Tuesday, July 23, 2024



Cazne Battlefield

Cazne was an area of cratered flatlands located on the planet Ryloth. The site of a major battle during the Battle of Ryloth, it was marked by a number of simple Twi’lek graves, while the underground hideout of the Twi’lek Resistance was hidden beneath the wreckage of a C-9979 landing craft.

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Tipoca City

Tipoca City was the capital city of the watery planet Kamino, and home to several million Kaminoans. The city was a network of domed structures built atop stilts over 150 kilometers at Kamino’s equator. It served as a major military base for the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars, and was the location of the Kaminoan cloning facilities that created the army prior to the war.

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A planet of the Toydaria system located in Hutt Space of the Mid Rim, Toydaria was a temperate world of forests and swamps, with mats of algae covering large portions of the planet’s surface. The atmosphere was typically foggy, and carried a greenish hue. N’Omis flowers grew on the planet.

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