Today’s Traveler – The Art of Dealing with Snivvians
A Galactic Phrasebook & Travel Guide Supplement
By Ebenn Q3 Baobab; A HNN Special Feature
A gregarious and proud species, the Snivvians have insinuated themselves throughout the Great Republic, and can be found throughout its splendored and scattered regions. Nowhere else have the Snivvians have made so profound an impact, though, than the art world. Snivvians are spirited and soulful people, having been burdened with a catalog of calamities and sundries throughout their history — global insurrections, genetic mishaps, plagues of slavery and costly fads. Yet despite their blighted pasts, the average Snivvian remains a determined optimist who prefers to express any angst in captivating works of creativity.
Because Snivvians are endlessly fascinated with the galactic community, most have chosen to adopt and speak Basic as well as a diverse range of secondary languages. There are a few creative stalwarts that refuse to let go of their mother tongue, for symbolic, subtextual or fashionable reasons. Furthermore, approaching a Snivvian in their native language, conveniently called Snivvian, will impress them beyond measure, and may make the vital difference in a peace conference, land transaction, or art sale.

The weather is not as deadly today
Pas-morri jurdi los tempas.
The winds are picking up
Insel los verryos.
What do you do for a living?
Cupads-u kwa-essen?
What do you do when you get home?
Relas-u chevrami kwa-essen?
I did not mean any insult.
Slurd-u pas pas min.
What part of Cadomai are you from?
Relas-u di Cadomai kwu-essen?
Can you fly a starship?
Navin-u kir-essen?
What planets have you traveled to?
Locan-u vizzintar kwa-essen?
Counting in Snivvian | |
1 | Crisbon |
2 | Kenzorn |
3 | Myshand |
4 | Bogreen |
5 | Conradek |
6 | Shaynday |
7 | Mabroska |
8 | Darwal |
9 | Alismi |
10 | Xine |
Discussing Art
Even if you’ve never left your local system, you’ve likely been exposed to Snivvian culture. They are the most renowned and prodigious artists in the civilized galaxy, producing masterpieces in holography, painting, sculpture, music, and the written word and more. Snivvians are constantly processing the exterior world through their sensibilities and philosophies. They also require food, shelter, clothing and travel abroad, and have found a receptive audience ready to buy their wares. Much to the betterment of museums, lobbies and dens the galaxy-over, the Snivvians have sold their treasures.
How much is this painting?
Tabble-es domin num-essen?
That sculpture is titillating.
Pookazoon essen monra es.
Did you mean to create a travesty?
Puree un cratta-u hemmin?
I will think about your holo for the rest of my life.
Lumashand-u min-tempi es min-conta.
This would look fantastic over my fireplace.
Eslas essen-din shu ur min fooness.
What do the colors symbolize?
Huen mennis ze kwa-essen?
What were you on when you created this?
Molys-u kwend cratta zu?
There is no greater love than a master’s for his masterpiece.
Di arysi du arys pas-essen lure mass.
Glossary of Common Snivvian Words | |
art | arys |
cold | cotempas |
contract | legwritz |
create | cratta |
credits | domines |
dry | sectempas |
experience | mintempas |
female | eeza |
food | midaz |
fresher | bazos |
help | u-min-udas |
here | e |
hologram | lumashand |
hospital | u-min-relas |
I | min |
literature | minwritz |
male | eezo |
me | min |
music | oro-arys |
painting | tabble |
payment | u-dominmin |
please | grazo |
poetry | uwritz |
repair | fazzen |
Republic | Uchevram |
sculpture | monra |
Separatist | Unarzis |
slavery | purtempas |
song | minoro |
starship | navin |
symbol | mennis |
tavern | urelasmin |
thanks | baz |
ticket | gazzut |
today | jurrdi |
tomorrow | mandi |
twin | purenta |
winter | chotempas |
what | kwa |
when | kwen |
where | kwu |
why | kwy |
yesterday | yandi |
you | u |