Sunday, July 7, 2024
HoloNet News

Army Vote Prompts Chandrilan Public Safety Walk-out

HANNA CITY, CHANDRILA — Following the announcement of the Army Vote over general HoloNet channels, the 575 employees of Chandrila’s Public Safety Commission, responsible for medical and emergency crisis response in Hanna City, walked off the job for 48 standard hours. “We have our duties, and will return to them,” assured protesting worker Ocandra Leeds. “But we wanted to demonstrate our objection to this turn of events in a way that would be remembered. Handing over homeland security to the Republic will result in depersonalized services here at home, as tax revenues earmarked for local forces are instead funneled to support the Army of the Republic.”
Prior to the walk-out, Public Safety employees did take care to program droid assistants to handle the increased workload, something that will be weighed by Chandrila’s government when judging the protestor’s actions. “Chandrila has always encouraged and fostered free, responsible speech, and it would appear that these workers took every measure to ensure their absence would not endanger anyone,” said Govenor Tanis Mothma.

PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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