A semi-sentient reptilian-insectoid species. In ancient times, these gargantuan creatures preyed upon a native indigenous species, the Dugs.
Tag: creatures
A domesticated four-legged species on the planet Malastare which were used as riding mounts by Dug cavaliers. Insectomorphs had a gray hide marked with greenish-yellow stripes. They moved on four legs that ended in two long toe-like pads.
A domesticated species native to the planet Onderon and exported across the galaxy to planets such as Felucia and Florrum as battle mounts. They were used by Nysillin farmers on Felucia.
Pikk Mukmuk
Pikk Mukmuk was a Kowakian monkey-lizard kept as a pet by Hondo Ohnaka along side his brother Pilf. Pikk was a member of the Ohnaka Gang, helping Hondo Ohnaka to do his dirty work. At some point, Ohnaka lost Mukmuk and stated that he never truly appreciated him until he was gone.
An aerial mammavian species native to the planet Iego. They were one of many predators native to the world, and were capable of hunting and carrying prey as large as a human.
Shaaks were a bulbous mammalian species of non-sentient herbivores that grazed on the grasslands of Naboo. Gentle and non-threatening, shaaks were slow movers.
Tatooine Lizard
Tusken's used Tatooine Lizards as guides. When influenced with spice the lizards would crawl up the sinus cavity and attach themselves to the brain. There they would guide the user on a quest to find wood used to make Gaderffii sticks. When complete the lizard would exit the body.
Sand Bat
Sand bats were nocturnal hunters that used to hunt both alone or in small packs, but there were chances to see them gathering into massive "swarms". The swarm was a form of society, since the individuals were protected from threats thanks to the massive numbers and it helped the species to ensure genetic diversity while increasing the creatures' population.