Ezra Bridger, a Force-sensitive human male, was a Jedi Padawan, a freedom fighter, and a revolutionary leader in the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire.
Category: Ahsoka
Force Boost
A Jedi uses this power in tandem with the Force Jump ability to increase their range to land impossibly high leaps.
Ahsoka – S01E07 – Part Seven: Dreams and Madness
Hera must answer to the New Republic while far, far away, a reunion takes place.
C-3PO (See-Threepio) was a 3PO-series protocol droid designed to interact with organics, programmed primarily for etiquette and protocol.
Nightsister Orb
Nightsisters on the planet Peridea used three orbs to tether Sabine Wren and they pulled her to a cell in the Nightsister Stronghold. The full purpose of these orbs is unknown.
Ahsoka – S01E06 – Far, Far Away
The search for Grand Admiral Thrawn reaches beyond the limits of the galaxy.
The Noti are an amphibious species from the extragalactic world of Peridea that many consider a relatively primitive society.
Peridea was an extragalactic planet located in a distant barred spiral galaxy where Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn was banished from his original galaxy.
Nightsister Stronghold
The Nightsister Stronghold was located on Peridea, the homeworld of the Nightsisters. It served as the primary settlement for the witches.