Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Kowakian monkey-lizard


Pikk Mukmuk

Pikk Mukmuk was a Kowakian monkey-lizard kept as a pet by Hondo Ohnaka along side his brother Pilf. Pikk was a member of the Ohnaka Gang, helping Hondo Ohnaka to do his dirty work. At some point, Ohnaka lost Mukmuk and stated that he never truly appreciated him until he was gone.

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Kowakian monkey-lizard

Kowakian monkey-lizards were a bipedal reptilian species native to a jungle-like Outer Rim planet called Kowak. Although they had no established culture, Kowakian monkey-lizards were quite intelligent, and despite their silly, cruel nature, they were considered sentient by many sentientologists in the galaxy, although there was much debate over that designation.

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