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Senators Implicated in Slave Ring YRACTOS, GYNDINE – Recently disclosed documents and testimony from a captured Thalassian slaver on Gyndine have implicated four Outer Rim Senators as profiting from slaving ventures in their sectors. Senator Tikkes (Mon Calamari), Senator Bufus Ritsomas (Till Chorios), Senator Danry Ledwellow (Er’kit) and Senator Wuja Wojaine (Pydyr) were all implicated. […]

Sensor Technology Dispute Settled in Takeover HPAQ, VULPTER – The 18-month-long dispute between Viper Sensor Intelligence Systems and Arakyd Industries is now resolved following the Arakyd assault and takeover of the VSIS headquarters. Asserting that Viper’s prototype XPLR-R hyperspace-route-mapping and habitation-location unit borrowed heavily from the proprietary designs of the Arakyd line of probing droids, […]

Isard Spearheads Republic Intelligence Reform SBI CENTRAL, CORUSCANT – Armand Isard, Director of the Senate Bureau of Intelligence, has been empowered by the Supreme Chancellor’s Loyalist Committee to reform the Republic’s largest intelligence organization in light of increased security concerns. “For too long the unscrupulous have been taking advantage of chinks in the bureau’s armor. […]

Kashyyyk / Trandoshan Talks Break Down HSSKHOR, TRANDOSHA – The Kashyyyk / Trandoshan peace negotiations disintegrated today when word reached Wookiee delegates that a Trandoshan initiative for Senate representation was being aided by the Trade Federation. Crovessk, CEO of Trandosha’s Revessa Global Shipping, was able to schedule an appeal to the Senate next month through […]

Garbage Launcher Misfire Kills 48; Closes Desrini DESRINI DISTRICT, CORUSCANT – The Desrini district of northern Coruscant is still closed following a catastrophic garbage launcher misfire that has killed at least 48 and has littered the entire district with dangerous industrial waste. At 0801 this morning, Waste Canister Delivery Port 84-D-21 launched its regularly scheduled […]