Senator Dod in Five-Speeder Skylane Accident FOBOSI DISTRICT, CORUSCANT – After an early morning skyway traffic accident, six injured commuters were rushed to medcenter today, including Trade Federation Senate Representative, Lott Dod. The cause of the accident has been identified as a malfunctioning automated pubtrans flitter that went the wrong direction down skylane T-534D. Commuters […]

Sluis Sector Secedes; Seswenna Restates Loyalty OUTER RIM NODE – With the transmission of Articles of Secession to the Senate, Senator Corlissi Ludar made formal the withdrawal of the Sluis sector from the Republic. Neighboring Seswenna sector representative Senator Shayla Paige-Tarkin responded with an adamant assertion of her sector’s loyalty to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. The […]

Brawl at Regional Dejarik Tournament KANTI, ARKANIA – The holomonsters weren’t the only opponents bludgeoning each other at the Colonies region Dejarik tournament last weekend.Deep into his quarter-final match, Ohh Bronna looked well on his way to repeat his sector championship title against yonta-level player Corwin Kaezeb. Unexpectedly, Kaezeb’s ng’ok sprinted across the board, pushing […]