Clone SCUBA troopers, also known as clone dive troopers, were clone troopers from the Grand Army of the Republic who were outfitted for combat in aquatic environments.
Month: April 2021
Yoda’s Lightsaber
Yoda's lightsaber was the personal lightsaber of Yoda, the last Grand Master of the Jedi High Council. In keeping with its owner's stature, the green-bladed weapon had a shorter hilt and shorter blade, similar to a shoto.
Kit Fisto’s Lightsaber
A green-bladed lightsaber was wielded by Nautolan Jedi Master Kit Fisto prior to and during the Clone Wars.
The Nautolans were a humanoid species from the planet Glee Anselm. They were amphibious, and adapted to survive in harsh environments. Nautolan society was largely peaceful, but they were at odds with the Anselmi, a related species also native to their home planet.
Clone Trooper
Clone troopers, also known as Republic troopers, Republic troops, Republic soldiers, and nicknamed the "Boys in White," were highly trained soldiers in the Grand Army of the Republic.
Repulsorpods, also known as hoverpods, viewing platforms, or simply pods, were used by members of the Galactic and Imperial Senates during debates in the Senate Building chamber. After the founding of the New Republic, the use of repulsorpods in the Senate was considered "overly hierarchical", and thus the pods were reserved for ceremonial functions.
Dooku’s Lightsaber
A curved-hilt dual-phase lightsaber was constructed by and served Dooku during his career as both a Jedi Master and a Sith Lord.
Hera Syndulla (Rebels S1)
Hera Syndulla was a Twi’lek female revolutionary who became a central figure in the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire and the formation of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
E-5 Blaster Rifle
The E-5 blaster rifle was the standard-issue armament of the OOM and B1 battle droids and the elite BX-series droid commando. The E-5 blaster rifle was a powerful, light, but somewhat inaccurate weapon.
TSMEU-6 personal Wheel Bike
The TSMEU-6 personal wheel bike, also known simply as the wheel bike, was a model of personal wheel bike manufactured by the Z-Gomot Ternbuell Guppat Corporation.