100 Metric Tons of Ryll Seized

BAGGADO, KARNST – Earlier this week Jedi and Judiciary forces seized approximately 100 metric tons of illegal ryll spice with the impounding of the light freighter Moulee-rah Patogga in the Karstaxon Regions, and are now beginning an investigation into the source of the illicit narcotic.

The freighter, registered to the Besadii Hutt clan, was stationed at a Xizor Transport Systems-owned refueling depot for emergency engine realignment following a blown alluvial damper. “They needed to put down for repairs and fast because of that melted damper,” said XTS Crew Chief Asador Leen. “We let them land here because we didn’t want to see them crash or anything.”

Once settling in port, an XTS technician grew increasingly suspicious of the vessel. “A blow-out like that often happens when a vessel tries to maneuver with more cargo than it’s rated for,” explained Leen. “A look at the ship’s manifest didn’t indicate a full hold, but that’s not how it was flying, so we called in the Judes.” The Judicials arrived, led by Jedi Knight Talilia Weden, and discovered 100 metric tons of ryll spice, valued at over 3.5 million credits.

Once Hutt officials were informed of the seizure, the Desilijic clan was first to voice protestations of entrapment. Jiliac the Hutt accused Republic officials of planting the ryll, but dropped such claims once it was revealed that the freighter was in fact registered to the Besadii clan.

Furious Besadii clan leaders have insisted that the vessel was actually sold to the Desilijic clan over 30 years ago, though no records of this transaction exist. “It’s a conspiracy! That the sales records have been expunged is proof that the Deslijic are behind this!” said Aruk the Hutt.

“I don’t know about this planting business. I mean, someone doesn’t just plant 100 tons of cargo,” said Leen. “XTS records do not indicate anyone going near the freighter once it landed, so that cargo was there to begin with.”

The captain of the vessel, Barada Rakul, and his crew of five have been arrested. Though he has declined any statements pending the arrival of his lawyer, eyewitnesses of the arrest indicate that he knew nothing of the cargo.