Loyalist Committee Split on Vote
Special Report by Jacen Kodash

GALACTIC CITY, CORUSCANT – Though they stand united in their efforts to preserve the Republic, even the Loyalist Committee is split when it comes to deciding the outcome of the Military Creation Act. A look at campaigning efforts by the key Loyalists in the past few weeks reveals their likely votes.
Senator Ask Aak has long been a proponent of an increased military presence throughout the Republic, an opinion shared by most Gran of Malastare. Following the death of Senator Aks Moe by suspected Separatist hands, Aak has redoubled the Malastarian efforts to ensure the Military Creation Act passes through the Senate. Aak has even been vocally critical of the Jedi order and their efforts of maintaining peace.
Senator Padmé Amidala is probably the most well known opponent of the Military Creation Act, having spearheaded the Campaign Against Republic Militarization. Her Naboo heritage and sensibilities, shared by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, prefer negotiation and peaceful alternatives to armed conflict. Amidala has long been warning that a yes vote in the Military Creation Act will lead to warfare,
Alderaan’s Senator Bail Organa has expressed frustration with bureaucratic stalemating that has stalled the Military Creation Act for nearly two years. Though Organa isn’t a strong militarist, he has been very vocal for the Republic to take action — any action — in dealing with the Separatists. For this reason, it is believed he will back the Military Creation Act.
One of Palpatine’s loudest critics has been Senator Onaconda Farr of Rodia, though lately his tones have been remarkably muted. Farr’s Rodian background instills in him a long martial tradition that emphasizes the survival of the strong over the weak. His fierce dedication to the Republic sees no alternative but to pass the Military Creation Act. It is believed that should the vote come to pass, he would strongly petition to be on any steering committees required to oversee military activities.
Also continuing a warlike tradition is Senator Ronet Coorr of Iseno. His high gravity homeworld maintains a storied legacy of military pageantry through its mainly traditional honor guard. He is expected to vote for the creation of an Army.
Senator Lexi Dio most probably shares the sentiments common on her homeworld of Uyter. The peaceful agri-world has a reputation of independence and disdain for big government. Dio will likely echo that viewpoint by voting against the Military Creation Act, a proposal commonly viewed by Uyterrans as alarmist and too empowering for the Republic government.
The always vocal Senator Orn Free Taa has managed to remain cagey on this issue. At the start of the Separatist crisis, he lauded the Jedi efforts to maintain the peace, though lately he has become critical of their shortcomings. He will likely support the basic Military Creation Act vote, but when specifics arise, be very careful to veto any military funding pulled from of his Appropriations Committee budget.