius. During the Galactic Civil War, the Givin cryptographer Drusil Bephorin was recruited into the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
Adarlon was a planet in the Minos Cluster. Colonized in 250 BBY and located on the Rimma Trade Route, it attracted many tourists, and was known for its music and holographic entertainment.
Irlings were large non-sentient insects that lived on the planet Ord Mantell. Irlings formed hives of many individual and highly aggressive towards anything that entered their territory.
S-130 Shelter Speeder
The S-130 Shelter speeder was an airspeeder designed for medical treatment and protection in hazardous environments.
The Fosh were bird-like creatures with slim torsos and delicate arms tipped with four-fingered, talon-like hands that evolved over tens of thousands of years from wings. Due to the frail nature of their bodies, Fosh tended to shy away from conflict and confrontation.
Abregado-Rae, was a trade world located in the galaxy's Core Worlds. It was situated at the beginning of the Rimma Trade Route. Abregado-rae had the reputation to be a rather lawless world, and its main spaceport was as close to a safe dock for smugglers as could be found in the Core.
WLO-5 Speeder Tank
The WLO-5 battle tank, also known as the WLO-5 speeder tank or the WLO-5 Light Speeder Tank, was a speeder tank used by Weequay pirate Hondo Ohnaka and his gang of pirates during the Clone Wars.
Elomin skin featured a variety of colors from bright pink to dark purple. Features of their anatomy which distinguished them from baseline humans included neck wattles, spanchons, four stomachs, generative nodes, six-chambered hearts, nose tusks, long hairs which grew behind their ears, and horns.