The Loronar B-7 light freighter was a starship used throughout the Galaxy. The B-7 was manufactured decades before the Clone Wars.
Category: Space Transports
Zeta-class cargo shuttle
The Zeta-class cargo shuttle, also known as the Zeta-class Heavy Cargo Shuttle was a type of cargo shuttle used by the Galactic Empire in its fight against the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
UT-60D U-Wing Troop Transport
The UT-60D U-wing starfighter/support craft, also known as the UT-60D, U-wing or UT-60D U-wing Troop Transport
Sentinel-Class Troop Carrier
The Sentinel-class landing craft can be fitted with a large cargo module, allowing it to transport larger payloads, including ground vehicles, While this module is attached.
Lambda-class Shuttle T-4A Long Range Shuttle
The Lambda-class T-4a shuttle, also known as the Lambda-class shuttle, Imperial Lambda, Imperial Transport or the Imperial Shuttle.
The Millennium Falcon (ANH-TROS)
The Millennium Falcon, originally designated YT 492727ZED and formerly known as the Stellar Envoy, was a Corellian YT-1300f light freighter most famously used by the smugglers Han Solo and Chewbacca, during and following the Galactic Civil War.
Slave I
Jango Fett originally stole Slave I from Oovo IV, outfitting the craft with a number of weapons, including laser cannons, projectile launchers, and seismic charges.
Geonosian Solar Sailer
The Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop was a personal yacht designed by the Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective of Geonosis.
Naboo Yacht
The H-type Nubian yacht, also known as the Naboo yacht, was a small yacht used by the Naboo. While not heavily armed, they were equipped with a strong deflector shield.
Republic Transport Shuttle
The Republic transport shuttle was a class of shuttle used by the Galactic Republic during the Cold War and the Galactic War with the reconstituted Sith Empire, transporting troops and civilians to various worlds.